Reputation: 1
My r script is not properly running functions in their entirety.
I am working through the Elith et al. 2008 "A Working Guide to Boosted Regression Trees" but am having difficulty running through the code provided for the guide. When I go to the brt.functions.R script and try to run the first function, my console stops at line 30 after the parameters have been set but before the actual equations are set in the {}. The full function is just over 600 lines long. When I highlight the entire function and tell r to run, it works. So the function isn't the problem, I suspect there is some setting in my rstudio that is causing the bug?
The same issue occurs when I try to run the other functions in the script. My rstudio and r and packages are all up to date. I've tried restarting my session and my laptop but no such luck. I have watched other people run the code just fine, so I'm alone in the issue it seems. I even tried matching my global options settings to those who don't have the issue but so far that hasn't helped. I have a PC as do others who are able to run the code with no issues.
Here is the code for the function, though I don't have any reason to believe the code is at fault:
"gbm.step" <-
function (data, # the input dataframe
gbm.x, # the predictors
gbm.y, # and response
offset = NULL, # allows an offset to be specified
fold.vector = NULL, # allows a fold vector to be read in for CV with offsets,
tree.complexity = 1, # sets the complexity of individual trees
learning.rate = 0.01, # sets the weight applied to inidivudal trees
bag.fraction = 0.75, # sets the proportion of observations used in selecting variables
site.weights = rep(1, nrow(data)), # allows varying weighting for sites
var.monotone = rep(0, length(gbm.x)), # restricts responses to individual predictors to monotone
n.folds = 10, # number of folds
prev.stratify = TRUE, # prevalence stratify the folds - only for p/a data
family = "bernoulli", # family - bernoulli (=binomial), poisson, laplace or gaussian
n.trees = 50, # number of initial trees to fit
step.size = n.trees, # numbers of trees to add at each cycle
max.trees = 10000, # max number of trees to fit before stopping
tolerance.method = "auto", # method to use in deciding to stop - "fixed" or "auto"
tolerance = 0.001, # tolerance value to use - if method == fixed is absolute,
# if auto is multiplier * total mean deviance = FALSE, # keep raw data in final model
plot.main = TRUE, # plot hold-out deviance curve
plot.folds = FALSE, # plot the individual folds as well
verbose = TRUE, # control amount of screen reporting
silent = FALSE, # to allow running with no output for simplifying model)
keep.fold.models = FALSE, # keep the fold models from cross valiation
keep.fold.vector = FALSE, # allows the vector defining fold membership to be kept = FALSE, # allows the predicted values for observations from CV to be kept
...) # allows for any additional plotting parameters
# j. leathwick/j. elith - 19th September 2005
# version 2.9
# function to assess optimal no of boosting trees using k-fold cross validation
# implements the cross-validation procedure described on page 215 of
# Hastie T, Tibshirani R, Friedman JH (2001) The Elements of Statistical Learning:
# Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction Springer-Verlag, New York.
