Salihu Isah
Salihu Isah

Reputation: 3

Trouble displaying referral link in Laravel customer dashboard

I am attempting to integrate a referral system into my existing Laravel v9 application (an event and ticketing system). I found a package and tutorial on a GitHub repository. Despite following all the instructions, I continually need help with errors.

This code is supposed to display the referral link in the customer dashboard, but I get a 500 server error each time.

$referralLink = $user->getReferralLink();

User model

namespace App\Models;

use App\Models\Curriculum\CourseEnrolment;
use App\Models\Curriculum\CourseReview;
use App\Models\Curriculum\QuizScore;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Jijunair\LaravelReferral\Traits\Referrable;

class User extends Authenticatable
  use HasFactory, Notifiable;
  use Referrable;

   * The attributes that are mass assignable.
   * @var array
  protected $fillable = [

   * The attributes that should be hidden for arrays.
   * @var array
  protected $hidden = [

   * The attributes that should be cast to native types.
   * @var array
  protected $casts = [
    'email_verified_at' => 'datetime',

  public function courseEnrol()
    return $this->hasMany(CourseEnrolment::class, 'user_id', 'id');

  public function review()
    return $this->hasMany(CourseReview::class, 'user_id', 'id');

  public function quizScore()
    return $this->hasMany(QuizScore::class, 'user_id', 'id');

Customer model

namespace App\Models;

use App\Models\Event\Booking;
use App\Models\Event\Wishlist;
use App\Models\ShopManagement\OrderItem;
use App\Models\ShopManagement\ProductOrder;
use App\Models\ShopManagement\ProductReview;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Auth\Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable as AuthenticatableContract;

class Customer extends Model implements AuthenticatableContract
  use HasFactory, Authenticatable;
  protected $fillable = [

  protected $hidden = [

  protected $casts = [
    'email_verified_at' => 'datetime',
   * The accessors to append to the model's array form.
   * @var array
  protected $appends = [

  public function bookings()
    return $this->hasMany(Booking::class);
  public function order_items()
    return $this->hasMany(OrderItem::class, 'user_id', 'id');
  public function product_orders()
    return $this->hasMany(ProductOrder::class, 'user_id', 'id');
  public function product_reviews()
    return $this->hasMany(ProductReview::class, 'user_id', 'id');
  public function support_tickets()
    return $this->hasMany(SupportTicket::class, 'user_id', 'id');
  public function wishlists()
    return $this->hasMany(Wishlist::class, 'customer_id', 'id');

this is the view i am trying to display the referral link

<!--====== Start Dashboard Section ======-->
    <section class="user-dashbord">
        <div class="container">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-lg-9">
                    <div class="row mb-5">
                        <div class="col-lg-12">
                            <div class="user-profile-details">
                                <div class="account-info">
                                    <div class="title">
                                        <h4>{{ __('Account Information') }}</h4>
                                    <div class="main-info">
                                        <h5>{{ __('User') }}</h5>
                                        <ul class="list">
                                            @if (Auth::guard('customer')->user()->email != null)
                                                <li><b>{{ __('Email') . ' : ' }}</b></li>
                                            @if (Auth::guard('customer')->user()->username != null)
                                                <li><b>{{ __('Username') . ' : ' }}</b></li>
                                            @if (Auth::guard('customer')->user()->phone != null)
                                                <li><b>{{ __('Phone') . ' : ' }}</b></li>
                                            @if (Auth::guard('customer')->user()->address != null)
                                                <li><b>{{ __('Address') . ' : ' }}</b></li>
                                            @if (Auth::guard('customer')->user()->country != null)
                                                <li><b>{{ __('Country') . ' : ' }}</b></li>
                                            @if (Auth::guard('customer')->user()->city != null)
                                                <li><b>{{ __('City') . ' : ' }}</b></li>
                                            @if (Auth::guard('customer')->user()->state != null)
                                                <li><b>{{ __('State') . ' : ' }}</b></li>
                                            @if (Auth::guard('customer')->user()->zip_code != null)
                                                <li><b>{{ __('Zip-code') . ' : ' }} </b></li>
                                                $user = Auth::guard('customer')->user();
                                                $referralLink = $user->getReferralLink();

