Reputation: 11
I am a newbie on this. I'm following tutorials and instructions as much as I can, and I get not results. The problem may not be in code (I think), but on what happens of the google maps API side.
I get 'no travel time' for each of my rows.
This is my code:
api_key <- 'IthinkIshouldNdtTellYOU'
desired_arrival_time <- as.POSIXct(paste(next_wednesday, "09:00:00"), tz = "America/New_York")
arrival_epoch_time <- as.numeric(desired_arrival_time)
get_travel_time <- function(origin, destination, api_key, arrival_time) {
base_url <- ""
query <- paste0("origin=", URLencode(origin),
"&destination=", URLencode(destination),
"&arrival_time=", arrival_time,
"&key=", api_key)
response <- GET(paste0(base_url, query))
if (response$status_code == 200) {
data <- fromJSON(rawToChar(response$content))
if (length(data$routes) > 0) {
travel_time <- data$routes[[1]]$legs[[1]]$duration$text
} else {
} else {
stop("API request failed with status code: ", response$status_code)
address_pairs$travel_time <- NA
for (i in 1:nrow(address_pairs)) {
travel_time_result <- try(
origin = address_pairs$OriginAdd[i],
destination = address_pairs$DestinAdd[i],
api_key = api_key,
arrival_time = arrival_epoch_time
silent = TRUE # Set silent = TRUE to not print error messages directly
if (class(travel_time_result) == "try-error") {
address_pairs$travel_time[i] <- NA
print(paste("Error on row", i, ":", travel_time_result))
} else {
# If no error, check if get_travel_time returns a value
if (! && length(travel_time_result) > 0) {
address_pairs$travel_time[i] <- travel_time_result
} else {
# Assign NA if get_travel_time returns NA or length zero
address_pairs$travel_time[i] <- NA
print(paste("No travel time returned for row", i))
Sys.sleep(0.2) # Be mindful of rate limiting by the API
This is what I get for each row. I cannot understand anything in my google cloud account. Is this costing me money? Did I overpass my quotas already?
No travel time returned for row 1208"
1 "No travel time returned for row 1209"
1 "No travel time returned for row 1210"
I tried creating a function of time of travel, and then running a loop to calculate time of travel using that function. I used a lot of ChatGPT for this.
I can see the API key being queried but I get not even one result.
My addresses are NYC addresses. Google Maps works pretty fine here. Rstudio seems to query google maps as it takes a long time, but showing no results.
OriginAdd DestinAdd
365 Fifth Ave, Manhattan, New York 120 Schermerhorn St, Brooklyn, NY 11201
3280 46th Avenue, Queens, Corona, NY 265 E 161 St, Bronx, NY 10451
106-05 37 Avenue, Queens, New York . 125-01 Queens Blvd, Queens, NY 11415
3280 46th Street, Queens, NY 265 E 161 St, Bronx, NY 10451
475 48th Ave, Queens, New York 11109 100 Centre St, New York, NY 10013
Upvotes: 1
Views: 121