# divides the data into 10 subsets, with stratification by prevalence if required for pa data
# then fits a gbm model of increasing complexity along the sequence from n.trees to n.trees + (n.steps * step.size)
# calculating the residual deviance at each step along the way
# after each fold processed, calculates the average holdout residual deviance and its standard error
# then identifies the optimal number of trees as that at which the holdout deviance is minimised
# and fits a model with this number of trees, returning it as a gbm model along with additional information
# from the cv selection process
# updated 13/6/05 to accommodate weighting of sites
# updated 19/8/05 to increment all folds simultaneously, allowing the stopping rule
# for the maxinum number of trees to be fitted to be imposed by the data,
# rather than being fixed in advance
# updated 29/8/05 to return cv test statistics, and deviance as mean
# time for analysis also returned via unclass(Sys.time())
# updated 5/9/05 to use external function calc.deviance
# and to return cv test stats via predictions formed from fold models
# with n.trees = target.trees
# updated 15/5/06 to calculate variance of fitted and predicted values across folds
# these can be expected to approximate the variance of fitted values
# as would be estimated for example by bootstrapping
# as these will underestimate the true variance
# they are corrected by multiplying by (n-1)2/n
# where n is the number of folds
# updated 25/3/07 tp allow varying of bag fraction
# requires gbm library from Cran
# requires roc and calibration scripts of J Elith
# requires calc.deviance script of J Elith/J Leathwick
if (silent) verbose <- FALSE
# initiate timing call
z1 <- unclass(Sys.time())
# setup input data and assign to position one <- deparse(substitute(data)) # get the dataframe name
data <- eval(data) <- eval(data[, gbm.x]) #form the temporary datasets
names( <- names(data)[gbm.x] <- eval(data[, gbm.y]) <- names(data)[gbm.y]
if (family == "bernoulli") prevalence <- mean(
assign("",, env = globalenv()) #and assign them for later use
assign("",, env = globalenv()) <- deparse(substitute(offset)) # get the dataframe name
offset = eval(offset)
n.cases <- nrow(data)
n.preds <- length(gbm.x)
if (!silent) {
cat("\n","\n","GBM STEP - version 2.9","\n","\n")
cat("Performing cross-validation optimisation of a boosted regression tree model \n")
cat("for",,"with dataframe",,"and using a family of",family,"\n\n")
cat("Using",n.cases,"observations and",n.preds,"predictors \n\n")
# set up the selector variable either with or without prevalence stratification
if (is.null(fold.vector)) {
if (prev.stratify & family == "bernoulli") {
presence.mask <- data[,gbm.y] == 1
absence.mask <- data[,gbm.y] == 0
n.pres <- sum(presence.mask)
n.abs <- sum(absence.mask)
# create a vector of randomised numbers and feed into presences
selector <- rep(0,n.cases)
temp <- rep(seq(1, n.folds, by = 1), length = n.pres)
temp <- temp[order(runif(n.pres, 1, 100))]
selector[presence.mask] <- temp
# and then do the same for absences
temp <- rep(seq(1, n.folds, by = 1), length = n.abs)
temp <- temp[order(runif(n.abs, 1, 100))]
selector[absence.mask] <- temp
else { #otherwise make them random with respect to presence/absence
selector <- rep(seq(1, n.folds, by = 1), length = n.cases)
selector <- selector[order(runif(n.cases, 1, 100))]
else {
if (length(fold.vector) != n.cases) stop("supplied fold vector is of wrong length")
cat("loading user-supplied fold vector \n\n")
selector <- eval(fold.vector)
# set up the storage space for results
pred.values <- rep(0, n.cases)
cv.loss.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = n.folds, ncol = 1)
