
Reputation: 49

How execute Python with Applescript in Apple system?

i have the problem of executing python from applescript.

i created this test with this folders and files and system:

  1. Anaconda last version Anaconda3-2023.09-0-MacOSX-x86_64
  2. Desktop folder named pymac, in /Users/andrea/Desktop and file
with open("/Users/andrea/Desktop/pymac/output2.txt", "w") as f:
  1. in folder /Users/andrea/Library/Application Scripts/ script file test.scpt:
on test()
    do shell script "cd ~/Desktop/pymac; /Users/andrea/AnacondaNew/anaconda3/bin/python /Users/andrea/Desktop/pymac/"
end test

other script test2.scpt:

on test()
    do shell script "/usr/bin/python3 /Users/andrea/Desktop/pymac/"
end test

from Terminal:

If I run the following command, it works

/usr/bin/python3 /Users/andrea/Desktop/pymac/

However, the same command run from within 'test2.scpt', does not work from script editor and from the terminal with osascript


/Users/andrea/AnacondaNew/anaconda3/bin/python /Users/andrea/Desktop/pymac/ 

works, same errors if i use scpt file or osascript

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Views: 187

Answers (4)


Reputation: 49

my last solution

tested with:

  • Sonoma Version 14.5 (23F79)
  • Excel Mac 16.87 (24071426)

my needs:

  • automate task for excel with python
  • bypass excel mac problems creating objects
  • bypass closing terminal with applescript

my work:

a) create new file (in working directory), only one row:


kill `ps -A | grep -w | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`

b) create applescipte new file in /Users/<username>/Library/Application Scripts/, called for example myscript.scpt

with this code:

on myAppleScriptHandler(paramString)
    tell application "Terminal"
        do script paramString
    end tell
end myAppleScriptHandler

i send to Applescript all my commands in paramString, so i have maximum control of params with vba

  1. vba excel mac

insert a sub like this, fully customizable:

Sub test()

Dim myScriptResult As String
Dim myparams As String
myparams = "source /Users/<username>/anaconda3/bin/activate base; python /Users/<username>/Documents/<workingfolder>/<pythoncode>.py; /Users/<username>/Documents/<workingfolder>/"

myScriptResult = AppleScriptTask("myscript.scpt", "myapplescripthandler", myparams)

End Sub

Good work to you, if you have suggestions post it.

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Derek M. D. Chan
Derek M. D. Chan

Reputation: 565

To run AppleScript from VBA on a MacOSX, you can use the MacScript function

Sub RunBashScript()
    Dim script As String

    scriptPath = "/PATH/TO/"

    Dim applescriptCmd As String
    applescriptCmd = "do shell script " & Chr(34) & "source " & scriptPath & Chr(34)

    MacScript applescriptCmd
End Sub

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Reputation: 49

its the bash script that works well for me, i save this file in original desktop folder:

command from terminal:

osascript "/Users/andrea/Library/Application Scripts/"

my code script:

do shell script "/Users/andrea/Desktop/pymac/"
do shell script "/usr/bin/python3 /Users/andrea/Desktop/pymac/"

my bash script:


# Get the name of the active Conda environment
conda_env=$(conda info --envs | grep '*' | awk '{print $1}')

# Print the name of the active Conda environment
echo "Active Conda environment: $conda_env"

# Change to the directory where your conda environment is located
cd /path/to/your/conda/env

# Activate the conda environment
source activate $conda_env

# Add any other commands you want to execute in the conda environment
# For example:
# python

# Deactivate the conda environment when done
conda deactivate

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Derek M. D. Chan
Derek M. D. Chan

Reputation: 565

Add debugging to your script to help find more information

    with open("/Users/andrea/Desktop/pymac/output2.txt", "w") as f:
except Exception as e:
    with open("/Users/andrea/Desktop/pymac/errorlog.log", "w") as f:
        f.write("Err: " + str(e))

and also make sure your environment variables are set including PythonPath CondaPath and your Scriptpath

set condaPath to "/path/to/conda"
set pythonPath to "/path/to/python"
set scriptPath to "/Users/andrea/Desktop/pymac/"

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