Reputation: 53
I am try to use this packages with servant:
servant-auth, servant-auth-server,
This code:
type Unprotected = "reg2" :> QueryParam "name" String
:> QueryParam "email" String
:> QueryParam "pwd" String
:> Throws HRegFieldErrors
:> Throws UserRegError
type Protected = "test"
:> Throws SomeError
:> Get '[PlainText] String
:<|> ...
I found that reg2 handler for API works fine, but for protected section test handler I got this error:
app/Main.hs:185:20: error:
• Couldn't match type: Envelope
'[Header "Set-Cookie" SetCookie, Header "Set-Cookie" SetCookie]
with: Headers
'[Header "Set-Cookie" SetCookie]
'[Header "Set-Cookie" SetCookie] (Envelope '[SomeError] [Char]))
arising from a use of ‘serveWithContext’
• In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘serveWithContext api cfg (server env jwtCfg)’
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
run 8080 $ serveWithContext api cfg (server env jwtCfg)
In the expression:
do print "wait for mysql"
print "try to connect..."
pool_ <- myResourcePool
let i_config = ...
185 | run 8080 $ serveWithContext api cfg (server env jwtCfg)
handler for test:
protected :: Env -> Servant.Auth.Server.AuthResult AuthData -> Server Protected
protected env (Servant.Auth.Server.Authenticated authdata) = test
test :: Handler (Envelope '[SomeError] String)
test = do
liftIO $ print "test"
pureErrEnvelope SomeError
protected _ _ = throwAll err401
start server code:
type API auths = (Servant.Auth.Server.Auth auths AuthData :> Protected) :<|> Unprotected
server :: Env -> JWTSettings -> Server (API auths)
server env jwts = protected env :<|> unprotected env jwts
let i_config = Config { appName = "MyApp", version = 1 }
let env = Env {cfg = i_config, pool = pool_}
-- pool <- myResourcePool
print "start servant server http://localhost:8080"
--run 8080 (serve appAPI $ server env)
myKey <- generateKey
let jwtCfg = defaultJWTSettings myKey--jwt_secret
cfg = defaultCookieSettings :. jwtCfg :. EmptyContext
api = Proxy :: Proxy (API '[JWT])
run 8080 $ serveWithContext api cfg (server env jwtCfg)
Also I found that if I move test handler to "Unprotected section" it works fine. So I think that servant-checked-exceptions "Throws" or "Envelope" some how lead to this errors inside Protected section. How to fix this?
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