training.loss.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = n.folds, ncol = 1)
trees.fitted <- n.trees
model.list <- list(paste("model",c(1:n.folds),sep="")) # dummy list for the tree models
# set up the initial call to gbm
if (is.null(offset)) { <- paste("gbm(y.subset ~ .,data=x.subset, n.trees = n.trees,
interaction.depth = tree.complexity, shrinkage = learning.rate,
bag.fraction = bag.fraction, weights = weight.subset,
distribution = as.character(family), var.monotone = var.monotone,
verbose = FALSE)", sep="")
else { <- paste("gbm(y.subset ~ . + offset(offset.subset),
data=x.subset, n.trees = n.trees,
interaction.depth = tree.complexity, shrinkage = learning.rate,
bag.fraction = bag.fraction, weights = weight.subset,
distribution = as.character(family), var.monotone = var.monotone,
verbose = FALSE)", sep="")
n.fitted <- n.trees
# calculate the total deviance
y_i <-
u_i <- sum( * site.weights) / sum(site.weights)
u_i <- rep(u_i,length(y_i))
total.deviance <- calc.deviance(y_i, u_i, weights = site.weights, family = family, calc.mean = FALSE) <- total.deviance/n.cases
tolerance.test <- tolerance
if (tolerance.method == "auto") {
tolerance.test <- * tolerance
# now step through the folds setting up the initial call
if (!silent){
cat("creating",n.folds,"initial models of",n.trees,"trees","\n")
if (prev.stratify & family == "bernoulli") cat("\n","folds are stratified by prevalence","\n","\n")
else cat("\n","folds are unstratified","\n","\n")
cat ("total mean deviance = ",round(,4),"\n","\n")
cat("tolerance is fixed at ",round(tolerance.test,4),"\n","\n")
if (tolerance.method != "fixed" & tolerance.method != "auto") {
cat("invalid argument for tolerance method - should be auto or fixed","\n")
if (verbose) cat("ntrees resid. dev.","\n")
for (i in 1:n.folds) {
model.mask <- selector != i #used to fit model on majority of data
pred.mask <- selector == i #used to identify the with-held subset
y.subset <-[model.mask]
x.subset <-[model.mask,]
weight.subset <- site.weights[model.mask]
if (!is.null(offset)) {
offset.subset <- offset[model.mask]
else {
offset.subset <- NULL
model.list[[i]] <- eval(parse(text =
fitted.values <- model.list[[i]]$fit #predict.gbm(model.list[[i]], x.subset, type = "response", n.trees = n.trees)
if (!is.null(offset)) fitted.values <- fitted.values + offset[model.mask]
if (family == "bernoulli") fitted.values <- exp(fitted.values)/(1 + exp(fitted.values))
if (family == "poisson") fitted.values <- exp(fitted.values)
pred.values[pred.mask] <- predict.gbm(model.list[[i]],[pred.mask, ], n.trees = n.trees)
if (!is.null(offset)) pred.values[pred.mask] <- pred.values[pred.mask] + offset[pred.mask]
if (family == "bernoulli") pred.values[pred.mask] <- exp(pred.values[pred.mask])/(1 + exp(pred.values[pred.mask]))
if (family == "poisson") pred.values[pred.mask] <- exp(pred.values[pred.mask])
# calc training deviance
y_i <- y.subset
u_i <- fitted.values
weight.fitted <- site.weights[model.mask]
training.loss.matrix[i,1] <- calc.deviance(y_i, u_i, weight.fitted, family = family)
# calc holdout deviance
y_i <-[pred.mask]
u_i <- pred.values[pred.mask]
weight.preds <- site.weights[pred.mask]
cv.loss.matrix[i,1] <- calc.deviance(y_i, u_i, weight.preds, family = family)
} # end of first loop
# now process until the change in mean deviance is =< tolerance or max.trees is exceeded
delta.deviance <- 1
cv.loss.values <- apply(cv.loss.matrix,2,mean)
if (verbose) cat(n.fitted," ",round(cv.loss.values,4),"\n","\n")
if (!silent) cat("")
if (!silent) cat("now adding trees...","\n")
j <- 1
while (delta.deviance > tolerance.test & n.fitted < max.trees) { # beginning of inner loop
