Reputation: 65
I have the following minimalistic grammar:
grammar org.example.minimalDSL hidden (WS, SL_COMMENT, ML_COMMENT)
'class' name=ValidId '{' (attributes+=Attribute ';') '}';
type=[Type | ID] (multiplicity=Multiplicity)? name=PropertyName;
Documentation hidden(WS, HIDDEN_ASTERISK):
'/**' {Documentation}((tags+=Tag)*) '*/';
'@' tagName=ID (tagValue= STRING)?
Multiplicity hidden():
'[' (bounds+=UnlimitedNatural ('..' bounds+=UnlimitedNatural)?)? ']');
terminal HIDDEN_ASTERISK: ('*') !('*/');
UnlimitedNatural returns EInt hidden():
INT | '*';
I am trying to add Javadoc style to an existing DSL. A documentation starts with '/**' and ends "/". The documentation block should ignore whitespaces and '' when it is not part of the starting and ending tokens.
The HIDDEN_ASTERICKS terminal results in Xtext not generating '*' in the [DSL]Internal.tokens file. This results in producing erroneous tokens when trying to parse a text containing '*' bounds, e.g. [*].
While it makes total sense not to capture hidden terminal in the tokens files, I was naively expecting the per-rule hidden tokens to be captured in [DSL]internal.tokens. These local tokens can then be ignored only at the rule application time.
I am missing something? I am using Xtext v2.28.0. Is this a known issue that is solved in newer versions?
Thank you in advance for your answers or explanations. Kind regards,
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Views: 51