
Reputation: 11

Manual UWB ranging specs configuration

I am building an app that will set up a ranging session between 2 android phones that support UWB, without using any OOB mechanism like BLE, WiFi etc., but hard coding the parameters.

I initiate the session on both the controller and the controlee and when I try to add the controlee to the ranging session the app crashes.

        val uwbManager = UwbManager.createInstance(applicationContext)
        var job: Job?
        val uwbDevice = UwbDevice.createForAddress("42:43")

         val uwbChannel = UwbComplexChannel(5,9)

         fun doSomethingWithThePosition(context: RangingPosition) {
             println("Ranging position obtained: ")

         fun handlePeerDisconnect(rangingResult: RangingResult.RangingResultPeerDisconnected) {
             println("Peer has disconnected")

        suspend fun startRanging() {
            val controllerSession = uwbManager.controllerSessionScope()

            //val coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + Job())

           val partnerParameters = RangingParameters(
               uwbConfigType = RangingParameters.CONFIG_UNICAST_DS_TWR,
               sessionId = 0,
               subSessionId = 0,
               sessionKeyInfo = null,
               subSessionKeyInfo = null,
               complexChannel = uwbChannel,
               peerDevices = listOf(uwbDevice),
               updateRateType = RangingParameters.RANGING_UPDATE_RATE_AUTOMATIC
            val sessionFlow = controllerSession.prepareSession(partnerParameters)
            CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main.immediate).launch {
                sessionFlow.collect {
                    when(it) {
                        is RangingResult.RangingResultPosition -> {
                        is RangingResult.RangingResultPeerDisconnected -> handlePeerDisconnect(it)

            try {
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                Log.e(TAG, "An exception occured when adding a controlee", e)
         var rangingResult = RangingResult.RangingResultPosition(device = uwbDevice, position = RangingPosition(
             distance = null, elevation = null, azimuth = null, elapsedRealtimeNanos = 0

Tried adding a controlee with fixed parameters, however I get an error:

An exception occured when adding a controlee
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Please check that the ranging is active and theranging profile supports multi-device ranging. 
at androidx.core.uwb.impl.UwbControllerSessionScopeImpl.addControlee(UwbControllerSessionScopeImpl.kt:47) 
at androidx.core.uwb.impl.UwbControllerSessionScopeImpl$addControlee$1.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:15) 
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)

Even though before that, i receive this log:

Creating Gms Client session scope

Upvotes: 1

Views: 383

Answers (1)

Davide Paolillo
Davide Paolillo

Reputation: 43

From what I learned by building an IPS through UWB for Android, currently Android does not support connecting two phones (or devices through UWB).

I contacted Google support about that topic a while ago, and the response was vague. From what I understood, their API is there just for reference but unusable (at least for us).

On IOS it's different, you can set something like that, and it's also well documented here.

What I ended up doing, was buying external UWB devices that support multi-device communication, and implementing a sort of scheduler to handle multiple messages from multiple UWB devices. You can find the project on my GitHub. Consider this as a University project, so there can be bugs, and the code is not that clean, but you can use it as a reference if you wish to.

I guess that for multidevice UWB support, we should wait a little bit more.

Upvotes: 0

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