Reputation: 37
I have built spatialite for IOS using makefile.
Included libraries in my app as follow
Added these to the search paths in your Xcode project's "Build Settings":
Library Search Paths: $(PROJECT_DIR)/AppName/libspatialite
Header Search Paths: $(PROJECT_DIR)/AppName/libspatialite/include
And in the "Build Phases" window, add the following to the section "Link Binary With Libraries":
Also added following in "Other Linker Flags"
-lsqlite3 -lproj -lgeos -lspatialite -lgeos_c
in Swift, included the headers in bridging header file:
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <spatialite/gaiageo.h>
#include <spatialite.h>
and in my code i accessed the geopackage file and spatialite is working fine.
var db: OpaquePointer?
if sqlite3_open_v2(databasePath, &db, flags, nil) == SQLITE_OK {
print("Spatialite database opened successfully")
var spconnect: OpaquePointer?
print("Spatialite version: \(spatialite_version()!)")
I have tested a few geometry related functions like AsText , MakePoint etc and all spatialite based functions are working fine but when i try to run function which require other module like geos or proj for example
ST_IsValid , IsValidReason , ST_Within , ST_Overlaps ,
Throws error.
ST_IsValid returns -1
SELECT ST_IsValid(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(15.785 21.713)'))
IsValidReason always throws error and ST_Within doesn't filter any record.
I have also tested another build by manually disabling a few functions for integrating rttopo module and any function which requires rttopo like
MakeValid or AsTWKB doesn't work.
Spatialite is properly built for
armv7,armv7s,arm64,i386,x86_64 architectures
but as per i understood it is not properly communicating with other modules. Any type of help would be appereciated.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 189
Reputation: 26
I encountered the same issue. It took some time to find a solution, but it was worth it.
I wrote an article with explanations to help developers like us avoid the same struggle.
Long story short - you need to initialize SpatiaLite on the C level.
Upvotes: 1