
Reputation: 87

I'm having issues linking to a header in the same document with CommonMark, Markdig, MAUI, and Visual Studio 2022?

Here is an excerpt from my Markdown text.

This window is divided into 5 regions -
[*Naming Fields*](#namingfields),
Each region is described in more detail below.

<a name="namingfields"></a>
### Naming Fields

Here is my C# code to convert from Markdown to HTML:

var result = Markdig.Markdown.ToHtml(text);

And here is the resulting HTML.

<p>This window is divided into 5 regions -
<a href="#namingfields"><em>Naming Fields</em></a>,
Each region is described in more detail below.</p>
<p><a name="namingfields"></a></p>
<h3>Naming Fields</h3>

I get the same behavior using this Markup.

<a id="namingfields"></a>

That is, using id in place of name.

The strange behavior I'm seeing is that when I set a breakpoint to examine result as HTML, I can click the "Naming Fields" link, and I get the desired behavior - focus moves to the target header. However, when I continue from my breakpoint, and click the link in the context of the running application, I get the following error: Can't reach the webpage at https://appdir/#namingfields.

I'm using the MAUI WebView control, and I have verified that BaseUrl is null. I have also inspected the HTML in the WebView control, and it is unchanged from what I see in the debugger. But obviously, my link is being redirected, and I don't understand why. I would appreciate any insights anyone has to offer.

And by the way, isn't there a way I can use Markup, instead of embedded HTML, to specify the "namingfields" target?

Thanks. Chuck

---- Updated post ----

In response to @GuangyuBai-MSFT's request for the demo, here are the relevant files.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
    <StackLayout BackgroundColor="LightGray">
        <WebView Source="{Binding HelpViewSource}" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" />

using Markdig;

namespace AzureResourceNaming;

public partial class HelpPage : ContentPage
    private HtmlWebViewSource _helpViewSource = new();
    public HtmlWebViewSource HelpViewSource
        get { return _helpViewSource; }
            if (_helpViewSource != value)
                _helpViewSource = value;

    public HelpPage()
        if (Content != null)
            Content.BindingContext = this;

        var text = LoadMarkdownContent().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
        var result = Markdown.ToHtml(text);
        var viewSource = new HtmlWebViewSource
            Html = result,
            BaseUrl = string.Empty
        HelpViewSource = viewSource;

    private static async Task<string> LoadMarkdownContent()
        using var stream = await FileSystem.OpenAppPackageFileAsync("HelpFile.txt");
        using var reader = new StreamReader(stream);

        var contents = reader.ReadToEnd();
        return contents;

HelpFile.txt is shown at the top of the post. I launch the HelpText view with the following:

   var helpWindow = new Window(new HelpPage())
       Width = 850,
       Height = 700

---- More information ----

I added an event handler, WebView_Navigating(object sender, WebNavigatingEventArgs e), which does get triggered when I click on the link in my HelpText document. Upon examining sender.Source, I see that it is properly set to the HtmlWebViewSource I created in the constructor. However, e.Source is set to a UrlWebViewSource object I don't recognize, but it's Url property is set to https://appdir/#namingfields which I do recognize as the target mentioned in the error message.

I then added a second event handler, WebView_BindingContextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) which gets triggered when I launch the HelpPage view, and sender.Source is once again set to the HtmlWebViewSource I created in the constructor. Unfortunately, EventArgs is just an empty base class, and holds no interesting information, and BindingContextChangedEventArgs is not defined for MAUI applications. So, I don't know, but it is highly likely, that this event was triggered by initially setting WebView.Source.

So, at this point, I now know that I'm getting an erroneous navigation event, but I don't know where it's coming from or why.

---- Even More information ----

Upon exploring the stack trace upon triggering BindingContextChanged I now know that the triggering event was Content.BindingContext = this; and this has nothing to do with setting WebView.Source.

Upon exploring the stack trace upon triggering WebView_Navigating I was unable to find any useful information.

---- Conclusive Information ----

To close the loop on possibilities, I modified my HelpPressed code as follows:

using var stream = await FileSystem.OpenAppPackageFileAsync("HelpFile.txt");
using var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
var text = reader.ReadToEnd();
var result = Markdown.ToHtml(text);

var targetFile = "...";  
using var outputStream = File.OpenWrite(targetFile);
using var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(outputStream);
await streamWriter.WriteAsync(result);

var xyz = await Launcher.OpenAsync(new Uri(targetFile));

Instead of passing the html string into a WebView control for display, I save it in a file, then launch a browser to display it. This works just fine - all the links work as expected. So, this clearly points the finger at a bug in the WebView control, and not at Markdown or Markdig.

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