# add a new column to the results matrice..
training.loss.matrix <- cbind(training.loss.matrix,rep(0,n.folds))
cv.loss.matrix <- cbind(cv.loss.matrix,rep(0,n.folds))
n.fitted <- n.fitted + step.size
trees.fitted <- c(trees.fitted,n.fitted)
j <- j + 1
for (i in 1:n.folds) {
model.mask <- selector != i #used to fit model on majority of data
pred.mask <- selector == i #used to identify the with-held subset
y.subset <-[model.mask]
x.subset <-[model.mask,]
weight.subset <- site.weights[model.mask]
if (!is.null(offset)) {
offset.subset <- offset[model.mask]
model.list[[i]] <- gbm.more(model.list[[i]], weights = weight.subset, step.size)
fitted.values <- model.list[[i]]$fit # predict.gbm(model.list[[i]],x.subset, type = "response", n.trees = n.fitted)
if (!is.null(offset)) fitted.values <- fitted.values + offset[model.mask]
if (family == "bernoulli") fitted.values <- exp(fitted.values)/(1 + exp(fitted.values))
if (family == "poisson") fitted.values <- exp(fitted.values)
pred.values[pred.mask] <- predict.gbm(model.list[[i]],[pred.mask, ], n.trees = n.fitted)
if (!is.null(offset)) pred.values[pred.mask] <- pred.values[pred.mask] + offset[pred.mask]
if (family == "bernoulli") pred.values[pred.mask] <- exp(pred.values[pred.mask])/(1 + exp(pred.values[pred.mask]))
if (family == "poisson") pred.values[pred.mask] <- exp(pred.values[pred.mask])
# calculate training deviance
y_i <- y.subset
u_i <- fitted.values
weight.fitted <- site.weights[model.mask]
training.loss.matrix[i,j] <- calc.deviance(y_i, u_i, weight.fitted, family = family)
# calc holdout deviance
u_i <- pred.values[pred.mask]
y_i <-[pred.mask]
weight.preds <- site.weights[pred.mask]
cv.loss.matrix[i,j] <- calc.deviance(y_i, u_i, weight.preds, family = family)
} # end of inner loop
cv.loss.values <- apply(cv.loss.matrix,2,mean)
if (j < 5) {
if (cv.loss.values[j] > cv.loss.values[j-1]) {
if (!silent) cat("restart model with a smaller learning rate or smaller step size...")
if (j >= 20) { #calculate stopping rule value
test1 <- mean(cv.loss.values[(j-9):j])
test2 <- mean(cv.loss.values[(j-19):(j-9)])
delta.deviance <- test2 - test1
if (verbose) cat(n.fitted," ",round(cv.loss.values[j],4),"\n")
} # end of while loop
# now begin process of calculating optimal number of trees
training.loss.values <- apply(training.loss.matrix,2,mean) <- rep(0,length(cv.loss.values)) <- sqrt(apply(cv.loss.matrix,2,var)) / sqrt(n.folds)
# find the target holdout deviance <- min(cv.loss.values)
# plot out the resulting curve of holdout deviance
if (plot.main) {
y.min <- min(cv.loss.values - #je added multiplier 10/8/05
y.max <- max(cv.loss.values + #je added multiplier 10/8/05 }
if (plot.folds) {
y.min <- min(cv.loss.matrix)
y.max <- max(cv.loss.matrix) }
plot(trees.fitted, cv.loss.values, type = 'l', ylab = "holdout deviance",
xlab = "no. of trees", ylim = c(y.min,y.max), ...)
abline(h =, col = 2)
lines(trees.fitted, cv.loss.values +, lty=2)
lines(trees.fitted, cv.loss.values -, lty=2)
if (plot.folds) {
for (i in 1:n.folds) {
lines(trees.fitted, cv.loss.matrix[i,],lty = 3)
# identify the optimal number of trees
target.trees <- trees.fitted[match(TRUE,cv.loss.values ==]
if(plot.main) {
abline(v = target.trees, col=3)
title(paste(,", d - ",tree.complexity,", lr - ",learning.rate, sep=""))
# estimate the cv deviance and test statistics
# includes estimates of the standard error of the fitted values added 2nd may 2005
cv.deviance.stats <- rep(0, n.folds)
cv.roc.stats <- rep(0, n.folds)
cv.cor.stats <- rep(0, n.folds)
cv.calibration.stats <- matrix(0, ncol=5, nrow = n.folds)