                                            @if ($user->hasReferralAccount())
                                                <p>Your referral link: {{ $referralLink }}</p>
                                                <p>You do not have a referral account.</p>




customer controller


namespace App\Http\Controllers\FrontEnd;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Models\Admin;
use App\Models\BasicSettings\Basic;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Models\Organizer;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use App\Rules\MatchEmailRule;
use App\Models\BasicSettings\MailTemplate;
use App\Models\Customer;
use App\Models\Event\Booking;
use App\Models\Event\Wishlist;
use App\Models\Language;
use App\Rules\MatchOldPasswordRule;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session;
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception;
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;
use Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite;
use Jijunair\LaravelReferral\Models\Referral;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cookie;

class CustomerController extends Controller
  private $admin_user_name;
  public function __construct()
    $admin = Admin::select('username')->first();
    $this->admin_user_name = $admin->username;

  public function index()
    $bookings = Booking::where('customer_id', Auth::guard('customer')->user()->id)->OrderBy('id', 'desc')->limit(10)->get();
    $language = Language::query()->where('is_default', '=', 1)->first();
    return view('frontend.customer.dashboard.index', compact('bookings'));
    $referralCode = Cookie::get(config('referral.cookie_name'));
    $referrer = Referral::userByReferralCode($referralCode);
    $referrals = $user->referrals;
  public function signup()
    return view('frontend.customer.signup');
  public function create(Request $request)

    $rules = [
      'fname' => 'required',
      'lname' => 'required',
      'email' => 'required|email|unique:customers',
      'username' => [
        Rule::unique('customers', 'username')
      'password' => 'required|confirmed|min:6',

    $info = Basic::select('google_recaptcha_status')->first();
    if ($info->google_recaptcha_status == 1) {
      $rules['g-recaptcha-response'] = 'required|captcha';

    $messages = [];

    if ($info->google_recaptcha_status == 1) {
      $messages['g-recaptcha-response.required'] = 'Please verify that you are not a robot.';
      $messages['g-recaptcha-response.captcha'] = 'Captcha error! try again later or contact site admin.';

    $request->validate($rules, $messages);

    $in = $request->all();
    $in['password'] = Hash::make($request->password);
    // first, generate a random string
    $randStr = Str::random(20);

    // second, generate a token
    $token = md5($randStr . $request->fname . $request->email);

    $in['verification_token'] = $token;

    // send a mail to user for verify his/her email address
    $this->sendVerificationMail($request, $token);

    return redirect()->route('customer.login');
  public function sendVerificationMail(Request $request, $token)
    // first get the mail template information from db
    $mailTemplate = MailTemplate::where('mail_type', 'verify_email')->first();
    $mailSubject = $mailTemplate->mail_subject;
    $mailBody = $mailTemplate->mail_body;

    // second get the website title & mail's smtp information from db
    $info = DB::table('basic_settings')
      ->select('website_title', 'smtp_status', 'smtp_host', 'smtp_port', 'encryption', 'smtp_username', 'smtp_password', 'from_mail', 'from_name')

    $link = '<a href=' . url("customer/signup-verify/" . $token) . '>Click Here</a>';

    $mailBody = str_replace('{username}', $request->fname . ' ' . $request->lname, $mailBody);
    $mailBody = str_replace('{verification_link}', $link, $mailBody);
    $mailBody = str_replace('{website_title}', $info->website_title, $mailBody);

    // initialize a new mail
    $mail = new PHPMailer(true);
    $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
    $mail->Encoding = 'base64';

    // if smtp status == 1, then set some value for PHPMailer
    if ($info->smtp_status == 1) {
      $mail->Host       = $info->smtp_host;
      $mail->SMTPAuth   = true;
      $mail->Username   = $info->smtp_username;
      $mail->Password   = $info->smtp_password;

      if ($info->encryption == 'TLS') {
        $mail->SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS;

      $mail->Port       = $info->smtp_port;

    // finally add other informations and send the mail
    try {
      $mail->setFrom($info->from_mail, $info->from_name);

      $mail->Subject = $mailSubject;
      $mail->Body = $mailBody;


      Session::flash('success', 'A verification mail has been sent to your email address.');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      Session::flash('error', 'Mail could not be sent!');

  public function signupVerify(Request $request, $token)
    try {
      $customer = Customer::where('verification_token', $token)->firstOrFail();

      // after verify customer email, put "null" in the "verification token"
        'email_verified_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
        'status' => 1,
        'verification_token' => null

      Session::flash('success', 'Your email has verified.');
      // after email verification, authenticate this customer

      return redirect()->route('customer.dashboard');
    } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
      Session::flash('error', 'Could not verify your email!');

      return redirect()->route('customer.signup');

  public function login(Request $request)
    if ($request->input('redirectPath') == 'event_details') {
      $url = url()->previous();
    if ($request->input('redirectPath') == 'checkout') {
      $url = url()->previous();

