Reputation: 1
I applied a MILP mathematical programming model that considers integer and continuous variables and all functions (objective and constraints) are linear in pulp (applied with success).
nt = 5 # Periods
ni = 2 # Consumers
deltat = 0.25
piBuy = {(0, 0): 0.1034, (0, 1): 0.1034, (1, 0): 0.1034, (1, 1): 0.1034, (2, 0): 0.1034, (2, 1): 0.1034, (3, 0): 0.1034, (3, 1): 0.1034, (4, 0): 0.1034, (4, 1): 0.1034 }
piSell = {(0, 0): 0.045, (0, 1): 0.045, (1, 0): 0.045, (1, 1): 0.045, (2, 0): 0.045, (2, 1): 0.045, (3, 0): 0.045, (3, 1): 0.045, (4, 0): 0.045, (4, 1): 0.045 }
PgenPV = {(0, 0): 0, (0, 1): 0, (1, 0): 0, (1, 1): 0, (2, 0): 0, (2, 1): 0, (3, 0): 0, (3, 1): 0, (4, 0): 0, (4, 1): 0 }
Pload = {(0, 0): 0.22864236717888, (0, 1): 3.912695574263758, (1, 0): 0.341368689043474, (1, 1): 0.279951617541324, (2, 0): 0.248263477430366, (2, 1): 0.248014847666063, (3, 0): 0.277896110866711, (3, 1): 0.300043899274291, (4, 0): 0.33425916227626, (4, 1): 0.192176996274082 }
cFix = {0: 0.4729, 1: 0.6249}
maxPbuy = {0: 10.35, 1: 13.8}
maxPsell = {0: 10.35, 1: 13.8}
maxPch = {0: 2, 1: 0}
maxPdch = {0: 2, 1: 0}
upper = 1000000000
## Model
m = LpProblem("problem", LpMinimize)
# Create Decision variables
pBuy = {(t, i): LpVariable(f"pBuyGrid[{t},{i}]", lowBound=0, cat=LpContinuous) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
pSell = {(t, i): LpVariable(f"pSellGrid[{t},{i}]", lowBound=0, cat=LpContinuous) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
xBuy = {(t, i): LpVariable(f"binBuyGrid[{t},{i}]", cat=LpBinary) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
xSell = {(t, i): LpVariable(f"binSellGrid[{t},{i}]", cat=LpBinary) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
pDch = {(t, i): LpVariable(f"pdch[{t},{i}]", lowBound=0, cat=LpContinuous) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
pCh = {(t, i): LpVariable(f"pch[{t},{i}]", lowBound=0, cat=LpContinuous) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
xDch = {(t, i): LpVariable(f"binDch[{t},{i}]", cat=LpBinary) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
xCh = {(t, i): LpVariable(f"binCh[{t},{i}]", cat=LpBinary) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
pSellNo = {(t, i): LpVariable(f"pSellNo[{t},{i}]", lowBound=0, cat=LpContinuous) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
pExp = {(t, i): LpVariable(f"pExp[{t},{i}]", lowBound=0, cat=LpContinuous) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
# Objective function
m += lpSum((piBuy[t, i] * pBuy[t, i] - piSell[t, i] * pSell[t, i]) * deltat for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)) + lpSum(cFix[i] for i in range(ni))
# Add constraints
for t in range(nt):
for i in range(ni):
# constraint 1
m += PgenPV[t,i] + pBuy[t, i] + pDch[t, i] == Pload[t,i] + pExp[t, i] + pCh[t, i]
# constraint 2
m += pExp[t, i] == pSell[t, i] + pSellNo[t, i]
# limits
m += pBuy[t, i] >= 0
m += pBuy[t, i] <= maxPbuy[i] * xBuy[t, i]
m += pSell[t, i] >= 0
m += pSell[t, i] <= maxPsell[i] * xSell[t, i]
m += xBuy[t, i] + xSell[t, i] <= 1
m += pSellNo[t, i] >= 0
m += pSellNo[t, i] <= upper * xSell[t, i]
# batteries limits
m += pCh[t, i] >= 0
m += pCh[t, i] <= maxPch[i] * xCh[t, i]
m += pDch[t, i] >= 0
m += pDch[t, i] <= maxPdch[i] * xDch[t, i]
m += xCh[t, i] + xDch[t, i] <= 1
# Dimension
m += xBuy[t, i] >= 0
m += xBuy[t, i] <= 1
m += xSell[t, i] >= 0
m += xSell[t, i] <= 1
m += xCh[t, i] >= 0
m += xCh[t, i] <= 1
m += xDch[t, i] >= 0
m += xDch[t, i] <= 1
# # Solve the problem
print("Costs:", value(m.objective))
The result returns the optimal value of: Costs: 1.1289073611495
Now I was trying to migrate the problem to be solved with a metaheuristic, in this case simulated annealing. I think I managed to model the main part of the simulated annealing approach in Python, but I'm having difficulty generating "perturbations in my sampling" and ensuring that the restrictions are met. I know I may have to add penalty functions to my objective function, but at this stage I wanted to try to understand what I'm doing wrong.
