Reputation: 11
I have recently started with laravel and php and implemented redis using predis for a single node redis server ( using azure redis for cache ).
All was good until we decided to upgrade and turn clustering size to 2 and then started getting moved errors
I implemented configuration for clustering but azure only gives a single url that is made up of host name port password and ssl option.
I dont know how to use this as both phpredis and predis expect there to be a array of nodes. but i dont have that.
the errors i have gotten are moved exceptions Can't communicate with any node in the cluster Couldn't map cluster keyspace using any provided seed (phpredis)
i need help i have tried alot of different database.php configs plus client implementation.
added info using ssl port 6380
'redis' => [
'cluster' => true,
'client' => env('REDIS_CLIENT', 'phpredis'),
'options' => [
'cluster' => env('REDIS_CLUSTER', 'redis'),
'prefix' => env('REDIS_PREFIX', Str::slug(env('APP_NAME', 'laravel'), '_') . '_database_'),
'replication' => true,
'parameters' => [
// Parameters provide defaults for the Connection Factory
'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null), // Redirects need PW for the other nodes
'scheme' => env('REDIS_SCHEME', 'tcp'), // Redirects also must match scheme
'persistent' => true,
'ssl' => ['verify_peer' => false], // Since we dont have TLS cert to verify
'default' => [
'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', ''),
'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null),
'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379),
'database' => env('REDIS_DB', 0),
'persistent' => true,
'clusters' => [
'default' => [
'persistent' => true,
'scheme' => env('REDIS_SCHEME', 'tcp'),
'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', 'localhost'),
'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null),
'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379),
'database' => env('REDIS_CACHE_DB', 0),
'read_write_timeout' => 30,
'options' =>[
'cluster' =>'redis',
'replication' => true,
'persistent' => true,
'redis' => [
'client' => env('REDIS_CLIENT', 'predis'),
'options' => [
'cluster' => env('REDIS_CLUSTER', 'redis'),
'context' => [
'stream' => [
'verify_peer' => env('REDIS_SSL_VERIFY_PEER', false),
'verify_peer_name' => env('REDIS_SSL_VERIFY_PEER_NAME', false),
'stream' => [
'verify_peer' => env('REDIS_SSL_VERIFY_PEER', false),
'scheme' => 'tls',
'prefix' => env('REDIS_PREFIX', Str::slug(env('APP_NAME', 'laravel'), '_') . '_database_'),
'default' => [
// 'url' => env('REDIS_URL'),
'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', ''),
'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null),
'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', '6379'),
'database' => env('REDIS_DB', '0'),
'scheme' => env('REDIS_SCHEME', 'tls'),
'ssl' => [
'verify_peer' => env('REDIS_SSL_VERIFY_PEER', false),
'verify_peer_name' => env('REDIS_SSL_VERIFY_PEER_NAME', false),
'redis' => [
'client' => 'phpredis',
'clusters' => [
'default' => [
'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', 'localhost'),
'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null),
'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379),
'database' => 0,
'redis' => [
'cluster' => true,
'default' => [
'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', 'localhost'),
'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null),
'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379),
'database' => 0,
'schema' => 'tls',
'options' => [
'cluster' => 'redis',
'parameters' => ['password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null)],
'redis' => [
'client' => env('REDIS_CLIENT', 'phpredis'), // Use 'phpredis' for the phpredis extension
'cluster' => [
'mode' => 'redis', // Set the mode to 'redis' for cluster support
'seeds' => [
env('REDIS_HOST', ''), // List all nodes in your cluster
// Add other nodes here if you have more
'default' => [
'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', ''),
'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null),
'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379),
'database' => 0,
above is the database.php redis configs i tried .
i need to connect to a cluster of 2 shards in azure redis cache with out error
Upvotes: 1
Views: 263