
Reputation: 11

Serving Static File over WAI middleware

I am developing a web application in Haskell using Servant. I succeeded to load files on server and move them to my SFTP server. Now I want the user to be able to get the file loaded on SFTP (I need to serve to them static files with servant). To manage CORS problems I used WAI middleware library. This is my code where I introduce middleware to set CORS headers.

newtype Welcome
  = Welcome {
        greeting :: String
  deriving (Generic, Eq, Show)

instance ToJSON Welcome
instance FromJSON Welcome

welcomeMesg :: Welcome
welcomeMesg = Welcome "Mbote Ba'a Mpagi!"

type API =
    -- | test for home page
        "home"  -- 1
      :> Get '[JSON] Welcome 
    :<|> "tenants" 
      :> Capture "tenantid" Text
      :> "informations"
      :> MultipartForm Tmp (MultipartData Tmp)
      :> Post '[JSON] (GenericRestResponse InformationCreated ConstructionError)
    :<|> "tenants" -- 3
      :> Capture "tenantid" Text
      :> "informations"
      :> Capture "informationid" Text
      :> "documents"
      :> Raw 

addOriginsAllowed :: Response -> Response
addOriginsAllowed  = 
  let final = (:) ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") . 
              (:) ("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, OPTION") .
              (:) ("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, Authorization")
  in mapResponseHeaders  final

addAllOriginsMiddleware :: Application -> Application
addAllOriginsMiddleware baseApp req responseFunc =
    let newResponseFunc :: Response -> IO ResponseReceived
        newResponseFunc = responseFunc . addOriginsAllowed
    in baseApp req newResponseFunc

startApp :: IO ()
startApp = run 9080 $ addAllOriginsMiddleware app

proxy :: Proxy API
proxy = Proxy

optionMidlleware :: Middleware
optionMidlleware = provideOptions proxy

app ::  Application
app =  optionMidlleware  $ serve proxy routes

routes :: Server API
routes =
    welcomeMesg -- 1
  :<|> handleCreateInformation --2
  :<|> handlerGetInformationDocuments -- 3

All is working well if I don't make an endpoint where I ask for Raw to serve static files. The last endpoint generate this error:

• No instance for (servant-foreign-0.16:Servant.Foreign.Internal.GenerateList
                      -> servant-foreign-0.16:Servant.Foreign.Internal.Req
    arising from a use of ‘provideOptions’
    (maybe you haven't applied a function to enough arguments?)
• In the expression: provideOptions proxy
  In an equation for ‘optionMidlleware’:
      optionMidlleware = provideOptions proxytypecheck(-Wdeferred-type-errors)
provideOptions :: forall api.
(GenerateList NoContent (Foreign NoContent api),
 HasForeign NoTypes NoContent api) =>
Proxy api -> Middleware
Defined in ‘Network.Wai.Middleware.Servant.Options’ (servant-options-

_ :: Proxy API -> Middleware 

And this error occurred at the point where I call provideOptions (function of WAI library for middleware)

I am blocked. What can I do to overcome this error?

I try to return ByteString but i is not an instance of ToJson and FromJson

Upvotes: 1

Views: 97

Answers (1)

K. A. Buhr
K. A. Buhr

Reputation: 50864

This error is occurring because a Raw endpoint is just an "escape hatch" to non-Servant request/response processing, and so provideOptions, which is Servant-specific middleware, has no way of correctly handling a Raw endpoint in an API.

In more detail, provideOptions uses endpoint-specific HasForeign instances to query the API for supported methods in order to construct a correct Allow header in responding to an OPTIONS request. It can do this for all the Servant endpoints except Raw, which doesn't have a HasForiegn instance.

It might be possible to get something to work in your specific case, but my guess is that you don't need a Raw endpoint here at all. The examples in the Servant cookbook use a Raw endpoint to serve static files, but only because they want to use an essentially non-Servant handler function (serveDirectoryWebApp) to serve a whole directory. (Yes, serveDirectoryWebApp is defined in the servant-server package, but it's really a non-Servant handler. It doesn't really use the Servant API or any Servant handler facilities. It's just a wrapper around serveDirectoryWith from Network.Wai.Application.Static.)

