Glen Owen
Glen Owen

Reputation: 11

Is there a way to select custom part of string in a SQL query by using commas as separators?

The Issue:

I am trying to select from multiple tables, Table A and B but this is mainly regarding the Only column I am choosing from Table B. The values in this column contain an Array of string.

Aim is to get get rid of any [] and then look at string. There are two main types of strings, one that contains only text, and are NOT comma separated, and others that has some combinations of text and comma.

What is Required:

For condition where string does not contain any commas then simply return the text value. For other cases where string does contain single or multiple commas return the values after the first comma. In cases where there are more than 2 or more commas then need to return string after the first comma and before 2nd comma.

Please look at the code for further explanation:




CREATE TABLE \[dbo\].\[multi_string_db\] (

multi_string nvarchar (256)  NULL


INSERT INTO \[dbo\].\[multi_string_db\] ( multi_string)

VALUES ('\[Additional time required, Time requested\]')

, ('\[Additional time required, Document requested\]')

, ('\[Additional time required, Missing documents - Personal, Other\]')

, ('\[Additional time required, Missing documents - Personal\]')

, ('Additional time required')

, ('Document Requested')

, ('Missing FPA/evidence')

, ('Missing documents - Office')

, ('Missing documents - Personal')

, ('Other')

, ('Referred to Decision Maker Team')

, ('Target date error')

Desired Results:

Time requested
Document requested
Missing documents - Personal
Missing documents - Personal
Additional time required
Document Requested
Missing FPA/evidence
Missing documents - Office
Missing documents - Personal
Referred to Decision Maker Team
Target date error

What I have tried so far:

            WHEN CHARINDEX('[', multi_string) > 0 AND CHARINDEX(']', multi_string) > 0
                    WHEN CHARINDEX(',', multi_string) > 0 AND CHARINDEX(',', multi_string, CHARINDEX(',', multi_string) + 1) > 0
                    THEN SUBSTRING(multi_string, CHARINDEX(',', multi_string) + 1, CHARINDEX(',', multi_string, CHARINDEX(',', multi_string) + 1) - CHARINDEX(',', multi_string) - 1)
                    WHEN CHARINDEX(',', multi_string) > 0
                    THEN SUBSTRING(multi_string, CHARINDEX(',', multi_string) + 1, CHARINDEX(']', multi_string) - CHARINDEX(',', multi_string) - 1)
                    ELSE SUBSTRING(multi_string, CHARINDEX('[', multi_string) + 1, CHARINDEX(']', multi_string) - CHARINDEX('[', multi_string) - 1)
                LTRIM(RTRIM(multi_string)) -- If no brackets, return the original string
    )) AS Result
            FROM dbo.[multi_string_db]

The Issue (Limitations):

The logic works fine but only when [ ] are present, which definitely is the case with current data, however if there were new data then this logic will fail.

For Example: If we have following string 'Some time required, Received documents - Unchecked, Misc' then the logic fails due to absence of [ ] around the string.

How can I overcome this limitation?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 119

Answers (4)

Glen Owen
Glen Owen

Reputation: 11

In the first step I am filtering out [ ] and saving string in a new temporary table.

CASE LEFT (cd.multi_string,1)
WHEN '['
THEN SUBSTRING (cd.multi_string, 2, LEN(cd.multi_string) -2)
ELSE cd.multi_string
END AS multi_string
FROM multi_string_db AS cd

Then using the provided logic of STRING_SPLIT

FROM multi_string_db AS cd
CROSS APPLY String_Split(multi_string, ',') AS split_str
WHERE multi_string IS NOT NULL;

It does work on SQL Server and other platforms like AWS which is handy but I am sure there is a room for improvement. For some reason ESCAPE does not work on my SQL version on AWS and since I am unsure of a global method I applied this logic. So this is not a simple/clean method and if any better methods it would be appreciated. Another drawback of this is that for any split string it gives me an unwanted white space. For Example [Additional time required, Document requested] Returns ' Document requested' instead of 'Document requested'. where there is a white space before ' D'

Any assistance is appreciated.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 10204

You can use STRING_SPLIT() in a subselect and filter for ordinal = 2. Add logic that first checks for the [list, ...] syntax and strips off the brackets, you would end up with the following:

SELECT M.multi_string,
    CASE WHEN M.multi_string LIKE '\[%,%\]' ESCAPE '\'
        THEN (
            SELECT TRIM(S.value)
            FROM (SELECT SUBSTRING(M.multi_string, 2, LEN(M.multi_string)-2) AS Trimmed) T
            CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(T.Trimmed, ',', 1) S
            WHERE S.ordinal = 2
        ELSE M.multi_string
        END AS Result 
FROM multi_string_db M

The following variation also handles single-valued bracketed lists. returning the first (single) value in that case.

