Reputation: 15
I have a simple powershell script that checks the logged in users on a Windows Server (qwinsta).
It works perfectly with Nagios/NRPE, I can also execute the script locally on the Windows Server, but I can't get it to work with Check_MK.
I copied the script to the %ProgramData%\agent\local folder, a rescan on the Check_MK server finds the script, but the service status is UNKN (check failed - please submit a crash report!).
The script looks like this:
(qwinsta.exe) | findstr /v Disc | findstr /v Conn | findstr /v Listen | foreach { (($_.trim() -replace "\s+",","))} | ConvertFrom-Csv | findstr.exe USERNAME > C:\temp\users.txt
And then the customization for the Nagios output:
(Get-Content C:\temp\users.txt) -replace 'USERNAME', '' -replace ':','' | Set-Content C:\temp\users.txt
$lines = Get-Content C:\Temp\users.txt
$var=($lines|group|?{$_.count -ge 1}|Select -ExpandProperty Name) -join ","
I suspect the problem is in the way I wrote the Nagios output in Powershell:
if ($LoggedOnUsers -lt 1){<br>
$NagiosStatus = "0"<br>
Write-Host "No users are logged on"<br>
else <br>
if (($Today -like "Saturday" -OR $Today -like "Sunday") -AND ($LoggedOnUsers -eq 1)) <br>
$NagiosStatus = "2"<br>
if ($LoggedOnUsers -eq 1) {<br>
Write-Host "$LoggedOnUsers user logged on: $var"<br>
else {<br>
Write-Host "$LoggedOnUsers users logged on: $var"<br>
else <br>
if (($now -lt $max) -AND ($now -gt $min)) {<br>
$NagiosStatus = "1"<br>
if ($LoggedOnUsers -eq 1) {<br>
Write-Host "$LoggedOnUsers user logged on: $var "<br>
else {<br>
Write-Host "$LoggedOnUsers users logged on: $var"<br>
else {<br>
$NagiosStatus = "2" <br>
if ($LoggedOnUsers -eq 1) {<br>
Write-Host "$LoggedOnUsers user logged on: $var"<br>
else {<br>
Write-Host "$LoggedOnUsers users logged on: $var"<br>
exit $NagiosStatus<br>
Not sure how to write the output for Check_mk.
Any ideas welcome.
This is how the output looks in Nagios: enter image description here
Upvotes: 0
Views: 156
Reputation: 14978
(qwinsta) -replace ' SESSIONNAME','_SESSIONNAME' -replace ' +',',' |
ConvertFrom-csv |
Where-Object { $_.STATE -Match 'Active' } |
Select-Object USERNAME |
Get-Unique |
Join-String -Property {$_.USERNAME} -Separator ','
First replace ' SESSIONNAME' by '_SESSIONNAME', this is done to make the columns split nicely.
Replace all 1 or more spaced (' +'
) by a ','
Select the 'Active' ones (you can change this when you need other states too
Select the USERNAME
Each USERNAME just ones, so Get-Unique
Join the result with a ',' as separator
OK, I am not sure about this last parts, was not able to test because I only have one USERNAME , and my Powershell scripting levels are LOW
Upvotes: 1