Reputation: 3953
I am not familiar with SQL or PostGIS as a front end engineer, but I have to build out this backend API with Supabase. I followed their docs which is almost what I need, except that this will return ALL records.
I want to pass a 3rd argument distance
create or replace function nearby_flies(lat float, long float)
returns table (pattern public.submitted_images.pattern%TYPE, dist_meters float)
language sql
as $$
select pattern, st_distance(location, st_point(long, lat)::geography) as dist_meters
from public.submitted_images
order by location <-> st_point(long, lat)::geography;
My table is written as:
create table
public.submitted_images (
user_id uuid not null,
created_at timestamp with time zone not null default now(),
bucket_id text null,
pattern text null,
location geography (point) not null,
constraint submitted_images_pkey primary key (created_at),
constraint submitted_images_pattern_fkey foreign key (pattern) references pattern (label),
constraint submitted_images_user_id_fkey foreign key (user_id) references auth.users (id)
) tablespace pg_default;
create index submitted_images_geo_index
on public.submitted_images
using GIST (location);
and I have confirmed that the table is recording the POINT
How would this query be re-written to take into account only records that are within X
distance as an additional argument?
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Views: 463
Reputation: 26322
As suggested by @JGH, that's exactly what st_dwithin()
is for: finding things within a certain distance. Demo:
create or replace function nearby_flies(lat float, long float, dist numeric)
returns table (pattern public.submitted_images.pattern%TYPE, dist_meters float)
language sql
as $$
select pattern, st_distance(location, st_point(long,lat)::geography) as dist_meters
from public.submitted_images
where st_dwithin(location,st_point(long,lat)::geography,dist)
order by location<->st_point(long,lat)::geography;
Using st_dwithin()
directly instead of measuring the distance and comparing to your desired limit, can result in a plan with an index condition added - it'll first check this range quickly at bounding box level before proceeding to apply the actual distance filter. In the demo you can observe a way simpler and faster plan, compared to the alternative.
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