Reputation: 148
I´m trying to implement for my JSF webapplication the Auth with Keycloak. I spent already many hours, but it´s still not working. After I login in the login screen from Keycloak, my login in Keycloak is working and I can see in the admin portal from Keycloak my Session. Afterwards I will be redirect to my Webapplication. But in my webapp I have still not authentification and cannot login in my webportal. So there seems some issue in my settings.
Here is my shiro.ini
oidcConfig = org.pac4j.oidc.config.OidcConfiguration
oidcConfig.discoveryURI = http://localhost:9009/auth/realms/myapp/.well-known/openid-configuration
oidcConfig.clientId = myapp-frontend
oidcConfig.secret = UMS5aWN4bnJ5Q0ZlOpEdn1tWcHlbx7H0
oidcConfig.clientAuthenticationMethodAsString = client_secret_basic
#oidcConfig.scope = openid
#oidcConfig.useNonce = true
#oidcConfig.responseType = code
oidcConfig.withState = false
oidcConfig.logoutUrl = http://localhost:9009/auth/realms/myapp/protocol/openid-connect/logout
oidcClient = org.pac4j.oidc.client.OidcClient
oidcClient.configuration = $oidcConfig
clients = org.pac4j.core.client.Clients
clients.callbackUrl = http://localhost:8080/myapp/callback
clients.clients = $oidcClient
pac4jRealm = io.buji.pac4j.realm.Pac4jRealm
pac4jRealm.principalNameAttribute = preferred_username
pac4jSubjectFactory = io.buji.pac4j.subject.Pac4jSubjectFactory
securityManager.subjectFactory = $pac4jSubjectFactory
config = org.pac4j.core.config.Config
config.clients = $clients
oidcSecurityFilter = org.pac4j.jee.filter.SecurityFilter
oidcSecurityFilter.config = $config
oidcSecurityFilter.clients = $oidcClient
callbackFilter = org.pac4j.jee.filter.CallbackFilter
callbackFilter.defaultUrl = http://localhost:8080/myapp
callbackFilter.config = $config
ajaxRequestResolver = org.pac4j.core.http.ajax.DefaultAjaxRequestResolver
ajaxRequestResolver.addRedirectionUrlAsHeader = true
oidcClient.ajaxRequestResolver = $ajaxRequestResolver
#logoutFilter = io.buji.pac4j.filter.LogoutFilter
#logoutFilter.defaultUrl = http://localhost:8080/myapp
#logoutFilter.localLogout = true
#logoutFilter.centralLogout = true
#logoutFilter.config = $config
# AuthStrategy
securityManager.realms = $pac4jRealm
# Using default form based security filter org.apache.shiro.web.filter.authc.FormAuthenticationFilter
authc = org.apache.shiro.web.filter.authc.FormAuthenticationFilter
authc.loginUrl = /common/login.jsf
authc.successUrl = /portal/dashboard.jsf
# Redirect to an access denied page if user does not have access rights
#roles.unauthorizedUrl = /common/access-denied.jsf
#perms.unauthorizedUrl = /accessdenied.jsp
anyofpermission = de.dpunkt.myaktion.util.CustomPermissionsAuthorizationFilter
# Protected URLs
/callback = callbackFilter
## NO_SECURITY (Rendering)
#/portal/reporting/execution/** = authc, anon
/WEB-INF/layout/portal/** = authc
/portal/** = authc
/admin/** = authc
/community/** = authc
Also if I´m trying just to call from my browser: http://localhost:8080/myapp/callback
I got a NPE in org.pac4j.oidc.profile.creator.OidcProfileCreator.create() because getIdToken() is NULL...
My client in Keycloak has this setup:
I´m using Keycloak Version 22. Thanks for any help
Upvotes: 0
Views: 487
Reputation: 2699
According to the spec, it seems possible not to have an ID token:
I think we have a bug in pac4j here. I just committed:
Can you test with version 5.7.2-SNAPSHOT? (Sonatype snapshots repository)
Upvotes: 0