Reputation: 1
I'm trying to implement a custom resolver in Amplify GraphQL to filter cocktails based on the difficulty field stored in a DynamoDB table. Here's my current setup:
Schema (schema.graphql):
input AMPLIFY { globalAuthRule: AuthRule = { allow: public } }
type Cocktail @model {
cocktailName: String! @primaryKey
EN: CocktailDetails
ES: CocktailDetails
type SpiritsInput {
name: String!
quantity: String!
type OccasionTagsInputs {
tag: String!
type MethodInputs {
step: String!
type IngredientInput {
name: String!
quantity: String!
type EquipmentInput {
name: String!
type CuisineTypeInput {
type: String!
type SeasonTagsInput {
tag: String!
type ImageInput {
url: String!
type CocktailDetails {
cocktailTitle: String
cocktailDescription: String
cocktail_url: String
spirit: [SpiritsInput!]
occasion: [OccasionTagsInputs!]
method: [MethodInputs!]
alcoholVol: Float
alc: Boolean
foodPairing: String
metaData: String
difficulty: String! # Ensure difficulty is not nullable
ingredients: [IngredientInput!]
preparationTime: String
equipment: [EquipmentInput!]
cuisineType: [CuisineTypeInput!]
seasonTags: [SeasonTagsInput!]
images: [ImageInput!]
created_date: String
updated_date: String
user: String
type Query {
getCocktailByDifficulty(difficulty: String!): [Cocktail]
$util.log("Scan filter expression: " + $scanFilter.expression)
$set( $scanFilter = { "expression": "EN.difficulty = :difficulty", "expressionValues": { ":difficulty": { "S": $ctx.args.difficulty } } } )
$util.log("Scan request: " + $util.toJson({ "version": "2018-05-29", "operation": "Scan", "filter": $scanFilter }))
$util.toJson({ "version": "2018-05-29", "operation": "Scan", "filter": $scanFilter })
and when i try to run the query by passing the difficulty in query parameter it returns null value i have inserted demo data in the dynamo db
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Views: 72