if (family == "bernoulli") threshold.stats <- rep(0, n.folds)
fitted.matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.cases, ncol = n.folds) # used to calculate se's <- rep(0,n.cases)
for (i in 1:n.folds) {
pred.mask <- selector == i #used to identify the with-held subset
model.mask <- selector != i #used to fit model on majority of data
fits <- predict.gbm(model.list[[i]],[model.mask, ], n.trees = target.trees)
if (!is.null(offset)) fits <- fits + offset[model.mask]
if (family == "bernoulli") fits <- exp(fits)/(1 + exp(fits))
if (family == "poisson") fits <- exp(fits)
fitted.matrix[model.mask,i] <- fits
fits <- predict.gbm(model.list[[i]],[pred.mask, ], n.trees = target.trees)
if (!is.null(offset)) fits <- fits + offset[pred.mask][pred.mask] <- fits # store the linear predictor values
if (family == "bernoulli") fits <- exp(fits)/(1 + exp(fits))
if (family == "poisson") fits <- exp(fits)
fitted.matrix[pred.mask,i] <- fits
y_i <-[pred.mask]
u_i <- fitted.matrix[pred.mask,i] #pred.values[pred.mask]
weight.preds <- site.weights[pred.mask]
cv.deviance.stats[i] <- calc.deviance(y_i, u_i, weight.preds, family = family)
cv.cor.stats[i] <- cor(y_i,u_i)
if (family == "bernoulli") {
cv.roc.stats[i] <- roc(y_i,u_i)
cv.calibration.stats[i,] <- calibration(y_i,u_i,"binomial")
threshold.stats[i] <- approx(ppoints(u_i), sort(u_i,decreasing = T), prevalence)$y
if (family == "poisson") {
cv.calibration.stats[i,] <- calibration(y_i,u_i,"poisson")
fitted.vars <- apply(fitted.matrix,1, var, na.rm = TRUE)
# now calculate the mean and se's for the folds <- mean(cv.deviance.stats, na.rm = TRUE) <- sqrt(var(cv.deviance.stats)) / sqrt(n.folds)
cv.cor <- mean(cv.cor.stats, na.rm = TRUE) <- sqrt(var(cv.cor.stats, use = "complete.obs")) / sqrt(n.folds)
cv.roc <- 0.0 <- 0.0
if (family == "bernoulli") {
cv.roc <- mean(cv.roc.stats,na.rm=TRUE) <- sqrt(var(cv.roc.stats, use = "complete.obs")) / sqrt(n.folds)
cv.threshold <- mean(threshold.stats, na.rm = T) <- sqrt(var(threshold.stats, use = "complete.obs")) / sqrt(n.folds)
cv.calibration <- 0.0 <- 0.0
if (family == "poisson" | family == "bernoulli") {
cv.calibration <- apply(cv.calibration.stats,2,mean) <- apply(cv.calibration.stats,2,var) <- sqrt( / sqrt(n.folds) }
# fit the final model
if (is.null(offset)) { <- paste("gbm( ~ .,, n.trees = target.trees,
interaction.depth = tree.complexity, shrinkage = learning.rate,
bag.fraction = bag.fraction, weights = site.weights,
distribution = as.character(family), var.monotone = var.monotone,
verbose = FALSE)", sep="")
else { <- paste("gbm( ~ . + offset(offset),, n.trees = target.trees,
interaction.depth = tree.complexity, shrinkage = learning.rate,
bag.fraction = bag.fraction, weights = site.weights,
distribution = as.character(family), var.monotone = var.monotone,
verbose = FALSE)", sep="")
if (!silent) cat("fitting final gbm model with a fixed number of ",target.trees," trees for ",,"\n")
gbm.object <- eval(parse(text =
best.trees <- target.trees
#extract fitted values and summary table
gbm.summary <- summary(gbm.object,n.trees = target.trees, plotit = FALSE)
fits <- predict.gbm(gbm.object,,n.trees = target.trees)
if (!is.null(offset)) fits <- fits + offset
if (family == "bernoulli") fits <- exp(fits)/(1 + exp(fits))
if (family == "poisson") fits <- exp(fits)
fitted.values <- fits
y_i <-
u_i <- fitted.values
resid.deviance <- calc.deviance(y_i, u_i, weights = site.weights, family = family, calc.mean = FALSE)
self.cor <- cor(y_i,u_i)
self.calibration <- 0.0
self.roc <- 0.0
if (family == "bernoulli") { # do this manually as we need the residuals
