Reputation: 15
I have a FileDialog in QML. If I click a button the dialog opens and I can select a file via the FileDialog window. I want to close the FileDialog automatically when I click out of the FileDialog section. I search a lot in the net but I could not find any solution for my problem. I'm using Qt 6.2
Item {
id: root
width: 1920
height: 1080
Rectangle {
id: main
anchors.fill: parent
color: "#050616"
GridLayout {
id: grid
anchors.fill: parent
columns: 2
rows: 2
Rectangle {
Layout.preferredWidth: 537
Layout.preferredHeight: 64
border.color: "#0081d1"
border.width: 1
color: "transparent"
Button {
width: 130
height: 36
background: Rectangle {
border.color: "#FFBD03"
color: "#050616"
radius: 3
Text {
id: addFileText
color: "#FFFFFF"
text: "AddFile"
Image {
width: 24
height: 24
source: "qrc:/QMLItemsLib/Icons/addFile.png"
onClicked: {
fileDialog.folder = "file://"+ env.env_HOME +"/Common/"
FileDialog {
id: fileDialog
modality: Qt.NonModal
title: "Please choose a file"
property int fileIndex: -1 // Custom property to store the file index
onAccepted: {
var filePath = fileDialog.file;
if (fileIndex < 0) {
// Add a new file to the list
fileListModel.addFile(filePath, fileListModel.rowCount())
} else {
// Update an existing file in the list
fileListModel.updateFile(filePath, fileIndex)
fileIndex = -1
can anyone help me for this problem???!!!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 167
Reputation: 26299
I agree with @Jürgen Lutz. If the default FileDialog
doesn't give you what you want, then you'll have to roll your own. It seems that your requirements is quite specific. This pushes us towards a customized component. As a starting point, consider using FolderListModel
in a Popup
Page {
Popup {
id: filePopup
signal accepted(fileName: string)
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: parent.width / 2
height: parent.height / 2
ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
model: FolderListModel { }
delegate: Button {
text: fileName
onClicked: { filePopup.accepted(fileName); Qt.callLater(filePopup.close) }
footer: Button {
text: "File Dialog"
However, as you start going down this path you take the burden of managing and maintaining your component and, possibly, an unending set of user requirements. This should make you rethink whether such time spent here is worthwhile, versus, the time you spend on managing user expectations and accepting the out-of-the-box FileDialog
Upvotes: 1