Roshan Ojha
Roshan Ojha

Reputation: 153

How to play ffmpeg dash?

I have following code to create chunk of video.

video_serializer = serializers.video_serializer

def process_video(self, video_path, video_id):
    # Set the path where the processed videos will be saved
    output_dir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'processed_videos')

     # Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
    os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)

    # Add your ffmpeg_streaming code here to process the video
    full_video_path =  os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, str(video_path))
    video = ffmpeg_streaming.input(full_video_path)

      # Add your ffmpeg_streaming code here to process the video
    _144p  = Representation(Size(256, 144), Bitrate(95 * 1024, 64 * 1024))
    _240p  = Representation(Size(426, 240), Bitrate(150 * 1024, 94 * 1024))
    _360p  = Representation(Size(640, 360), Bitrate(276 * 1024, 128 * 1024))
    _480p  = Representation(Size(854, 480), Bitrate(750 * 1024, 192 * 1024))
    _720p  = Representation(Size(1280, 720), Bitrate(2048 * 1024, 320 * 1024))

    dash = video.dash(Formats.h264())
    dash.representations(_144p, _240p, _360p, _480p, _720p)
    dash.output(os.path.join(output_dir, f'dash-stream-{video_id}.mpd'))

def post(self,request):
        video_data = self.video_serializer(
        data = video_data.validated_data

        video_instance = Video.objects.create(
            id = data.get('id'),
            saved_location = data.get('video')

        return Response({"success":True})
    except Exception as e:
        return Response({"success":False,"message":str(e)})

This code is working well as it has created different chunk files as well as a .mpd file of a video inside media/processed_video folder.

Then I wrote following code to stream that video using that .mpd folder.

    def get (self,request,video_id):
        mpd_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'processed_videos', f'dash-stream-{video_id}.mpd')
        with open(mpd_path, 'rb') as f:
            mpd_content =
            response = HttpResponse(mpd_content, content_type='application/dash+xml')

            # Set Content-Disposition header to make the response downloadable
            response['Content-Disposition'] = f'attachment; filename="dash-stream-{video_id}.mpd"'
            # Optionally set Content-Length header to specify the size of the file
            response['Content-Length'] = len(mpd_content)
            return response
    except Exception as e:
        return Response({"success":False,"message":str(e)})

When I make get request to the api it returns content of .mpd as it is (i.e xml). When I used that api in vlc network stream, vlc couldn't play the video. But when I dragged .mpd file directly to vlc, the video gets played with 144p only. I don't know where I got wrong in GET. Please help.

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