Reputation: 11
I am developing a web application in Haskell using Servant. I succeeded to load files on server and move them to my SFTP server. Now I want the user to be able to get the file loaded on SFTP (I need to serve to them static files with servant). To manage CORS problems I used WAI middleware library. This is my code where I introduce middleware to set CORS headers.
newtype Welcome
= Welcome {
greeting :: String
deriving (Generic, Eq, Show)
instance ToJSON Welcome
instance FromJSON Welcome
welcomeMesg :: Welcome
welcomeMesg = Welcome "Mbote Ba'a Mpagi!"
type API =
-- | test for home page
"home" -- 1
:> Get '[JSON] Welcome
:<|> "tenants"
:> Capture "tenantid" Text
:> "informations"
:> MultipartForm Tmp (MultipartData Tmp)
:> Post '[JSON] (GenericRestResponse InformationCreated ConstructionError)
:<|> "tenants" -- 3
:> Capture "tenantid" Text
:> "informations"
:> Capture "informationid" Text
:> "documents"
:> Raw
addOriginsAllowed :: Response -> Response
addOriginsAllowed =
let final = (:) ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") .
(:) ("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, OPTION") .
(:) ("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, Authorization")
in mapResponseHeaders final
addAllOriginsMiddleware :: Application -> Application
addAllOriginsMiddleware baseApp req responseFunc =
let newResponseFunc :: Response -> IO ResponseReceived
newResponseFunc = responseFunc . addOriginsAllowed
in baseApp req newResponseFunc
startApp :: IO ()
startApp = run 9080 $ addAllOriginsMiddleware app
proxy :: Proxy API
proxy = Proxy
optionMidlleware :: Middleware
optionMidlleware = provideOptions proxy
app :: Application
app = optionMidlleware $ serve proxy routes
routes :: Server API
routes =
welcomeMesg -- 1
:<|> handleCreateInformation --2
:<|> handlerGetInformationDocuments -- 3
All is working well if I don't make an endpoint where I ask for Raw
to serve static files. The last endpoint generate this error:
• No instance for (servant-foreign-0.16:Servant.Foreign.Internal.GenerateList
-> servant-foreign-0.16:Servant.Foreign.Internal.Req
arising from a use of ‘provideOptions’
(maybe you haven't applied a function to enough arguments?)
• In the expression: provideOptions proxy
In an equation for ‘optionMidlleware’:
optionMidlleware = provideOptions proxytypecheck(-Wdeferred-type-errors)
provideOptions :: forall api.
(GenerateList NoContent (Foreign NoContent api),
HasForeign NoTypes NoContent api) =>
Proxy api -> Middleware
Defined in ‘Network.Wai.Middleware.Servant.Options’ (servant-options-
_ :: Proxy API -> Middleware
And this error occurred at the point where I call provideOptions
(function of WAI library for middleware)
I am blocked. What can I do to overcome this error?
I try to return ByteString but i is not an instance of ToJson and FromJson
Upvotes: 1
Views: 97
Reputation: 50864
This error is occurring because a Raw
endpoint is just an "escape hatch" to non-Servant request/response processing, and so provideOptions
, which is Servant-specific middleware, has no way of correctly handling a Raw
endpoint in an API.
In more detail, provideOptions
uses endpoint-specific HasForeign
instances to query the API for supported methods in order to construct a correct Allow
header in responding to an OPTIONS
request. It can do this for all the Servant endpoints except Raw
, which doesn't have a HasForiegn
It might be possible to get something to work in your specific case, but my guess is that you don't need a Raw
endpoint here at all. The examples in the Servant cookbook use a Raw
endpoint to serve static files, but only because they want to use an essentially non-Servant handler function (serveDirectoryWebApp
) to serve a whole directory. (Yes, serveDirectoryWebApp
is defined in the servant-server
package, but it's really a non-Servant handler. It doesn't really use the Servant API or any Servant handler facilities. It's just a wrapper around serveDirectoryWith
from Network.Wai.Application.Static
In your case, it sounds like you're just trying to write a plain Servant handler handlerGetInformationDocuments
that is accessing the file directly and collecting its contents in a ByteString
, and you want to provide that ByteString
as the content returned in response to the client's GET
request. If so, instead of a Raw
endpoint, you just want a Get
endpoint that returns an octet stream, something like:
import qualified Text.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
... :> "documents" :> Get '[OctetStream] LBS.ByteString
and the handler can just return the ByteString
handlerGetInformationDocuments :: Text -> Text -> Handler LBS.ByteString
handlerGetInformationDocuments tenantid informationid = do
content <- liftIO $ LBS.readFile "file.bin"
pure content
Above, I used a lazy ByteString
, which is probably best if the files are somewhat large, though you want to take care not to modify a file in place once you've started serving it. Strict ByteString
s would work fine, too, especially if the files are small.