In your case, it sounds like you're just trying to write a plain Servant handler handlerGetInformationDocuments that is accessing the file directly and collecting its contents in a ByteString, and you want to provide that ByteString as the content returned in response to the client's GET request. If so, instead of a Raw endpoint, you just want a Get endpoint that returns an octet stream, something like:

import qualified Text.ByteString.Lazy as LBS

... :> "documents" :> Get '[OctetStream] LBS.ByteString

and the handler can just return the ByteString:

handlerGetInformationDocuments :: Text -> Text -> Handler LBS.ByteString
handlerGetInformationDocuments tenantid informationid = do
  content <- liftIO $ LBS.readFile "file.bin"
  pure content

Above, I used a lazy ByteString, which is probably best if the files are somewhat large, though you want to take care not to modify a file in place once you've started serving it. Strict ByteStrings would work fine, too, especially if the files are small.


Unfortunately, as per your follow up comment, this still doesn't work, and you get an error about JSON expected. The problem is that, as mentioned above, provideOptions uses the servant-foreign package, and this package only supports JSON endpoints. This is (barely) documented in a comment in the documentation:

This is a severe limitation of servant-foreign currently, as we only allow the content type to be JSON... Thus, any routes looking like this will work:

"foo" :> Get '[JSON] Foo

while routes like

"foo" :> Get '[MyFancyContentType] Foo

will fail with an error like

* JSON expected in list '[MyFancyContentType]

Unfortunately, I think the most reasonable fix is to toss out servant-options and write your own provideOptions that doesn't depend on servant-foreign. This can be done with a HasMethods class with instances for the API types that enumerate all the methods for a given path:

class HasMethods api where
  getMethods :: Proxy api -> [Text] -> [Method]

instance (HasMethods api1, HasMethods api2) => HasMethods (api1 :<|> api2) where
  getMethods _ path = getMethods @api1 Proxy path ++ getMethods @api2 Proxy path
instance (KnownSymbol seg, HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (seg :> sub) where
  getMethods _ (seg:path) | symbolVal @seg Proxy == Text.unpack seg = getMethods @sub Proxy path
  getMethods _ _ = []
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (Capture name a :> sub) where
  getMethods _ (_:path) = getMethods @sub Proxy path
  getMethods _ [] = []
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (CaptureAll name a :> sub) where
  getMethods _ _ = getMethods @sub Proxy []
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (Header sym x :> sub) where
  getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (ReqBody sym x :> sub) where
  getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (QueryParam sym x :> sub) where
  getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (QueryParams sym x :> sub) where
  getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (QueryFlag sym x :> sub) where
  getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (Fragment x :> sub) where
  getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (MultipartForm tag a :> sub) where
  getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (ReflectMethod method) => HasMethods (Verb method status ctypes a) where
  getMethods _ [] = [reflectMethod (Proxy @method)]
  getMethods _ _ = []

You can test this out on your API by running things like:

> getMethods @API Proxy ["tenants"]
[]   -- because the path http://host/tenants isn't an endpoint
> getMethods @API Proxy ["tenants", "myTenantId", "informations"]
> getMethods @API Proxy ["home"]

Then, you can write a provideOptions middleware function that constructs the correct Allow header based on the getMethods result for the current request path:

provideOptions :: (HasMethods api) => Proxy api -> Middleware
provideOptions p app req resp
  | requestMethod req == "OPTIONS" = case getMethods p (pathInfo req) of
      [] -> app req resp
      methods -> resp $ responseLBS
        (Status 200 "OK")
        [("Allow", BS.intercalate ", " ("OPTIONS" : nub methods))]
  | otherwise = app req resp

Anyway, here's a complete runnable example based on your original code showing this new provideOptions implementation at work. It hosts a web form at:


that lets you POST a file to:


and retrieve files by numeric ID at:


The middleware appears work correctly. For example:

$ telnet localhost 9080
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
OPTIONS /files/upload HTTP/1.0

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 03:39:29 GMT
Server: Warp/3.3.25
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, OPTION
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, Authorization

Connection closed by foreign host.

