Reputation: 84
I tried to use CreateThread in kernel32 to start a DataCollectorEntry function in new thread but it did not execute any line on the function and the GetLastError return 0
that means everything is right so what is the problem
var instanceHandleModule: HMODULE? = null
var functionThread: HANDLE? = null
var globalValueInternal: HANDLE_PTR = 0xdeadbeefUL
@OptIn(ExperimentalNativeApi::class, ExperimentalForeignApi::class)
fun DataCollectorEntry(lpThreadParameter : LPVOID?): DWORD{
OutputDebugStringA("Data Collector Entry")
MessageBoxA(null, "HI", "Test", MB_OK.toUInt())
// val lpBaseAddress: COpaquePointer? = malloc(8UL)
// lpBaseAddress.rawValue
// val lpBuffer = malloc(8UL)
// ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), lpBaseAddress, lpBuffer, 8UL, null)
return 0u
@OptIn(ExperimentalNativeApi::class, ExperimentalForeignApi::class)
fun DllMain(hModule: HMODULE, ul_reason_for_call: DWORD, lpReserved: LPVOID): Boolean {
when (ul_reason_for_call.toInt()) {
instanceHandleModule = hModule
OutputDebugStringA("DllMain Attached")
// val threadFunc2: CPointer<CFunction<(LPVOID?) -> DWORD>> = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("kernel32"), "CreateThread")!!.reinterpret()
val threadFunc: CPointer<CFunction<(LPVOID?) -> DWORD>> = staticCFunction(::DataCollectorEntry)
functionThread = CreateThread(null, 0u, threadFunc, NULL, 0u, null)
MessageBoxA(null, "Last Error ${GetLastError()} , $functionThread", "Test", MB_OK.toUInt())
// OutputDebugStringA(GetLastError().toString())
// OutputDebugStringA("Thread Handle:: ${if (functionThread == null) "It Is Null" else functionThread.toLong()}")
// Perform cleanup or finalization tasks here
OutputDebugStringA("DllMain Detached")
return true
Upvotes: 0
Views: 70
Reputation: 84
So i found that code is right, let me explain when i want to test the dll i openned the dll with the x64dbg directily but in this case the thread created but i did not know why the thread function does not exexuted, but when i tried to inject the dll in other process the function executed so the code is right
Upvotes: 0