Reputation: 23
I am currently developing a project for visionOS. This project involves getting valid PlaneAnchors within a certain FOV of the device anchor. Essentially we are given a 4x4 transformation matrix for the device (headset) anchor relative to a world origin. We also have a list of PlaneAnchors detected via Apple's Plane Detection package. These PlaneAnchors also give a 4x4 transformation matrix relative to the same world origin.
What I am trying to do is write code that can check how many of these PlaneAnchors fall within the visible boundary of the user given the device anchor. How could I go about doing this? I know the VisionPro has a vertical FOV of 90° and a horizontal FOV of around 110° and this is the region within which I want to select valid PlaneAnchors that have been detected.
I am currently using this code but for some reason only detecting PlaneAnchors behind my device, so out of my FOV.
final class FOVUtils {
// Define FOV and Clipping Planes
let fovHorizontal: Float = .pi / 3 // 60 degrees
let fovVertical: Float = .pi / 4 // 45 degrees
let nearPlane: Float = 0.1
let farPlane: Float = 10.0
// Helper Function: Convert to WorldAnchor's Local Coordinates
func convertToWorldAnchorCoordinates(anchorPosition: SIMD3<Float>, devicePosition: SIMD3<Float>, inverseOrientation: simd_quatf) -> SIMD3<Float> {
let relativePosition = anchorPosition - devicePosition
let transformedPosition = inverseOrientation.act(relativePosition)
return transformedPosition
// Helper Function: Check if Inside Field of View
func isInFieldOfView(anchorPosition: SIMD3<Float>, devicePosition: SIMD3<Float>, inverseOrientation: simd_quatf) -> Bool {
print("DEBUG: anchor pos: ", anchorPosition)
print("DEBUG: devicePosition: ", devicePosition)
print("DEBUG: inverseOrientation: ", inverseOrientation)
let transformedPosition = convertToWorldAnchorCoordinates(anchorPosition: anchorPosition, devicePosition: devicePosition, inverseOrientation: inverseOrientation)
print("DEBUG: transformed position: ", transformedPosition)
let zDistance = transformedPosition.z
if zDistance < nearPlane || zDistance > farPlane {
return false
print("DEBUG: passed 1")
let tanHalfHorizontalFOV = tan(fovHorizontal)
let tanHalfVerticalFOV = tan(fovVertical)
let xLimit = zDistance * tanHalfHorizontalFOV
let yLimit = zDistance * tanHalfVerticalFOV
// let passed = abs(transformedPosition.x) <= xLimit && abs(transformedPosition.y) <= yLimit
// print("DEBUG: passed 2 is", passed)
return true
If anyone has any techniques regarding how to do this, or can offer some insight into how to leverage the Vision Pro in solving this problem, I would highly appreciate it. Thank you!
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