Reputation: 13
This could be a stupid question for most of you who are experts in programming, but I'm not a professional and I've been moving my first steps so it's not so obvious to me. I developed a VB.NET application using Visual Studio Enterprise 2022, and now I want to share it with my colleagues.
Is it sufficient just to share what is within the bin - Debug Folder? I ask it because I have the following issue.
The company I work for provided me a VDI to develop my solutions, and nothing in there crash both in debug environment and clicking the exe in the debug folder I mentioned above.
When I put the whole Debug folder in a shared folder unfortunetely I have a lot of exceptions (some with alert, some not - the application just freezes and the event viewer say it sometimes kernelbase32.dll, sometimes other components)
In particular I see the following situation: I have a Main Window, which is my dashboard with all the side buttons to decide which form to open.
I open my forms as controls with the following sub
Sub openChildForm(childForm As Form, btnSender As Object)
SyncLock lock
If pnlDesktop.InvokeRequired Then
pnlDesktop.Invoke(Sub() pnlDesktop.Controls.Clear())
End If
With childForm
.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None
.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
.TopLevel = False
If pnlDesktop.InvokeRequired Then
pnlDesktop.Invoke(Sub() pnlDesktop.Controls.Add(childForm))
pnlDesktop.Invoke(Sub() pnlDesktop.Controls.Add(childForm))
.Invoke(Sub() .Show())
End If
frmCurrentChild = childForm
End With
End SyncLock
End Sub
and I load the Data in a dedicated Public Module as below:
Public DataModel As New DataTable
Sub LoadData
Dim dt As New DataTable
Using cn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection
cn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=ADDRESS\Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;"
Using cmd = cn.CreateCommand
cmd.CommandText = "..."
Using adap As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
End Using
End Using
End Using
DataModel = dt
_DataModelLaunched = True
_DataModelLoaded = True
Catch ex As Exception
_DataModelLoaded = False
Console.WriteLine("Data Model load failed: {0}", ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
As I said in the VDI no problem from Visual Studio Debug and from clicking the .exe File, but in the other machines the Datatable contained in the Public Module (which is thought to serve multiple forms) has no Rows.
The first thought is that maybe there is another 'proper' way to share my application, but being a newbie there could be something else. I ask you for a suggestion!
Important: My Company has really strict security rules, so I cannot install nothing both in my VDI and my local machine that need to write on the register, so any setup file or external tools must have this characteristics (the exception are the programs made available on the Software Center)
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