Reputation: 12431
Is there a way I can check if a private-key matches a public-key with Java JCE?
// generate a keypair
KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance ("RSA", provname);
kpg.initialize (4096);
KeyPair kp = kpg.generateKeyPair ();
// does kp.getPublic () matches kp.getPrivate ()???
Best I can think of is to use it.
// sign and verify
Signature sign = Signature.getInstance ("SHA256withRSA", "BC");
sign.initSign (kp.getPrivate ());
String str ="text";
sign.update (str.getBytes());
byte sv [] = sign.sign ();
sign.update (str.getBytes ());
boolean x=sign.verify (sv); // must be true if keys match!
But maybe there is another easier way??
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