
Reputation: 303

SQL Deployment Bicep MS Entra Group

I want to use bicep to deploy sql server in my resource group and assign entra group as admin. Following which there is also a dacpac deployment task. Every time I try I either get "Invalid value given for parameter Login" or "Invalid value given for parameter Password"

Here is the template

resource sqlServer 'Microsoft.Sql/servers@2023-05-01-preview' = {
  properties: {
    administratorLogin: ''
    administratorLoginPassword: guid()
    minimalTlsVersion: '1.2'
    administrators: {
      administratorType: 'ActiveDirectory'
      principalType: 'Group'
      login: sqlServerLoginName
      sid: sqlServerGroupObjectId
      tenantId: subscription().tenantId
      azureADOnlyAuthentication: true
    version: '12.0'
    type: 'SystemAssigned'

resource sqlServerDatabase 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases@2021-11-01' = {
  parent: sqlServer
  properties: {
    maxSizeBytes: 1073741824

resource sqlServerAdminResource 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/administrators@2023-05-01-preview' = {
  parent: sqlServer
  name: 'ActiveDirectory'
  properties: {
        administratorType: 'ActiveDirectory'
        login: sqlServerLoginName
        sid: sqlServerGroupObjectId
        tenantId: subscription().tenantId

resource sqlServerAzureAdOnly 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/azureADOnlyAuthentications@2023-05-01-preview' = {
  name: ''
  parent: sqlServer
  properties: {
    azureADOnlyAuthentication: true
  dependsOn:[sqlServerAdminResource ]

Dacpac deployment task for reference

- task: SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1
        displayName: Deploy DB
          AuthenticationType: servicePrincipal
          ServerName: '***'
          DatabaseName: ''
          deployType: 'DacpacTask'
          DeploymentAction: 'Publish'
          DacpacFile: '***\Database.dacpac'
          AdditionalArguments: ''
          IpDetectionMethod: 'IPAddressRange'
          StartIpAddress: ''
          EndIpAddress: ''
          DeleteFirewallRule: true

I have tried multiple variations which are recommended but nothing seems to be working.

Upvotes: 0

Views: 1325

Answers (2)


Reputation: 29736

Your template looks good but you need to:

  • remove the sqlServerAdminResource resource as it s not needed
  • remove the administratorLogin and administratorLoginPassword properties from the sqlServer resource as you specified azureADOnlyAuthentication: true

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 8018

Fails on deployment with: Server active directory administrator type should be ActiveDirectory (Code: InvalidServerAdministratorTypePropertyName):

Thanks @Thomas for your inputs on the above issue. After going through the discussion in the comment section, I added below workaround which would resolve your issue.

You need to add Microsoft.Sql/servers/azureADOnlyAuthentications to deploy the SQL server with only AzureADOnly authentication. Refer the code below.

param administratorLogin string = 'roots'
param administratorLoginPassword string = 'xxxx'
param location string = resourceGroup().location
resource sqlServer 'Microsoft.Sql/servers@2023-05-01-preview' = {
  name: 'sqlserverjah'
  location: location
  properties: {
    administratorLogin: administratorLogin
    administratorLoginPassword: administratorLoginPassword

resource sqlAdminsResource 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/administrators@2023-05-01-preview' = {
  parent: sqlServer
  name: 'sqlserverName-ActiveDirectory'
  properties: {
    administratorType: 'ActiveDirectory'
    login: administratorLogin
    sid: 'xxxx'
    tenantId: subscription().tenantId

resource AzureAdOnly 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/azureADOnlyAuthentications@2023-05-01-preview' = {
  name: 'Default'
  parent: sqlServer
  properties: {
    azureADOnlyAuthentication: true
  dependsOn: [sqlAdminsResource]

enter image description here

Upvotes: 1

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