Unfortunately, as per your follow up comment, this still doesn't work, and you get an error about JSON expected
. The problem is that, as mentioned above, provideOptions
uses the servant-foreign
package, and this package only supports JSON
endpoints. This is (barely) documented in a comment in the documentation:
This is a severe limitation of
currently, as we only allow the content type to beJSON
... Thus, any routes looking like this will work:"foo" :> Get '[JSON] Foo
while routes like
"foo" :> Get '[MyFancyContentType] Foo
will fail with an error like
* JSON expected in list '[MyFancyContentType]
Unfortunately, I think the most reasonable fix is to toss out servant-options
and write your own provideOptions
that doesn't depend on
. This can be done with a HasMethods
class with instances for the API types that enumerate all the methods for a given path:
class HasMethods api where
getMethods :: Proxy api -> [Text] -> [Method]
instance (HasMethods api1, HasMethods api2) => HasMethods (api1 :<|> api2) where
getMethods _ path = getMethods @api1 Proxy path ++ getMethods @api2 Proxy path
instance (KnownSymbol seg, HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (seg :> sub) where
getMethods _ (seg:path) | symbolVal @seg Proxy == Text.unpack seg = getMethods @sub Proxy path
getMethods _ _ = []
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (Capture name a :> sub) where
getMethods _ (_:path) = getMethods @sub Proxy path
getMethods _ [] = []
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (CaptureAll name a :> sub) where
getMethods _ _ = getMethods @sub Proxy []
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (Header sym x :> sub) where
getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (ReqBody sym x :> sub) where
getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (QueryParam sym x :> sub) where
getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (QueryParams sym x :> sub) where
getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (QueryFlag sym x :> sub) where
getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (Fragment x :> sub) where
getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (MultipartForm tag a :> sub) where
getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (ReflectMethod method) => HasMethods (Verb method status ctypes a) where
getMethods _ [] = [reflectMethod (Proxy @method)]
getMethods _ _ = []
You can test this out on your API by running things like:
> getMethods @API Proxy ["tenants"]
[] -- because the path http://host/tenants isn't an endpoint
> getMethods @API Proxy ["tenants", "myTenantId", "informations"]
> getMethods @API Proxy ["home"]
Then, you can write a provideOptions
middleware function that constructs the correct Allow
header based on the getMethods
result for the current request path:
provideOptions :: (HasMethods api) => Proxy api -> Middleware
provideOptions p app req resp
| requestMethod req == "OPTIONS" = case getMethods p (pathInfo req) of
[] -> app req resp
methods -> resp $ responseLBS
(Status 200 "OK")
[("Allow", BS.intercalate ", " ("OPTIONS" : nub methods))]
| otherwise = app req resp
Anyway, here's a complete runnable example based on your original code showing this new provideOptions
implementation at work. It hosts a web form at:
that lets you POST a file to:
and retrieve files by numeric ID at:
The middleware appears work correctly. For example:
$ telnet localhost 9080
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
OPTIONS /files/upload HTTP/1.0
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 03:39:29 GMT
Server: Warp/3.3.25
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, OPTION
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, Authorization
Connection closed by foreign host.
