Reputation: 13
I try to run a multi-layered ERGM with the ergm.multi package in R with two layers. Before, I ran an ERGM for each layer, which all worked our perfectly. However, when trying to run the respective multi-layer ERGM, I get the error message concerning nodal attributes:
Error in `ergm_Init_abort()`:! In term ‘nodeifactor’ in package ‘ergm’ (called from term ‘L’ in package ‘ergm.multi’): ‘srh’ is/are not valid nodal attribute(s).
Following the statnet tutorial (, I specified my multi-layered network as follows:
hf2_A <- network1 | network2 # superset of all edges in any layer
# set attributes
hf2_A[,, names.eval="network1"] <- as.matrix(network1)
hf2_A[,, names.eval="network2"] <- as.matrix(network2)
hf_A <- Layer(hf2_A, c("network1","network2"))
set.vertex.attribute(hf_A, attrname = "pid", value = as.vector(network_names_A))
set.vertex.attribute(hf_A, attrname = "sup", value = as.vector(sup_A))
set.vertex.attribute(hf_A, attrname = "nas", value = as.vector(nas_A))
set.vertex.attribute(hf_A, attrname = "age", value = as.vector(age_A))
set.vertex.attribute(hf_A, attrname = "srh", value = as.vector(srh_A))
set.vertex.attribute(hf_A, attrname = "casmin", value = as.vector(casmin_A))
looks then like this:
Combined 2 networks on ‘.LayerID’/‘.LayerName’:
1: n = 50, directed = TRUE, bipartite = FALSE, loops = FALSE
2: n = 50, directed = TRUE, bipartite = FALSE, loops = FALSE
Network attributes:
vertices = 100
directed = TRUE
hyper = FALSE
loops = FALSE
multiple = FALSE
bipartite = FALSE
Length Class Mode
constraints 2 formula call
total edges= 247
missing edges= 0
non-missing edges= 247
Vertex attribute names:
.bipartite .LayerID .LayerName .undirected age casmin nas pid srh sup vertex.names
Edge attribute names:
network1 network2
However, when running my multi-layered ERGM, I will still get the error message specified above.
m1 <- ergm(hf_A ~ L(~edges + mutual + gwidegree(decay=.1, fixed=TRUE) + gwodegree(decay=.1, fixed=TRUE) + gwesp(decay=.1, fixed=TRUE)
+nodematch("age")+nodematch("casmin")+nodefactor("age")+nodefactor("casmin"), ~network1)
+ L(~edges + mutual + gwidegree(decay=.1, fixed=TRUE) + gwodegree(decay=.1, fixed=TRUE) + gwesp(decay=.1, fixed=TRUE)
+nodematch("age")+nodematch("casmin")+nodefactor("age")+nodefactor("casmin"), ~network2)
Did anyone else encounter a similar problem? Or knows why I get the error message?
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Views: 184
Reputation: 2948
Thanks @Amelie. This looks like a bug, follow up at Issue 27 on GitHub.
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