Reputation: 345
This is a follow up to my question here.
The code provided does give the desired output, however it seems there is an issue when a page does not exist, and I am trying to use try/catch to avoid these errors and continue.
For example, I am specifying all dates with the following:
month <- c('02')
year <- c('2024')
day <- c('220','270','280')
team <- c('CHI')
This is fine, as Chicago played home games on all these days, hence the following urls all work:
But if I add another day and/or month like so:
month <- c('02')
year <- c('2024')
day <- c(**'210'**,'220','270','280')
team <- c('CHI')
Chicago did not play a home game on 21 Feb 24 and this url doesn't exist:
I tried adding it to the code here:
page <- tryCatch(read_html(url), error = function(err) "error 404")
But then I received this message:
no applicable method for 'xml_find_first' applied to an object of class "character"
How can I skip the pages that don't exist and just return the values from those that do?
Full code:
##sample only - ultimately this will include all teams and all months and days
month <- c('02')
year <- c('2024')
day <- c('220','270','280')
team <- c('CHI')
make_url <- function(team, year, month, day) {
paste0('', year, month, day, team, '.html')
dates <- expand.grid(team = team, year = year, month = month, day = day)
urls <- dates |>
mutate( url = make_url(team, year, month, day),
team = team,
date = paste(year, month, gsub('.{1}$', '', day), sep = '-'),
.keep = 'unused'
getPageTable <- function(url) {
#read the page
page <- read_html(url)
#get the game's date
gamedate <- page %>% html_element("div.scorebox_meta div") %>% html_text2()
#get game title
gameInfo <- page %>% html_elements(" h1") %>% html_text()
#get the table headings
headings <- page %>% html_elements("div.section_wrapper") %>% html_element("h2") %>% html_text()
#find the quarter scores
quarters <- grep("Q[1|2|3|4]", headings)
#retrieve the tables from the page
tables <- page %>% html_elements("div.section_wrapper") %>% html_element("table")
#select the desired headings and tables
headings <- headings[quarters]
tables <- tables[quarters] %>% html_table(header=FALSE)
#add game date and team name/quater to the results
tables <- lapply(1:length(tables), function(i) {
#set column titles to second row
names(tables[[i]]) <- tables[[i]][2,]
tables[[i]] <- tables[[i]][-c(1:2),]
tables[[i]]$gamedate <- gamedate
tables[[i]]$team <- headings[i]
tables[[i]]$title <- gameInfo
#merge the quarterly status into 1 dataframe
df <- bind_rows(tables)
df <- df %>% filter("Starters" != "Reserves" | "Starters" != "Team Totals" )
#loop through the URLS
dfs <- lapply(urls$url, getPageTable)
#merge into one big table
finalResult <- bind_rows(dfs)
finalResult <- finalResult %>% separate("team", into=c("team", "quarter"), " \\(")
finalResult$quarter <- sub("\\)", "", finalResult$quarter)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 140
Reputation: 76585
Here is a solution. Wrap the call to read_html
in tryCatch
and return the error condition, if anything goes wrong. Then test the condition right after the read instruction. Like this you will have a list with both the data (URL's are OK) and the errors (URL's are not OK) and can test which are which outside the function.
Here is the function, corrected.
getPageTable <- function(url) {
# read the page, returning the error condition if error 404 (or other)
page <- tryCatch(
error = function(e) e
if(inherits(page, "error")) {
# then continue as in the question's code
#get the game's date
gamedate <- page %>% html_element("div.scorebox_meta div") %>% html_text2()
#get game title
gameInfo <- page %>% html_elements(" h1") %>% html_text()
#get the table headings
headings <- page %>% html_elements("div.section_wrapper") %>% html_element("h2") %>% html_text()
#find the quarter scores
quarters <- grep("Q[1|2|3|4]", headings)
#retrieve the tables from the page
tables <- page %>% html_elements("div.section_wrapper") %>% html_element("table")
#select the desired headings and tables
headings <- headings[quarters]
tables <- tables[quarters] %>% html_table(header=FALSE)
#add game date and team name/quater to the results
tables <- lapply(1:length(tables), function(i) {
#set column titles to second row
names(tables[[i]]) <- tables[[i]][2,]
tables[[i]] <- tables[[i]][-c(1:2),]
tables[[i]]$gamedate <- gamedate
tables[[i]]$team <- headings[i]
tables[[i]]$title <- gameInfo
#merge the quarterly status into 1 dataframe
df <- bind_rows(tables)
df <- df %>% filter("Starters" != "Reserves" | "Starters" != "Team Totals" )
Call the function above, check for valid return values and decide what to do with the errors. In the case below the bad URL's and the corresponding errors are printed as messages.
#loop through the URLS
dfs <- lapply(urls$url, getPageTable)
# get which weren't read in
err <- sapply(dfs, inherits, what = "error")
# optional, make a list of the bad ones
dfs_err <- dfs[err]
# and print the URL's and error messages
for(i in which(err)) {
urls$url[i] %>% message()
dfs_err[[i]] %>%
conditionMessage() %>%
# these are the good ones and the rest of the code is like in the question
dfs <- dfs[!err]
#merge into one big table
finalResult <- bind_rows(dfs)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 17514
Instead of brute-forcing urls, you could collect those from :
url_ <- ""
s <- session(url_)
month_links <- s |>
html_elements('.filter div a') |>
urls <-
lapply(month_links, \(lnk_)
session_jump_to(s, lnk_) |>
html_elements('table tbody td[data-stat="box_score_text"] a') |>
) |> unlist()
#> chr [1:946] "/boxscores/202310240DEN.html" "/boxscores/202310240GSW.html" ...
# Feb 2024, CHI:
grep("202402.*CHI", urls, value = TRUE)
#> [1] "/boxscores/202402030CHI.html" "/boxscores/202402060CHI.html"
#> [3] "/boxscores/202402220CHI.html" "/boxscores/202402270CHI.html"
#> [5] "/boxscores/202402280CHI.html"
Created on 2024-03-09 with reprex v2.1.0
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1731
You don't need to try or catch anything if you check the status code of the response first.
getPageTable <- function(url) {
req <- httr::GET(url)
if (req$status_code != 200) return(NULL)
page <- read_html(req)
... continue as before
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 6921
It should work if your tryCatch
returns a valid HTML object on error.
## create sample urls, one faulty, one OK:
urls <- sprintf('',
c(210, 220)
# > urls |> cbind()
# urls
# [1,] ""
# [2,] ""
upon error, return minimal_html
with the error message wrapped in an HTML element you'll extract later on:
responses <-
urls |>
Map(f = \(url) tryCatch(read_html(url),
error = \(e) sprintf('<div class="box"><h1>%s</h1></div>',
e$message) |>
digest response as desired (example):
responses |>
Map(f = \(response) response |>
html_elements(" h1") |>
## + $``
## [1] "HTTP error 404."
## $``
## [1] "Boston Celtics at Chicago Bulls Box Score, February 22, 2024"
Upvotes: 1