SELECT M.multi_string,
    CASE WHEN M.multi_string LIKE '\[%\]' ESCAPE '\'
        THEN (
            SELECT TOP 1 TRIM(S.value)
            FROM (SELECT SUBSTRING(M.multi_string, 2, LEN(M.multi_string)-2) AS Trimmed) T
            CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(T.Trimmed, ',', 1) S
            WHERE S.ordinal <= 2
            ORDER BY S.ordinal DESC
        ELSE M.multi_string
        END AS Result 
FROM multi_string_db M

See this db<>fiddle for a working demo (with a few extra test cases).

Upvotes: 0

Yitzhak Khabinsky
Yitzhak Khabinsky

Reputation: 22311

Please try the following solution based on tokenization via XML and XQuery. It will work starting from SQL Server 2017 onwards.

No need to do any string parsing via endless CHARINDEX(), SUBSTRING(), and other functions.

Notable points:

  • 1st CROSS APPLY is tokenizing a string via XML.
  • 2nd CROSS APPLY is counting # of tokens in a string of tokens separated by comma.
  • SELECT clause has a simple CASE statement to retrieve a correct token in a string of tokens based on token count.


-- DDL and sample data population, start
INSERT INTO @tbl( multi_string) VALUES 
('[Additional time required, Time requested]'), 
('[Additional time required, Document requested]'),
('[Additional time required, Missing documents - Personal, Other]'),
('[Additional time required, Missing documents - Personal]'),
('Additional time required'),
('Document Requested'),
('Missing FPA/evidence'),
('Missing documents - Office'),
('Missing documents - Personal'),
('Referred to Decision Maker Team'),
('Target date error');
-- DDL and sample data population, end

DECLARE @separator CHAR(1) = ',';

SELECT ID, t.multi_string --, c, t2.token_count -- uncomment to see XML and the token count
    , result = CASE
        WHEN t2.token_count = 1 THEN TRIM(c.value('(/root/r/text())[1]', 'NVARCHAR(100)'))
        WHEN t2.token_count > 1 THEN TRIM(c.value('(/root/r[2]/text())[1]', 'NVARCHAR(100)'))
        ELSE 'Alarm! Some edge case.'
FROM @tbl AS t
    REPLACE(TRIM('[]' FROM multi_string), @separator, ']]></r><r><![CDATA[') + 
    ']]></r></root>' AS XML)) AS t1(c)
CROSS APPLY (SELECT c.value('count(/root/r)', 'INT')) AS t2(token_count);


multi_string result
[Additional time required, Time requested] Time requested
[Additional time required, Document requested] Document requested
[Additional time required, Missing documents - Personal, Other] Missing documents - Personal
[Additional time required, Missing documents - Personal] Missing documents - Personal
Additional time required Additional time required
Document Requested Document Requested
Missing FPA/evidence Missing FPA/evidence
Missing documents - Office Missing documents - Office
Missing documents - Personal Missing documents - Personal
Other Other
Referred to Decision Maker Team Referred to Decision Maker Team
Target date error Target date error

Upvotes: -1

Alan Schofield
Alan Schofield

Reputation: 21703

I've added in your 'problem' data in this example

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #multi_string_db

CREATE TABLE #multi_string_db (
    multi_string nvarchar (256)  NULL
INSERT INTO #multi_string_db ( multi_string)
VALUES ('[Additional time required, Time requested]')
, ('[Additional time required, Document requested]')
, ('[Additional time required, Missing documents - Personal, Other]')
, ('[Additional time required, Missing documents - Personal]')
, ('Additional time required')
, ('Document Requested')
, ('Missing FPA/evidence')
, ('Missing documents - Office')
, ('Missing documents - Personal')
, ('Other')
, ('Referred to Decision Maker Team')
, ('Target date error')
, ('Some time required, Received documents - Unchecked, Misc')

        Result = 
                SUBSTRING(  multi_string
                        , CHARINDEX(',', multi_string)+1
                        ,  IIF(CHARINDEX(',', multi_string, CHARINDEX(',', multi_string)+1) = 0
                                            , LEN(multi_string) -  CHARINDEX(',', multi_string)
                                            , CHARINDEX(',', multi_string, CHARINDEX(',', multi_string)+1) - CHARINDEX(',', multi_string) -1
                , '[', '')
                , ']', '')
    FROM #multi_string_db

If ignores the [ and ] to start with an d just finds the parts required for the result, then trim the result of that and replace any remaining [ and ].

If you are using SQL Server 2022 you could use string_split() with the ordinal option (I think) and just extract the 1st or 2nd ordinal. It would be really simple then.

Upvotes: 0

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