nt = 5 # Periods
ni = 2 # Consumers
deltat = 0.25
piBuy = {(0, 0): 0.1034, (0, 1): 0.1034, (1, 0): 0.1034, (1, 1): 0.1034, (2, 0): 0.1034, (2, 1): 0.1034, (3, 0): 0.1034, (3, 1): 0.1034, (4, 0): 0.1034, (4, 1): 0.1034 }
piSell = {(0, 0): 0.045, (0, 1): 0.045, (1, 0): 0.045, (1, 1): 0.045, (2, 0): 0.045, (2, 1): 0.045, (3, 0): 0.045, (3, 1): 0.045, (4, 0): 0.045, (4, 1): 0.045 }
PgenPV = {(0, 0): 0, (0, 1): 0, (1, 0): 0, (1, 1): 0, (2, 0): 0, (2, 1): 0, (3, 0): 0, (3, 1): 0, (4, 0): 0, (4, 1): 0 }
Pload = {(0, 0): 0.22864236717888, (0, 1): 3.912695574263758, (1, 0): 0.341368689043474, (1, 1): 0.279951617541324, (2, 0): 0.248263477430366, (2, 1): 0.248014847666063, (3, 0): 0.277896110866711, (3, 1): 0.300043899274291, (4, 0): 0.33425916227626, (4, 1): 0.192176996274082 }
cFix = {0: 0.4729, 1: 0.6249}
maxPbuy = {0: 10.35, 1: 13.8}
maxPsell = {0: 10.35, 1: 13.8}
maxPch = {0: 2, 1: 0}
maxPdch = {0: 2, 1: 0}
upper = 1000000000
# Initialize the state variables pBuy, pSell and others with random values between.
def initialize_states(nt, ni, maxPbuy, maxPsell, upper, maxPch, maxPdch):
pBuy = {(t, i): max(random.uniform(0, maxPbuy[i]), 0) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
pSell = {(t, i): max(random.uniform(0, maxPsell[i]), 0) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
xBuy = {(t, i): random.choice([0, 1]) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
xSell = {(t, i): random.choice([0, 1]) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
pDch = {(t, i): max(random.uniform(0, maxPdch[i]), 0) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
pCh = {(t, i): max(random.uniform(0, maxPch[i]), 0) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
xCh = {(t, i): random.choice([0, 1]) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
xDch = {(t, i): random.choice([0, 1]) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
pSellNo = {(t, i): max(random.uniform(0, upper), 0) for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
pExp = {(t, i): pSell[t, i] + pSellNo[t, i] for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni)}
return pBuy, pSell, xBuy, xSell, pDch, pCh, pExp, xCh, xDch, pSellNo
# Calculate the objective function value based on pBuy and pSell.
def objective_function(pBuy, pSell, piBuy, piSell, deltat, cFix):
cost = sum((piBuy[t, i] * pBuy[(t, i)] - piSell[t, i] * pSell[(t, i)]) * deltat for t in range(nt) for i in range(ni))
cost += sum(cFix[i] for i in range(ni))
return cost
# Perturb the current solution by adding random values within the specified range.
def perturb(pBuy, pSell, perturbation_scale, lower_bound, maxPbuy, maxPsell, xBuy, xSell, pDch, pCh, pExp, xCh, xDch, pSellNo):
new_pBuy = pBuy.copy()
new_pSell = pSell.copy()
new_xBuy = xBuy.copy()
new_xSell = xSell.copy()
new_pDch = pDch.copy()
new_pCh = pCh.copy()
new_pExp = pExp.copy()
new_xCh = xCh.copy()
new_xDch = xDch.copy()
new_pSellNo = pSellNo.copy()
for t in range(nt):
for i in range(ni):
# Configuration xBuy e xSell
current_xBuy = xBuy[(t, i)]
current_xSell = xSell[(t, i)]
current_xCh = xCh[(t, i)]
current_xDch = xDch[(t, i)]
if current_xBuy == 1 and current_xSell == 1:
if random.random() < 0.5:
new_xBuy[(t, i)] = 0
new_xSell[(t, i)] = 0
if current_xCh == 1 and current_xDch == 1:
if random.random() < 0.5:
new_xCh[(t, i)] = 0
new_xDch[(t, i)] = 0
perturbation = random.uniform(0, perturbation_scale)
new_pBuy[(t, i)] += perturbation
new_pSell[(t, i)] += perturbation
new_pDch[(t, i)] += perturbation
new_pCh[(t, i)] += perturbation
new_pExp[(t, i)] += perturbation
new_pSellNo[(t, i)] += perturbation
upper_bound_pBuy = maxPbuy[i] * new_xBuy[(t, i)]
upper_bound_pSell = maxPsell[i] * new_xSell[(t, i)]
upper_bound_pCh = maxPch[i] * new_xCh[t, i]
upper_bound_pDch = maxPdch[i] * new_xDch[t, i]
upper_bound_pSellNo = upper * new_xSell[t, i]