deviance.contribs <- (y_i * log(u_i)) + ((1-y_i) * log(1 - u_i))
residuals <- sqrt(abs(deviance.contribs * 2))
residuals <- ifelse((y_i - u_i) < 0, 0 - residuals, residuals)
self.roc <- roc(y_i,u_i)
self.calibration <- calibration(y_i,u_i,"binomial")
if (family == "poisson") { # do this manually as we need the residuals
deviance.contribs <- ifelse(y_i == 0, 0, (y_i * log(y_i/u_i))) - (y_i - u_i)
residuals <- sqrt(abs(deviance.contribs * 2))
residuals <- ifelse((y_i - u_i) < 0, 0 - residuals, residuals)
self.calibration <- calibration(y_i,u_i,"poisson")
if (family == "gaussian" | family == "laplace") {
residuals <- y_i - u_i
mean.resid.deviance <- resid.deviance/n.cases
z2 <- unclass(Sys.time())
elapsed.time.minutes <- round((z2 - z1)/ 60,2) #calculate the total elapsed time
if (verbose) {
cat("mean total deviance =", round(,3),"\n")
cat("mean residual deviance =", round(mean.resid.deviance,3),"\n","\n")
cat("estimated cv deviance =", round(,3),"; se =",
cat("training data correlation =",round(self.cor,3),"\n")
cat("cv correlation = ",round(cv.cor,3),"; se =",round(,3),"\n","\n")
if (family == "bernoulli") {
cat("training data ROC score =",round(self.roc,3),"\n")
cat("cv ROC score =",round(cv.roc,3),"; se =",round(,3),"\n","\n")
cat("elapsed time - ",round(elapsed.time.minutes,2),"minutes","\n")
if (n.fitted == max.trees & !silent) {
cat("\n","########### warning ##########","\n","\n")
cat("maximum tree limit reached - results may not be optimal","\n")
cat(" - refit with faster learning rate or increase maximum number of trees","\n")
# now assemble data to be returned
gbm.detail <- list(dataframe =, gbm.x = gbm.x, predictor.names = names(,
gbm.y = gbm.y, =, offset =, family = family, tree.complexity = tree.complexity,
learning.rate = learning.rate, bag.fraction = bag.fraction, cv.folds = n.folds,
prev.stratification = prev.stratify, max.fitted = n.fitted, n.trees = target.trees,
best.trees = target.trees, train.fraction = 1.0, tolerance.method = tolerance.method,
tolerance = tolerance, var.monotone = var.monotone, date = date(),
elapsed.time.minutes = elapsed.time.minutes)
training.stats <- list(null = total.deviance, mean.null =,
resid = resid.deviance, mean.resid = mean.resid.deviance, correlation = self.cor,
discrimination = self.roc, calibration = self.calibration)
cv.stats <- list(deviance.mean =, =,
correlation.mean = cv.cor, =,
discrimination.mean = cv.roc, =,
calibration.mean = cv.calibration, =
if (family == "bernoulli") {
cv.stats$cv.threshold <- cv.threshold
cv.stats$ <-
rm(,, envir = globalenv()) #finally, clean up the temporary dataframes
# and assemble results for return
gbm.object$ <- gbm.detail
gbm.object$fitted <- fitted.values
gbm.object$fitted.vars <- fitted.vars
gbm.object$residuals <- residuals
gbm.object$contributions <- gbm.summary
gbm.object$self.statistics <- training.stats
gbm.object$cv.statistics <- cv.stats
gbm.object$weights <- site.weights
gbm.object$trees.fitted <- trees.fitted
gbm.object$training.loss.values <- training.loss.values
gbm.object$cv.values <- cv.loss.values
gbm.object$ <-
gbm.object$cv.loss.matrix <- cv.loss.matrix
gbm.object$cv.roc.matrix <- cv.roc.stats
if (keep.fold.models) gbm.object$fold.models <- model.list
else gbm.object$fold.models <- NULL
if (keep.fold.vector) gbm.object$fold.vector <- selector
else gbm.object$fold.vector <- NULL
if ( gbm.object$ <-
else gbm.object$ <- NULL
Any ideas as to what settings would help correct the issue?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
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