Reputation: 83
I am having to rapidly convert some RMarkdown documents into Quarto (using RStudio).
The documents worked fine in RMarkdown.
However, the tables are crashing...below is one of the table code chunks - it works fine EXCEPT for the kable_classic_2
command, which crashes it, leading to the error:
Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. l.1145 }
I am beginning to suspect that the issue is that in RMarkdown we were producing a PDF via html, and now in Quarto we are going via LaTeX
#| label: tbl-NumPercAds
#| tbl-cap: Number and percentage of adverts requiring driving.
kableExtra::kable(tab4.1, col.names = names(tab4.1), align="crrcrrc",
format.args = list(big.mark = ",")) %>%
kableExtra::kable_classic_2(fixed_thead = T, font_size = 8, full_width = T) %>%
column_spec (c(1,4), border_right = T) %>% row_spec (9, bold=TRUE) %>%
row_spec( 8, extra_css = "border-bottom: 1px solid")
Can anyone please:
a) Explain why kable appears to work OK but not kable_classic_2
b) direct me to some info on quality styling of tables in Quarto using r chunks to produce output of similar quality to the RMarkdown kableExtra route as I can't seem to find it esp. in the Quarto docs e.g.
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