Reputation: 889
I'm trying to automate the activation of my PIM role for Azure resources via Powershell or REST API and I can't seem to figure this out. I can activate PIM role for AAD just fine, but not Azure resources. Does anyone how an example of this working?
I found this and tried it, but it doesn't work for activating PIM role configured at the management group level for some reason. Works fine for PIM roles on the subscription level.
For AAD role activation, this is what I used:
Upvotes: 2
Views: 5247
Reputation: 22597
To activate PIM role for Azure resources under management group via REST API, you can make use of below call:
"properties": {
"principalId": "userObjId",
"roleDefinitionId": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/mgname/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/8e3af657-a8ff-443c-a75c-2fe8c4bcb635",
"requestType": "SelfActivate",
"justification": "test purpose",
"scheduleInfo": {
"startDateTime": "2023-10-09T18:11:53.8442481+05:30",
"expiration": {
"type": "AfterDuration",
"endDateTime": null,
"duration": "PT1H"
When I checked the same in Portal, PIM role activated successfully under management group like this:
To activate PIM role for Azure resources under management group via PowerShell, you can make use of below script:
$guid = "fcffe158-978e-4125-be75-xxxxx"
$startTime = Get-Date -Format o
$scope = "//providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/mgname/"
$principalID = "userObjId"
$roledefinitionid = "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/Samplegroup1/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/8e3af657-a8ff-443c-a75c-2fe8c4bcb635"
New-AzRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest -Name $guid -Scope $scope -ExpirationDuration PT1H -ExpirationType AfterDuration -PrincipalId $principalID -RequestType SelfActivate -RoleDefinitionId $roledefinitionID -ScheduleInfoStartDateTime $startTime -Justification "demo purpose"
Activate Azure resource roles in PIM - Microsoft Entra
Enable role fails with permission error ( by chaoscreater
Upvotes: 2