Reputation: 49
I have a dataset that looks like this, where "1" represents if a host is infected and "0" represents if a host is uninfected at that specified dose. However, the ROC function needs observed data, false positive and true positives to generate the ROC curve. I think that that I am missing a step or miscalculated something but I'm not sure what it is.
dataname <- data.frame(Dose = c(rep(0.2, 8), rep(0.3, 7), rep(0.7, 10)),
Infected = c(rep(0, 20), rep(1, 5)))
I used GLM to get the probability of each host getting infected at each dose size.
#logistic model
logistic <- glm(
formula = Infected ~ Dose,
data = dataname,
family = binomial(link = 'logit')
I then ordered the probabilities from lowest to highest and ranked them:<-data.frame(prob.inf = logistic$fitted.values, Infected = dataname$Infected)<[order($prob.inf, decreasing=FALSE),]$rank<-1:nrow(
I then ran the roc function and plotted the curve:
roc_data <-roc(dataname$Infected,$prob.inf)
plot(roc_data, main="ROC Curve", print.auc=TRUE, xlim=(0:1), ylim=(0:1))
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You do not need to order and rank the predicted probabilites.
Assuming you are using the roc()
function from the pROC
package you can simply feed it your response dataname$Infected
and your fitted values logistic$fitted.values
The following code:
dataname <- data.frame(Dose = c(rep(0.2,8),rep(0.3,7), rep(0.7,10)),
Infected = c(rep(0,20),rep(1,5)))
logistic <- glm(
formula = Infected~Dose,
data = dataname,
family = binomial(link = 'logit')
roc_data <-roc(dataname$Infected,$prob.inf)
plot(roc_data, main="ROC Curve", print.auc=TRUE,
xlab = "Specificity (true negative rate)", ylab = "Sensitivity (true positive rate)")
Which seems correct to me.
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Reputation: 20399
For a true understanding of model diagnostics it is IMHO quite enlightening to calculate some metrics by hand (which is not overly complicated). In a logistic regression setting you would start with the confusion matrix and get the relavant metrics from there.
Here's a worked out example:
#### Use Challenger Data as a sample data for GLM
data(Challeng, package = "alr4")
c_mod <- glm(fail > 0 ~ temp, data = Challeng, family = "binomial")
### Do calculations by hand
## 1. Create observed vs prediction data.frame
obs_pred <- data.frame(fail = as.integer(Challeng$fail > 0),
pred = predict(c_mod, type = "response"))
## 2. Get all potential cutoff values
cs <- c(0, sort(unique(obs_pred$pred)))
## 3. Calculate all potential confusion matrices (i.e. 2x2 observed vs predicted
cms <- lapply(cs, \(co) table(data.frame(obs = factor(as.integer(Challeng$fail > 0), 1:0),
pred = factor(as.integer(obs_pred$pred > co), 1:0))))
## 4. Get True Positive Rate (tpr) and False Positive Rate (fpr)
tpr <- vapply(cms, \(tab) tab[1L, 1L] / sum(tab[1L, ]), numeric(1L))
fpr <- vapply(cms, \(tab) tab[2L, 1L] / sum(tab[2L, ]), numeric(1L))
## 5. Plot fpr vs tpr
plot(fpr, tpr, type = "l")
Now that this is understood, we can use built-in libraries to do the same. There are quite a couple of them (nice comparison can be found here). one option is library(ROCR)
## 1. Create 'prediction' object (c.f. ?ROCR::prediction)
pp_c <- with(obs_pred, prediction(pred, fail))
## 3. Get True Positive Rate (tpr) and False Positive Rate (fpr)
perf_c <- performance(pp_c, "tpr", "fpr")
## 4. Plot
## 5. Same as by hand calculation
all.equal(rev(fpr), [email protected][[1L]])
# [1] TRUE
all.equal(rev(tpr), [email protected][[1L]])
# [1] TRUE
From the confusion matrix (and a bit of basic geometry) you can also calculate the area under the curve:
### AUC Calculations
sw <- cbind(fpr = rev(fpr), tpr = rev(tpr))
sum(diff(sw[, "fpr"]) * (sw[-nrow(sw), "tpr"] + diff(sw[, "tpr"]) / 2))
# [1] 0.78125
performance(pp_c, "auc")@y.values[[1L]]
# [1] 0.78125
Upvotes: 1