Reputation: 1751
I am trying to setup push notification on ios and android using Firebase/mesaging.
I have followed the setup part using the googleservice-info and so on... I have activated push notification and both Background mode capabilities we need. I pushed the APN key on firebase for the ios.
This is my code :
import { getMessaging } from '@react-native-firebase/messaging';
import firebase from '@react-native-firebase/app';
const credentials = {...}
if (!firebase.apps.length) {
firebase.initializeApp(credentials).then((app) => {
getMessaging(firebase).setBackgroundMessageHandler(async remoteMessage => {
console.log('Message handled in the background!', remoteMessage);
Then in my app.tsx
const getFcmToken = async () => {
console.log("trying to get")
try {
const newFcmToken = await messaging().getToken() // HERE
} ...
const authStatus = await messaging().requestPermission();
if (!messaging().isDeviceRegisteredForRemoteMessages) {
await messaging().registerDeviceForRemoteMessages();
const enabled =
authStatus === messaging.AuthorizationStatus.AUTHORIZED ||
authStatus === messaging.AuthorizationStatus.PROVISIONAL;
if (enabled) {
console.log('Authorization status:', authStatus);
await getFcmToken();
"@react-native-firebase/app": "^18.4.0",
"@react-native-firebase/messaging": "^18.4.0",
and then I get a
ERROR [Error: [messaging/unknown] The operation couldn’t be completed. No APNS token specified before fetching FCM Token]
I try to add this in the info.plist
At some point I remembered succeeding having a token, I have one on the firebase dashboard.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 11719
Reputation: 31
If you are using the iOS Simulator then close it with "Force Quit" and restart the react native application the error might go way in my case I have updated the following:
"@react-native-firebase/app": "^21.2.0" -> "^21.6.2"
"@react-native-firebase/messaging": "^21.6.0",-> "^21.6.2"
And Added the Analytics as well:
"@react-native-firebase/analytics": "^21.6.2",
Then at some point I got the errors:
Error: [messaging/unknown] The operation couldn’t be completed. No APNS token specified before fetching FCM Token
Restarted the simulator and tried again I obtained the Permission and the Token as well and got the pushNotification to work as it was.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1
The messaging library can't find the APN token. This message/problem can arise from several reasons. In my case, i solved it by adding the following line in one the function from ios/
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
[FIRMessaging messaging].APNSToken = deviceToken;` // <== this line
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 372
I fixed this issue by adding the Push Notification capability in the xcode.
Enable Push Notifications in Xcode
Also make sure you have added the APNS key to firebase cloud-messaging console.
Set Up APNs in Firebase
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 173
I spent 3 days to fixed it and it definitely work fine for me.
You need to add more code to ios/ as follows:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[FIRApp configure];
[application registerForRemoteNotifications]; // <--- Add this Line
You need to add another function to ios/ too:
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application
didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
[FIRMessaging messaging].APNSToken = deviceToken;
Upvotes: 5