Reputation: 1
I'm currently using PyWinAuto to get the data from a FileEditor like this.
app = Application(backend='uia').connect(title='AppTitle', timeout=2)
dlg = app.top_window()
list_child = dlg.child_window(auto_id="dgFileEditor", control_type="DataGrid").children()
for item in list_child:
for cell in item.children():
for smaller_cell in cell.children():
element_info = smaller_cell.window_text()
The problem I'm facing is the data I get must be verified, which has a little checkmark icon like this. But I'm unable to find the checkmark icon in the Inspect.exe, when I hover in the icon, it show in the Inspect.exe as a DataGridCell with no children or parent. Here is the image of the dataframe with the checkmark. And here is the output on Inspec.exe when I hover in the Icon.
How found: Mouse move (3128,628)
hwnd=0x0000000000230A20 32bit class="HwndWrapper[SmartTrans.exe;;9f06b796-7f7e-4981-92a6-680f950e21e7]" style=0x17CF0000 ex=0x4Name: "Item: SmartTrans.Model.SegmentElement, Column Display Index: 4"
ControlType: UIA_CustomControlTypeId (0xC369)
LocalizedControlType: "data grid cell"
BoundingRectangle: {l:3101 t:601 r:3139 b:646}
IsEnabled: true
IsOffscreen: false
IsKeyboardFocusable: true
HasKeyboardFocus: false
AcceleratorKey: ""
AccessKey: ""
ProcessId: 9748
RuntimeId: [7.2614.20C235B]
AutomationId: ""
FrameworkId: "WPF"
ClassName: "DataGridCell"
IsControlElement: true
IsContentElement: true
ProviderDescription: "[pid:9748,providerId:0x0 Main(parent link):Unidentified Provider (managed:MS.Internal.Automation.ElementProxy, PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35)]"
LiveSettingProperty: Off (0)
IsPassword: false
ItemStatus: ""
ItemType: ""
IsRequiredForForm: false
HelpText: ""
ClickablePoint: {x:3120 y:623}
Orientation: 0
IsDialog: false
HeadingLevel: HeadingLevel_None (0x138B2)
GridItem.Column: 4
GridItem.ColumnSpan: 1
GridItem.ContainingGrid: "" datagrid
GridItem.Row: 67
GridItem.RowSpan: 1
LegacyIAccessible.ChildId: 0
LegacyIAccessible.DefaultAction: "Press"
LegacyIAccessible.Description: ""
LegacyIAccessible.Help: ""
LegacyIAccessible.KeyboardShortcut: ""
LegacyIAccessible.Name: "Item: SmartTrans.Model.SegmentElement, Column Display Index: 4"
LegacyIAccessible.Role: push button (0x2B)
LegacyIAccessible.State: focusable (0x100000)
LegacyIAccessible.Value: ""
Value.IsReadOnly: false
Value.Value: ""
IsAnnotationPatternAvailable: false
IsDragPatternAvailable: false
IsDockPatternAvailable: false
IsDropTargetPatternAvailable: false
IsExpandCollapsePatternAvailable: false
IsGridItemPatternAvailable: true
IsGridPatternAvailable: false
IsInvokePatternAvailable: true
IsItemContainerPatternAvailable: false
IsLegacyIAccessiblePatternAvailable: true
IsMultipleViewPatternAvailable: false
IsObjectModelPatternAvailable: false
IsRangeValuePatternAvailable: false
IsScrollItemPatternAvailable: true
IsScrollPatternAvailable: false
IsSelectionItemPatternAvailable: false
IsSelectionPatternAvailable: false
IsSpreadsheetItemPatternAvailable: false
IsSpreadsheetPatternAvailable: false
IsStylesPatternAvailable: false
IsSynchronizedInputPatternAvailable: false
IsTableItemPatternAvailable: true
IsTablePatternAvailable: false
IsTextChildPatternAvailable: false
IsTextEditPatternAvailable: false
IsTextPatternAvailable: false
IsTextPattern2Available: false
IsTogglePatternAvailable: false
IsTransformPatternAvailable: false
IsTransform2PatternAvailable: false
IsValuePatternAvailable: true
IsVirtualizedItemPatternAvailable: false
IsWindowPatternAvailable: false
IsCustomNavigationPatternAvailable: false
IsSelectionPattern2Available: false
FirstChild: [null]
LastChild: [null]
Next: "Item: SmartTrans.Model.SegmentElement, Column Display Index: 5" data grid cell
Previous: "Item: SmartTrans.Model.SegmentElement, Column Display Index: 3" data grid cell
Other Props: Object has no additional properties
Children: Container has no children
Ancestors: "SmartTrans.Model.SegmentElement" dataitem
"" datagrid
"SmartTrans" window
"Desktop 1" pane
[ No Parent ]
I have tried Screencapture and tooltip text but still nothing work. Any help would be appreciated.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 241