Reputation: 31
I encountered a very serious problem when switching from Windows to Linux (Ubuntu). The problem is very high memory consumption. I first noticed an increase in memory consumption on Windows when moving from .Net Framework to .Net Core 5. But then this was not much of a problem and was acceptable since the increase was not large. The .Net Framework application consumed approximately 150-200 megabytes and the .Net Core 5 application consumed approximately 250-350 megabytes. But when I switched to Linux, the consumption increased many times over. To make the transition, I switched to .Net 6. After running the application on Linux, I noticed that memory grows over time and does not decrease; with long-term operation of the application, memory consumption can reach 6-8 gigabytes. After doing a memory dump, I noticed that almost 90% was taken up by unmanagement memory. There are about 50 instances of this application running on my server, and they quickly consume all the memory, which leads to application crashes. I have no idea why this is happening, it seems that Garbage collection is not freeing the reserved memory. For information, on Windows under IIS the application worked in 32-bit on Linux in 64-bit.
I tried changing Garbage collection settings such as (DOTNET_GCConserveMemory and DOTNET_gcServer), but it didn't help.
My application is essentially a CMS hosted using nginx. Basically this is a site using liquid ( to parse content. It also runs several hosted services that periodically run tasks such as retrieving data from the database to send email if any, checking for changes in data in a file. Even when no requests are sent to my site (for example at night), memory usage does not decrease. I have done a few things like getting memory dump, dotnet-gcdump, dottrace and dotnetdump but I am not very knowledgeable about it and can provide as per need.
Here is the code from one of my hosted services:
public override Task Execute()
if (_isProcessingEmailSender)
return Task.CompletedTask;
_isProcessingEmailSender = true;
return Task.Run(() =>
using (var scope = ServiceActivator.GetScope())
var dataContext = scope?.ServiceProvider?.GetRequiredService<IDataContext>();
if (dataContext == null) return;
var readyToSent = GetReadyToSend(dataContext);
if (readyToSent.Any())
var emailService = scope?.ServiceProvider?.GetRequiredService<IEmailService>();
if (emailService == null)
var messagesToSend = new Queue<IEmailQueue>(readyToSent);
SendMessages(messagesToSend, dataContext, emailService);
_isProcessingEmailSender = false;
catch (Exception ex)
_isProcessingEmailSender = false;
Log.Error(ex, $"Error while sending emails. Error: {ex.Message}");
_isProcessingEmailSender = false;
private void SendMessages(Queue<IEmailQueue> messages, IDataContext dataContext, IEmailService emailService)
while (messages.Any())
var email = messages.Dequeue();
Send(email, dataContext, emailService);
private IList<IEmailQueue> GetReadyToSend(IDataContext dataContext)
var maxAttempts = _treeplSettings.EmailSender.MaxAttemptsCount;
var updatedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(-15);
var countLimit = 15;
var virtualPoints = dataContext.DatabaseProvider.GetPreparedEmail(maxAttempts, updatedDateTime, countLimit);
if (!virtualPoints.Any())
return new List<IEmailQueue>();
return dataContext.Query<IEmailQueue>()
.Where(e => virtualPoints.Any(vp => e.VirtualPointer.InstanceId == vp)).ToList();
private void Send(IEmailQueue message, IDataContext dataContext, IEmailService emailService)
if (message == null)
Log.Information($"Sending email. Email Id {message?.VirtualPointer.Pointer.ToString()}, message to: {message?.To}, message body: {message?.Body}");
if (TrySend(message.ToMailMessage(), emailService, out string errorMessage, out string sentServer))
message.State = EmailMessageState.Sent;
message.SentServer = sentServer;
message.State = EmailMessageState.Failed;
message.ErrorMessage = errorMessage;
catch (Exception ex)
message.State = EmailMessageState.Failed;
message.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
Log.Error($"Error while sending email. Email Id {message?.VirtualPointer.Pointer.ToString()}, message to: {message?.To}, message body: {message?.Body}");
public bool TrySend(MailMessage mail, IEmailService emailService, out string errorMessage, out string sentServer)
SmtpSettings settings;
var isSent = true;
errorMessage = null;
sentServer = null;
if (CheckMailDomainIsVerified(mail.From, emailService))
settings = _treeplSettings.EmailSender.AwsSmtpSettings;
sentServer = "AWS";
settings = _treeplSettings.EmailSender.CustomSmtpSettings;
sentServer = "CUSTOM";
using (var client = GetClient(settings))
catch (Exception ex)
errorMessage = ex.Message;
isSent = false;
throw new Exception(
$"Error while sent email. Subject: {mail.Subject}, From: {mail.From}, To: {string.Join(",", mail.To.Select(x => x.Address))}", ex);
return isSent;
private SmtpClient GetClient(SmtpSettings settings)
var client = new SmtpClient(settings.Host, settings.Port)
Credentials = new NetworkCredential(settings.Username, settings.Password),
EnableSsl = settings.EnableSsl
return client;
private bool CheckMailDomainIsVerified(MailAddress from, IEmailService emailService)
var domainKey = $"{from.Host}-MailDomain";
if (_emailDomainCache.TryGetValue(domainKey, out IMailDomain val))
return val != null && val.TxtStatus.Equals(SUCCESS);
var domain = emailService.GetIdentityVerificationAttribute(from.Host);
_emailDomainCache.AddOrUpdate(domainKey, domain, (k, v) => domain);
return domain != null && domain.TxtStatus.Equals(SUCCESS);
return false;
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