The full example:

{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

import Servant
import Servant.Multipart
import Data.Aeson
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Network.HTTP.Types (Status(..), Method)
import Network.HTTP.Media ((//), (/:))
import Data.List (nub)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
import Data.IORef
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits

-- `provideOptions` replacement for servant-options

provideOptions :: (HasMethods api) => Proxy api -> Middleware
provideOptions p app req resp
  | requestMethod req == "OPTIONS" = case getMethods p (pathInfo req) of
      [] -> app req resp
      methods -> resp $ responseLBS
        (Status 200 "OK")
        [("Allow", BS.intercalate ", " ("OPTIONS" : nub methods))]
  | otherwise = app req resp

class HasMethods api where
  getMethods :: Proxy api -> [Text] -> [Method]
instance (HasMethods api1, HasMethods api2) => HasMethods (api1 :<|> api2) where
  getMethods _ path = getMethods @api1 Proxy path ++ getMethods @api2 Proxy path
instance (KnownSymbol seg, HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (seg :> sub) where
  getMethods _ (seg:path) | symbolVal @seg Proxy == T.unpack seg = getMethods @sub Proxy path
  getMethods _ _ = []
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (Capture name a :> sub) where
  getMethods _ (_:path) = getMethods @sub Proxy path
  getMethods _ [] = []
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (CaptureAll name a :> sub) where
  getMethods _ _ = getMethods @sub Proxy []
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (Header sym x :> sub) where
  getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (ReqBody sym x :> sub) where
  getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (QueryParam sym x :> sub) where
  getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (QueryParams sym x :> sub) where
  getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (QueryFlag sym :> sub) where
  getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (Fragment x :> sub) where
  getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (HasMethods sub) => HasMethods (MultipartForm tag a :> sub) where
  getMethods _ = getMethods @sub Proxy
instance (ReflectMethod method) => HasMethods (Verb method status ctypes a) where
  getMethods _ [] = [reflectMethod (Proxy @method)]
  getMethods _ _ = []

-- HTML support (you can ignore this)

data HTML
instance Accept HTML where
  contentType _ = "text" // "html" /: ("charset", "utf-8")

instance MimeRender HTML Text where
  mimeRender _ = BS.fromStrict . T.encodeUtf8

-- Our API

data UploadResponse = UploadResponse
  { status :: Text, documentId :: Int
  } deriving (Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON UploadResponse

type API = Get '[HTML] Text
           :<|> "upload"
                :> MultipartForm Mem (MultipartData Mem)
                :> Post '[JSON] UploadResponse
           :<|> "download"
                :> Capture "documentId" Int
                :> Get '[OctetStream] LBS.ByteString

addAllOriginsMiddleware :: Application -> Application
addAllOriginsMiddleware baseApp req responseFunc =
    let newResponseFunc :: Response -> IO ResponseReceived
        newResponseFunc = responseFunc . addOriginsAllowed
    in baseApp req newResponseFunc

  where addOriginsAllowed =
          let final =
                (:) ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") .
                (:) ("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, OPTION") .
                (:) ("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, Authorization")
          in mapResponseHeaders  final

handleOptionsMiddleware :: Middleware
handleOptionsMiddleware = provideOptions (Proxy @API)

app :: IORef Int -> Application
app nextId = addAllOriginsMiddleware $ handleOptionsMiddleware $ serve (Proxy @API) routes

    routes = handleHomepage :<|> handleUpload :<|> handleDownload

    handleHomepage = do
      n <- liftIO $ readIORef nextId
      let downlink i = "<li><a href=/download/" <> i' <> ">file " <> i' <> "</a>"
            where i' = Builder.fromString (show i)
          downlinks | n == 0 = "<li>No files yet</li>"
                    | otherwise = LT.toStrict . Builder.toLazyText $ mconcat (map downlink [1..n])
      pure $ "<!doctype html> \
          \ <h3>Upload</h3><form action=/upload method=post enctype=multipart/form-data> \
          \ <p><input type=file name=file><p><button type=submit>Submit</button></form> \
          \ <h3>Download</h3><ul>" <> downlinks <> "</ul>"

    handleUpload :: MultipartData Mem -> Handler UploadResponse
    handleUpload mpd = case files mpd of
      [file] -> do i <- liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' nextId (\i -> (i+1,i+1))
                   liftIO $ LBS.writeFile (filename i) (fdPayload file)
                   pure $ UploadResponse "success" i
      _ -> throwError err400

    handleDownload :: Int -> Handler LBS.ByteString
    handleDownload i = liftIO $ LBS.readFile (filename i)

    filename i = "file" ++ show i ++ ".dat"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  nextId <- newIORef 0
  run 9080 (app nextId)

Upvotes: 0

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