new_pBuy[(t, i)] = max(new_pBuy[(t, i)], 0)
new_pSell[(t, i)] = max(new_pSell[(t, i)], 0)
new_pDch[(t, i)] = max(new_pDch[(t, i)], 0)
new_pCh[(t, i)] = max(new_pCh[(t, i)], 0)
new_pExp[(t, i)] = max(new_pExp[(t, i)], 0)
new_pSellNo[(t, i)] = max(new_pSellNo[(t, i)], 0)
new_pBuy[(t, i)] = min(new_pBuy[(t, i)], upper_bound_pBuy)
new_pSell[(t, i)] = min(new_pSell[(t, i)], upper_bound_pSell)
new_pCh[(t, i)] = min(new_pCh[(t, i)], upper_bound_pCh)
new_pDch[(t, i)] = min(new_pDch[(t, i)], upper_bound_pDch)
new_pSellNo[(t, i)] = min(new_pSellNo[(t, i)], upper_bound_pSellNo)
new_pExp[(t, i)] = new_pSell[(t, i)] + new_pSellNo[(t, i)]
# First constraint
left_side_sum = PgenPV[t, i] + pBuy[t, i] + pDch[t, i]
right_side_sum = Pload[t, i] + pExp[t, i] + pCh[t, i]
if not math.isclose(left_side_sum, right_side_sum, rel_tol=1e-9):
total_difference = right_side_sum - left_side_sum
# distribute the difference
num_variables = 4
difference_per_variable = total_difference / num_variables
# Adjust
new_pBuy[t, i] += difference_per_variable
new_pDch[t, i] += difference_per_variable
new_pExp[t, i] += difference_per_variable
new_pCh[t, i] += difference_per_variable
return new_pBuy, new_pSell, new_xBuy, new_xSell, new_pCh, new_pDch, new_pSellNo, new_pExp
# Determine whether to accept a new solution based on the temperature and the cost difference.
def accept(old_cost, new_cost, temperature, scale=1.0):
if new_cost < old_cost:
return True
probability = math.exp((old_cost - new_cost) / (temperature * scale))
return random.random() < probability
# Simulated Annealing algorithm to optimize the solution.
def simulated_annealing(initial_temperature, cooling_rate, max_iterations, perturbation_scale, nt, ni, piBuy, piSell, deltat, cFix):
pBuy, pSell, xBuy, xSell, pDch, pCh, pExp, xCh, xDch, pSellNo = initialize_states(nt, ni, maxPbuy, maxPsell, upper, maxPch, maxPdch)
current_cost = objective_function(pBuy, pSell, piBuy, piSell, deltat, cFix)
best_pBuy = pBuy
best_pSell = pSell
best_cost = current_cost
temperature = initial_temperature
costs = [] # List to store the costs at each iteration
lower_bound = 0
for i in range(max_iterations):
new_pBuy, new_pSell, new_xBuy, new_xSell, new_pCh, new_pDch, new_pSellNo, new_pExp = perturb(pBuy, pSell, perturbation_scale, lower_bound, maxPbuy, maxPsell, xBuy, xSell, pDch, pCh, pExp, xCh, xDch, pSellNo)
new_cost = objective_function(new_pBuy, new_pSell, piBuy, piSell, deltat, cFix)
if accept(current_cost, new_cost, temperature):
pBuy = new_pBuy
pSell = new_pSell
current_cost = new_cost
if new_cost < best_cost:
best_pBuy = new_pBuy
best_pSell = new_pSell
best_cost = new_cost
temperature *= cooling_rate
costs.append(best_cost) # Append the cost to the list
# Plot the cost over iterations
plt.plot(range(max_iterations), costs)
plt.title("Cost vs. Iteration")
return best_pBuy, best_pSell, best_cost
initial_temperature = 100.0
cooling_rate = 0.98
max_iterations = 100
perturbation_scale = 0.05
best_pBuy, best_pSell, best_cost = simulated_annealing(initial_temperature, cooling_rate, max_iterations, perturbation_scale, nt, ni, piBuy, piSell, deltat, cFix)
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? the result is larger and appears to have no changes since the first iteration, which is strange.
I think the function of initializing the state of each variable is ok, I use random values and take into account whether it is variable or continuous, and the limits associated with each decision variable. My biggest difficulty is dealing with the disturbance function, where I am generating the samplings and including the restrictions:
I was hoping to reach a value close to what I get in pulp and so far I haven't achieved it. Any advice is welcome, thanks.
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