    // when user have to redirect to course details page after login.
    if (isset($url)) {
      $request->session()->put('redirectTo', $url);

    return view('frontend.customer.login');

  public function authentication(Request $request)
    // at first, get the url from session which will be redirect after login
    if ($request->session()->has('redirectTo')) {
      $redirectURL = $request->session()->get('redirectTo');
    } else {
      $redirectURL = null;
    $rules = [
      'username' => 'required',
      'password' => 'required'

    $info = Basic::select('google_recaptcha_status')->first();
    if ($info->google_recaptcha_status == 1) {
      $rules['g-recaptcha-response'] = 'required|captcha';

    $messages = [];

    if ($info->google_recaptcha_status == 1) {
      $messages['g-recaptcha-response.required'] = 'Please verify that you are not a robot.';
      $messages['g-recaptcha-response.captcha'] = 'Captcha error! try again later or contact site admin.';

    $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules, $messages);

    if ($validator->fails()) {
      return redirect()->back()->withErrors($validator->errors());

    if (
        'username' => $request->username,
        'password' => $request->password
    ) {
      $authAdmin = Auth::guard('customer')->user();

      // check whether the admin's account is active or not
      if ($authAdmin->status == 0) {
        Session::flash('alert', 'Sorry, your account has been deactivated!');
        // logout auth admin as condition not satisfied

        return redirect()->back();
      } elseif ($authAdmin->email_verified_at == null) {
        Session::flash('alert', 'Sorry, Please verify your email address !');
        // logout auth admin as condition not satisfied

        return redirect()->back();
      } else {
        // otherwise, redirect auth user to next url
        if ($redirectURL == null) {
          return redirect()->route('customer.dashboard');
        } else {
          // before, redirect to next url forget the session value

          return redirect($redirectURL);
    } else {
      return redirect()->back()->with('alert', 'Oops, Username or password does not match!');
  public function forget_passord()
    return view('frontend.customer.forget-password');
  public function forget_mail(Request $request)
    $rules = [
      'email' => [
        new MatchEmailRule('organizer')

    $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules);

    if ($validator->fails()) {
      return redirect()->back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();

    $user = Organizer::where('email', $request->email)->first();

    // first, get the mail template information from db
    $mailTemplate = MailTemplate::where('mail_type', 'reset_password')->first();
    $mailSubject = $mailTemplate->mail_subject;
    $mailBody = $mailTemplate->mail_body;

    // second, send a password reset link to user via email
    $info = DB::table('basic_settings')
      ->select('website_title', 'smtp_status', 'smtp_host', 'smtp_port', 'encryption', 'smtp_username', 'smtp_password', 'from_mail', 'from_name')

    $name = $user->name;
    $token =  Str::random(32);
      'email' => $user->email,
      'token' => $token,

    $link = '<a href=' . url("customer/reset-password?token=" . $token) . '>Click Here</a>';

    $mailBody = str_replace('{customer_name}', $name, $mailBody);
    $mailBody = str_replace('{password_reset_link}', $link, $mailBody);
    $mailBody = str_replace('{website_title}', $info->website_title, $mailBody);

    // initialize a new mail
    $mail = new PHPMailer(true);
    $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
    $mail->Encoding = 'base64';

    // if smtp status == 1, then set some value for PHPMailer
    if ($info->smtp_status == 1) {
      $mail->Host       = $info->smtp_host;
      $mail->SMTPAuth   = true;
      $mail->Username   = $info->smtp_username;
      $mail->Password   = $info->smtp_password;

      if ($info->encryption == 'TLS') {
        $mail->SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS;

      $mail->Port       = $info->smtp_port;

    // finally add other informations and send the mail
    try {
      $mail->setFrom($info->from_mail, $info->from_name);

      $mail->Subject = $mailSubject;
      $mail->Body = $mailBody;


      Session::flash('success', 'A mail has been sent to your email address.');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      Session::flash('error', 'Mail could not be sent!');

    // store user email in session to use it later
    $request->session()->put('userEmail', $user->email);

    return redirect()->back();
  public function reset_password()
    return view('frontend.customer.reset-password');
  public function update_password(Request $request)
      'password' => 'required|confirmed|min:6',
      'token' => 'required',
    $reset = DB::table('password_resets')->where('token', $request->token)->first();
    $email = $reset->email;
    $customer = Customer::where('email',  $email)->first();
    $customer->password = Hash::make($request->password);
    Session::flash('success', 'Your password has been reset.');

    return redirect()->route('customer.login');
  public function logout(Request $request)

    return redirect()->route('customer.login');
  public function change_password()
    return view('frontend.customer.dashboard.change-password');
  public function updated_password(Request $request)
    $rules = [
      'current_password' => [
        new MatchOldPasswordRule('customer')

      'new_password' => 'required|confirmed',
      'new_password_confirmation' => 'required'

    $messages = [
      'new_password.confirmed' => 'Password confirmation does not match.',
      'new_password_confirmation.required' => 'The confirm new password field is required.'

