Reputation: 1
I am trying to re-create a little game called orbital (just for fun). In this game the player shoots a circle into an arena. This circle stops somewhere in the arena and expands in size until it collides with the arena border or another circle. (See picture below)
The issue I have, is that when the circle is expanding, the Rigid-body applied to the circle does not increase in size. It just keeps the size it had when I first created the Rigid-Body.
So the question: How can I cause a re-render of the rigid-body or update its size dynamically? I am using React-Three-Fiber and Rapier JS.
Currently I tried to set the initial size of the circle using the "args" property and then change the size using the "scale" property on the rigid-body. "scale" is using "state" so it does update the shape, just not the rigid body...
Here's my code so you can better understand what I am trying to tell you
import { useRef, useState } from "react";
import { useFrame } from "@react-three/fiber";
import { RigidBody } from "@react-three/rapier";
const Obstacle = ({
size = [4,4,2,32],
position = [0, 0, 0],
color = "red",
hasCollided = false
}) => {
const rigidBody = useRef();
const obstacle = useRef();
const [scale, setScale] = useState(1);
useFrame(() => {
if (obstacle.current.collided == false) {
setScale(scale + 0.1);
return (
onCollisionEnter={() => obstacle.current.collided = true}
scale={[scale, 1, scale]}
<cylinderGeometry args={size} />
<meshStandardMaterial color={color} />
export default Obstacle;
I tried multiple things like, making sure the rigid-body can't sleep, or changing the type of the rigid-body, changing the args property instead of the scale property, but nothing worked. Oh and if change the initial size of my circle, the rigid-body changes its size just fine, the problem is just when trying to change it during runtime
If anyone can tell me how I can re-render or update a Rigid-Body during runtime I would greatly appreciate it!
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Views: 636
Reputation: 17
const [ref, api] = useRigidBody(() => ({ type: 'dynamic', position: [0,
2, 0], mass: 1, ...props }));
const scale = useRef([1, 1, 1]);
const { contactPairs } = useContactPairs();
useEffect(() => {
contactPairs.forEach((pair) => {
if (pair.bodyA === api || pair.bodyB === api) {
scale.current = => s * 1.1);
}, [contactPairs, api]);
Here's a snippet from a previous project instead of using scale directly on rigid body mesh try this to scale the model
return (
<mesh ref={ref}>
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