Reputation: 63
#lang racket
(define (buildMaze rows)
((null? rows) null)
(else (cons (buildMaze (cdr rows))
(car rows)))))
(define sampleMaze (buildMaze
'(("S" "-" "-" "-" "-")
("E" "-" "-" "-" "-")
("E" "E" "E" "E" "E")
("-" "-" "-" "-" "E")
("-" "-" "-" "-" "F"))
(define (getHeight maze)
(if (null? maze)
(+ 1 (getHeight (car maze)))))
(define (getWidth row)
(if (null? row)
(+ (if (list? (car row)) 0 1)
(getWidth (cdr row)))))
(define (getChar cell col)
((string? cell) cell)
((pair? cell) (getLetter cell 0 col)) ; Adjust the recursive call to use getLetter
(else -1)))
(define (getLetter maze row col)
((and (<= 0 row (- (getHeight maze) 1))
(<= 0 col (- (getWidth (car maze)) 1)))
(getChar (list-ref maze row) col))
(else -1)))
(display "Height: ")
(display (getHeight sampleMaze))
(display "Width: ")
(display (getWidth sampleMaze))
(display "Letter at (0, 0): ")
(display (getLetter sampleMaze 0 0))
(display "Letter at (1, 0): ")
(display (getLetter sampleMaze 1 0))
(display "Letter at (1, 1): ")
(display (getLetter sampleMaze 1 1))
(display "Letter at (4, 4): ")
(display (getLetter sampleMaze 4 4))
this code is returning
Letter at (0, 0): -1
Letter at (1, 0): S
Letter at (1, 1): S
Letter at (4, 4): -
but it should be
(getLetter sampleMaze 0 0) → should return S
(getLetter sampleMaze 1 0) → should return E
(getLetter sampleMaze 1 1) → should return -
(getLetter sampleMaze 4 4) → should return F
Function "getLetter" which takes a maze, a row number and a column number. Then it returns the letter from the maze on the corresponding location [row, column]
and also
Define a function "solveMaze" which takes a maze and returns the solution for the maze. (solveMaze sampleMaze) → should return (D D R R R R D D)
how can i do
I tried all of AI tools and Racket libraries but i could not do this.
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Views: 68
Reputation: 66459
It's difficult to guess the point of the getLetter
pair, but overall you're doing too much and not using the available list functions.
I made the following changes and got the expected output:
(define sampleMaze
'(("S" "-" "-" "-" "-")
("E" "-" "-" "-" "-")
("E" "E" "E" "E" "E")
("-" "-" "-" "-" "E")
("-" "-" "-" "-" "F"))
(define (getHeight maze)
(length maze))
(define (getWidth maze)
(length (car maze)))
(define (getLetter maze row col)
(if (and (< row (getHeight maze)) (< col (getWidth maze)))
(list-ref (list-ref maze row) col)
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