Reputation: 25
I am using this algorithm to check if it gives sequential pixel-points while plotting a line between the points (1,1) and (4,13):
using Plots
function plotline(x1,y1,x2,y2)
display(plot(x,y,label="plotline",shape=:circle, color=:red,))
The plot command gives me a continous line which is not really helpful. I am wondering if there is a way to plot the points somewhat like this: Grid Example
My first idea was if I could somehow turn it into a kind of heatmap but I am not really used to them. Any ideas?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 130
Reputation: 570
You can indeed use heatmap to visualize -- how about this? Haven't fully checked all edge cases (i.e. this assumes x2>x1 and y2>y1) but it should be a good starting problem! Seems like the kind of thing computer graphics do under the hood all the time to figure out which pixels to light up.
using Plots
x1 = 1; y1 = 1; x2 = 4; y2 = 13; pixSize=1
function genPixelLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,pixSize=1)
m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1); b = y2-m*x2 #slope and intercept of line
xline = x1:x2; line = m.*xline.+b #line itself
xpix = x1:pixSize:x2; ypix = y1:pixSize:y2 #pixel centers
pixels = zeros(length(xpix),length(ypix)) #initialize pixel grid
xMins = xpix.-(pixSize/2); xMaxs = xpix.+(pixSize/2) #bounding edges in x
for (yBin,yp) in enumerate(ypix) #go through bounding horizontal lines
yMin = yp-pixSize/2; yMax = yp+pixSize/2 #top and bottom bounds
xMin = (yMin-b)/m; xMax = (yMax-b)/m #x values at top and bottom bounds
xBins = (xMax.>xMins) .&& (xMin.<=xMaxs) #we want the maximum x to greater than the minimum bounding line in x and vice versa
pixels[xBins,yBin] .= 1.0 #light pixel up where conditions are satisfied
return (xpix,ypix,pixels),(xline,line)
pix,l = genPixelLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,pixSize)
heatmap(pix[1],pix[2],pix[3]',colorbar=false) #note have to plot transpose because of how heatmap works internally, pix[1] and pix[2] are the 1D x and y arrays of pixel centers
vline!([pix[1].-pixSize/2,pix[1].+pixSize/2],label="",c=:purple) #visualize the bounding boxes the function calculated to determine which cells to light up
hline!([pix[2].-pixSize/2,pix[2].+pixSize/2],c=:purple,label="pixel edges")
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