Reputation: 135
The design of my article details page is as follows: the upper section is native, while the rest of the article (images, embeds, tweets...) is received as an HTML content.
I want to implement font resize feature, and for that I've used mutableIntState
, which causes the title and summary to be recomposed whenever the Slider has a new value.
Unfortunately it doesn't affect the webview! Although I've created a custom webview composable that takes the following parameters:
class PageViewModel: ViewModel(){
//get initial value from sharedPreferences
var fontSize by mutableIntStateOf(Utility.getFontSize())
private set
fun updateFontSize(newValue:Int){
fontSize = newValue
//store new value in shared preferences
fun MyScreen(title: String, summary: String, html: String){
val myViewModel: PageViewModel = viewModel()
//the slider enables the user to select a value ranging between 16f & 26f
Slider(onValueChange = {myViewModel.updateFontSize(it.toInt())},
steps = 3, valueRange= 16f .. 26f, value = myViewModel.fontSize.toFloat())
Text(text = title, fontSize = (myViewModel.fontSize + 6).dp)
Text(text = summary, fontSize = myViewModel.fontSize.dp)
MyCustomWebView(html = html, fontSize = fontSize)
My Custom Webview is as follows:
fun MyCustomWebView(html:String, fontSize: Int){
val context = LocalContext.current
//assuming that html is an html snippet
val htmlStyled = "<html><head><style>body,p,h1,h2,h3,span,a{font-size: ${fontSize}px!important;}</style></head><body>${html}</body></html>"
AndroidView(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
factory = {
webViewClient = WebViewClient()
settings.cacheMode = WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE
settings.javaScriptEnabled = true
settings.domStorageEnabled = true
settings.allowFileAccess = true
//I even tried using the deprecated textSize
//It doesn't update live
/*settings.textSize = when (fontSize) {
16 -> WebSettings.TextSize.SMALLEST
18 -> WebSettings.TextSize.SMALLER
21 -> WebSettings.TextSize.NORMAL
23 -> WebSettings.TextSize.LARGER
else -> WebSettings.TextSize.LARGEST
loadDataWithBaseURL("", htmlStyled, "text/html", "UTF-8","")
Any help is most appreciated.
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Views: 120
Reputation: 135
In the AndroidView one must use update
value-parameter.. so the customWebView becomes as follows:
fun MyCustomWebView(html:String, fontSize: Int){
AndroidView(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
factory = {...},
update = { it.settings.textZoom = fontSize * 6
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