Reputation: 1
I am trying to get the drive letter of a externally connected drive in powershell. I don't want usb flashdrives just an external usb hard drive. I've tried combinations of using get-cimInstance win32_diskdrive, get-physicaldisk, and getwmiobject win32_logicaldisk, but none give me everything I need.
get-ciminstance win32_diskdrive | select mediatype
tells me if its an external drive which is great, but there is no way to get the drive letter from win32_diskdrive that I'm aware of.
Can anyone help?
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Views: 278
Reputation: 1
I found a bit of code and modified it slightly to get what I wanted. Here it is:
$drive = Get-WmiObject win32_diskdrive |
Where-Object {$_.mediatype -eq "External hard disk media"} |
ForEach-Object {
Get-WmiObject -query "associators of {win32_diskdrive.deviceid=`"$($_.deviceid.replace('\','\\'))`"} where assocclass = win32_diskdrivetodiskpartition"
} |
ForEach-Object {
Get-WmiObject -query "associators of {win32_diskpartition.deviceid=`"$($_.deviceid)`"} where assocclass = win32_logicaldisktopartition"
} |
ForEach-Object {$_.deviceid}
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Reputation: 1855
Is adding the drive letter to Win32_DiskDrive
for all removable drives what you are looking for?
[array](Get-Volume | where DriveType -eq 'Removable') | foreach {
$ThisRemovableDriveLetter = $_.DriveLetter
$ThisPartition = Get-Partition | where DriveLetter -eq $ThisRemovableDriveLetter
$ThisPartitionId = $ThisPartition.UniqueId.Replace(":$ENV:ComputerName",'').remove(0,38)
Get-CimInstance Win32_DiskDrive |
where PNPDeviceID -eq $ThisPartitionId |
select *, @{ l = 'Drive'; e = {$RemovableDriveLetter} }
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Reputation: 175085
You can use WMI associations to find the corresponding drive letter(s):
# discover connected physical disks
$diskDrives = Get-CimInstance Win32_DiskDrive
# filter on type
$diskDrives = $diskDrives |Where-Object MediaType -eq '<device type description goes here>'
# discover associated partitions
$diskPartitions = $diskDrives |Get-CimAssociatedInstance -ResultClassName Win32_DiskPartition
# discover associated logical drives
$logicalDrives = $diskPartitions |Get-CimAssociatedInstance -ResultClassName Win32_DiskPartition
# output drive letter
#logicalDrives |Select @{Name='DriveLetter';Expression='DeviceID'}
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