Reputation: 5484
I have a small Java (Kotlin) app. It requires some big libraries like openblas and opencv. I'd like to package it up in a drag-and-drop executable JAR file, but when I build a fatJar, it includes the libraries for all possible platforms, and ends up being over 600MB.
That is way too huge! I'd much prefer a small app that downloads the appropriate libraries for the user's platform when you run it for the first time. Is this a standard? I can't assume the end user will have Gradle or Maven installed, just that they have a JRE installed.
I tried what I think is the latest fatJar for build.gradle.kts
val fatJar = task("fatJar", type = Jar::class) {
manifest {
attributes["Implementation-Title"] =
attributes["Implementation-Version"] = project.version
attributes["Main-Class"] = application.mainClass
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
from(configurations.runtimeClasspath.get().map { if (it.isDirectory) it else zipTree(it) })
with(tasks["jar"] as CopySpec)
And then checked which libraries were in the JAR file: it was behaving correctly and not duplicating Kotlin versions or anything else bad.
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Views: 65
Reputation: 5484
I believe is what I'm looking for. I haven't got it working yet, but it sounds like the feature set.
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