Reputation: 11
I am trying to get the directions between multiple (lat, lng) points in python using the Wolfram API. I know this works on the wolfram notebook but I was wondering how I could adapt it to work with python. Right now im getting errors no matter what I try to access the API.
My code (in wolfram notebook):
td = TravelDirections[{GeoPosition[{40.7128, -74.0060}], GeoPosition[{25.7617, -80.1918}], GeoPosition[{19.4326, -99.1332}]}, TravelMethod ->"Biking"]
GeoGraphics[Style[Line[td], Thick, Red]]
td["Dataset"][All, {"Description", "Distance"}]
This works and returns a map image connecting the points and a list of directions
My code (in python):
import wolframalpha
import requests
wolfram_key="MY KEY"
client = wolframalpha.Client(wolfram_key)
td = client.query('TravelDirections[{GeoPosition[{40.7128, -74.0060}], GeoPosition[{19.4326, -99.1332}]}, TravelMethod ->"Walking"]')
map = client.query('GeoGraphics[Style[Line[td], Thick, Red]]')
direct = client.query('td["Dataset"][All, {"Description", "Distance"}]')
gets this error:
{'@success': False, '@error': 'false', '@xml:space': 'preserve', '@numpods': '0' , '@datatypes': '', '@timedout': '', '@timedoutpods': '', '@timing': '3.37700000 00000002', '@parsetiming': '1.319', '@parsetimedout': 'false', '@recalculate': ' ', '@id': '', '@parseidserver': '18', '@host': '' , '@server': '18', '@related': '', '@version': '2.6', '@inputstring': 'td["Datas et"][All, {"Description", "Distance"}]', 'didyoumeans': {'@count': '1', 'didyoum ean': {'@score': '0.379067', '@level': 'medium', '#text': 'All Description Dista nce'}}}
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Views: 64