Reputation: 11
I did an experiment in which participants had to label a tree using a desktop application (CC) and a Virtual Reality application (VR). for each application they had to label a different tree. There were 3 trees; easy, medium and hard. I want to investigate if demographic groups have any interaction with tree type on the performances.
in the example below it is for trunk accuracy.
i have the following dataframe:
i am using pingouin.mixed_anova to perform some tests. At first I tried to use treetype as a between-subject variable (which is correct) and that didn't work. If I use sensegroup, VRexpgroup or deskexpgroup as between variables there is no problem, but when I use treetype it returns: ValueError: cannot convert float NaN to integer. I then thought I realised my mistake and tried to use treetype as within-subject variable (which is incorrect) but it still returns the same error. See below my code snippet. I make sure tree type is lowercase and categorical (which I did not have to do for the other within variables). I also made sure that there are no non-numeric and NaN values in under the values column. I then print the unique values which returns correct numbers I loop over the dependent variables, between variables and within variables which give no errors as long as I don't include 'treetype'.
code snippet:
# Assuming melted_pers_df is your DataFrame containing the data
for dev in dependent_variables:
for group_var in group_variables:
for within_var in within_variables:
# Select relevant data for the current dependent variable and group variable
rel_df = melted_pers_df.loc[melted_pers_df['measurement'] == dev].copy()
rel_df['treetype'] = rel_df['treetype'].str.lower()
rel_df['treetype'] = rel_df['treetype'].astype('category')
# Convert 'value' column to numeric type with errors='coerce'
rel_df['value'] = pd.to_numeric(rel_df['value'], errors='coerce')
# Drop rows with NaN values in the 'value' column
rel_df.dropna(subset=['value'], inplace=True)
# Print unique values of the 'value' column
print(f"Unique values of 'value'for {within_var} + {group_var} + {dev}: {rel_df['value'].unique()}")
# Print the DataFrame just before performing mixed ANOVA
print(f"DataFrame just before mixed ANOVA for for {within_var} + {group_var} + {dev}:")
# Perform mixed ANOVA only if the dependent variable is numeric
mixed_anova_result = pg.mixed_anova(dv='value', between=group_var, within=within_var, subject='Participant ID', data=rel_df)
# Print a more readable version of the mixed ANOVA result
print(f"\nMixed ANOVA test result for {within_var} + {group_var} + {dev}:")
I tried to look for alternative packages that have mixed anova but couldn't find any.
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