The full example:
{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
import Servant
import Servant.Multipart
import Data.Aeson
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Network.HTTP.Types (Status(..), Method)
import Network.HTTP.Media ((//), (/:))
import Data.List (nub)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
import Data.IORef
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
-- `provideOptions` replacement for servant-options
provideOptions :: (HasMethods api) => Proxy api -> Middleware
provideOptions p app req resp
| requestMethod req == "OPTIONS" = case getMethods p (pathInfo req) of
[] -> app req resp
methods -> resp $ responseLBS
(Status 200 "OK")
[("Allow", BS.intercalate ", " ("OPTIONS" : nub methods))]
| otherwise = app req resp
class HasMethods api where
getMethods :: Proxy api -> [Text] -> [Method]
instance (HasMethods api1, HasMethods api2) => HasMethods (api1 :<|> api2) where
getMethods _ path = getMethods @api1 Proxy path ++ getMethods @api2 Proxy path
instance (KnownSymbol seg, HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (seg :> sub) where
getMethods _ (seg:path) | symbolVal @seg Proxy == T.unpack seg = getMethods @sub Proxy path
getMethods _ _ = []
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (Capture name a :> sub) where
getMethods _ (_:path) = getMethods @sub Proxy path
getMethods _ [] = []
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (CaptureAll name a :> sub) where
getMethods _ _ = getMethods @sub Proxy []
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (Header sym x :> sub) where
getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (ReqBody sym x :> sub) where
getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (QueryParam sym x :> sub) where
getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (QueryParams sym x :> sub) where
getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (QueryFlag sym :> sub) where
getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (Fragment x :> sub) where
getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (MultipartForm tag a :> sub) where
getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (ReflectMethod method) => HasMethods (Verb method status ctypes a) where
getMethods _ [] = [reflectMethod (Proxy @method)]
getMethods _ _ = []
-- HTML support (you can ignore this)
data HTML
instance Accept HTML where
contentType _ = "text" // "html" /: ("charset", "utf-8")
instance MimeRender HTML Text where
mimeRender _ = BS.fromStrict . T.encodeUtf8
-- Our API
data UploadResponse = UploadResponse
{ status :: Text, documentId :: Int
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON UploadResponse
type API = Get '[HTML] Text
:<|> "upload"
:> MultipartForm Mem (MultipartData Mem)
:> Post '[JSON] UploadResponse
:<|> "download"
:> Capture "documentId" Int
:> Get '[OctetStream] LBS.ByteString
addAllOriginsMiddleware :: Application -> Application
addAllOriginsMiddleware baseApp req responseFunc =
let newResponseFunc :: Response -> IO ResponseReceived
newResponseFunc = responseFunc . addOriginsAllowed
in baseApp req newResponseFunc
where addOriginsAllowed =
let final =
(:) ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") .
(:) ("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, OPTION") .
(:) ("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, Authorization")
in mapResponseHeaders final
handleOptionsMiddleware :: Middleware
handleOptionsMiddleware = provideOptions (Proxy @API)
app :: IORef Int -> Application
app nextId = addAllOriginsMiddleware $ handleOptionsMiddleware $ serve (Proxy @API) routes
routes = handleHomepage :<|> handleUpload :<|> handleDownload
handleHomepage = do
n <- liftIO $ readIORef nextId
let downlink i = "<li><a href=/download/" <> i' <> ">file " <> i' <> "</a>"
where i' = Builder.fromString (show i)
downlinks | n == 0 = "<li>No files yet</li>"
| otherwise = LT.toStrict . Builder.toLazyText $ mconcat (map downlink [1..n])
pure $ "<!doctype html> \
\ <h3>Upload</h3><form action=/upload method=post enctype=multipart/form-data> \
\ <p><input type=file name=file><p><button type=submit>Submit</button></form> \
\ <h3>Download</h3><ul>" <> downlinks <> "</ul>"
handleUpload :: MultipartData Mem -> Handler UploadResponse
handleUpload mpd = case files mpd of
[file] -> do i <- liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' nextId (\i -> (i+1,i+1))
liftIO $ LBS.writeFile (filename i) (fdPayload file)
pure $ UploadResponse "success" i
_ -> throwError err400
handleDownload :: Int -> Handler LBS.ByteString
handleDownload i = liftIO $ LBS.readFile (filename i)
filename i = "file" ++ show i ++ ".dat"
main :: IO ()
main = do
nextId <- newIORef 0
run 9080 (app nextId)
Upvotes: 0