Reputation: 29
I am trying to do mass exporting of PNGs from Photoshop, and to do this, I am trying to use Apple Scripts. However, I cannot get it to export a PNG.
This is the current script that I'm using:
tell application "Adobe Photoshop 2024"
open alias "Macintosh HD:Users:Ben:Downloads:Venue_Social_Media_Post_Template.psd"
set theDoc to the current document
set allLayerSets to every layer set of theDoc
set layerFound to false
repeat with aGroup from 1 to the count of allLayerSets
set currentGroup to item aGroup of allLayerSets
if name of currentGroup is "Event Details" then
set allLayers to every art layer of currentGroup
repeat with aLayer from 1 to the count of allLayers
set currentLayer to item aLayer of allLayers
if name of currentLayer is "Date" then
set layerFound to true
tell currentLayer to set the contents of the text object to "{date}"
else if name of currentLayer is "Venue Name" then
set layerFound to true
tell currentLayer to set the contents of the text object to "{venue_name}"
else if name of currentLayer is "Venue Location" then
set layerFound to true
tell currentLayer to set the contents of the text object to "{venue_city}, {venue_state}"
else if name of currentLayer is "Time" then
set layerFound to true
tell currentLayer to set the contents of the text object to "{time}"
end if
end repeat
if layerFound then
-- Assuming the path and file name do not need quotes in AppleScript
set outputPath to "Macintosh HD:Users:Ben:Downloads:" & "{venue_name}" & ".png"
-- Directly save as PNG (this part may need to be adjusted for Photoshop 2024)
export as save for web in file (Downloads & "Test.png") with options {{class:save for web export options, web format:PNG}}
close theDoc saving no
exit repeat
end if
end if
end repeat
if not layerFound then log "No layers found with the specified names."
end tell
I have gotten many errors but the current one is: Key Error: 'class'
Thanks in advance!
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