    $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules, $messages);

    if ($validator->fails()) {
      return redirect()->back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();

    $customer = Auth::guard('customer')->user();

      'password' => Hash::make($request->new_password)

    Session::flash('success', 'Password updated successfully!');

    return back();
  public function edit_profile()
    return view('frontend.customer.dashboard.edit-profile');
  public function update_profile(Request $request)
      'fname' => 'required',
      'lname' => 'required',
      'email' => [
        Rule::unique('customers', 'email')->ignore(Auth::guard('customer')->user()->id)
      'username' => [
        Rule::unique('customers', 'username')->ignore(Auth::guard('customer')->user()->id)
      'photo' => $request->hasFile('photo') ? 'mimes:jpg,jpeg,png' : ''

    $in = $request->all();
    $file = $request->file('photo');
    if ($file) {
      $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
      $directory = public_path('assets/admin/img/customer-profile/');
      $fileName = uniqid() . '.' . $extension;
      @mkdir($directory, 0775, true);
      $file->move($directory, $fileName);
      $in['photo'] = $fileName;
    $id = Auth::guard('customer')->user()->id;
    $update = Customer::find($id)->update($in);
    Session::flash('success', 'Your profile has been successfully updated!');

    return back();
  public function wishlist()
    $language = $this->getLanguage();
    $customer_id = Auth::guard('customer')->user()->id;
    $wishlist = Wishlist::where('customer_id', $customer_id)
    return view('frontend.customer.dashboard.wishlist', compact('wishlist'));
  public function remove_wishlist($id)
    if (Auth::guard('customer')->check()) {
      $remove = Wishlist::where([['event_id', $id], ['customer_id', Auth::guard('customer')->user()->id]])->first();
      if ($remove) {
        $notification = array('message' => 'Removed from wishlist successfully..!', 'alert-type' => 'info');
      } else {
        $notification = array('message' => 'Something went wrong', 'alert-type' => 'danger');
      return back()->with($notification);
    } else {
      return redirect()->route('customer.login');

  public function facebookRedirect()
    return Socialite::driver('facebook')->redirect();

  public function handleFacebookCallback()
    return $this->authenticationViaProvider('facebook');

  public function googleRedirect()
    return Socialite::driver('google')->redirect();

  public function handleGoogleCallback()
    return $this->authenticationViaProvider('google');

  public function authenticationViaProvider($driver)
    try {

      $user = Socialite::driver($driver)->user();
      $isUser = Customer::where('provider_id', $user->id)->first();

      if ($isUser) {
        return redirect()->route('customer.dashboard');
      } else {
        //get and insert image
        $avatar = $user->getAvatar();
        $fileContents = file_get_contents($avatar);

        $avatarName = $user->getId() . '.jpg';
        $path = public_path('assets/admin/img/customer-profile/');

        file_put_contents($path . $avatarName, $fileContents);

        $createUser = Customer::create([
          'photo' => $avatarName,
          'fname' => $user->name,
          'email' => $user->email,
          'username' => $user->id,
          'provider' => $driver,
          'provider_id' => $user->id,
          'password' => encrypt('123456'),
          'email_verified_at' => now()

        return redirect()->route('customer.dashboard');
    } catch (Exception $e) {

I tryed to use this in the customer dashboard view

        $user = Auth::guard('customer')->user();
        $referralLink = $user->getReferralLink();

    @if ($user->hasReferralAccount())
        <p>Your referral link: <a href="{{ $referralLink }}">{{ $referralLink }}</a></p>
        <p>You do not have a referral account.</p>

I encountered a 500 server error. My goal is to display the referral link in the customer dashboard, enabling other users to register using this link. The referrer should then receive a reward in their dashboard. Additionally, I want the admin to have the ability to oversee and manage the referral system.

Error Logs

[2024-03-29 17:36:37] local.ERROR: Call to undefined method App\Models\Customer::getReferralLink() {"view":{"view":"C:\xampp\htdocs\host\resources\views\frontend\customer\dashboard\index.blade.php","data":{"websiteInfo":"<pre class=sf-dump id=sf-dump-231541494 data-indent-pad=" ">{#303 +"<span class=sf-dump-public title="Runtime added dynamic property">favicon": "<span class=sf-dump-str title="17 characters">658d47b989d60.png" +"<span class=sf-dump-public title="Runtime added dynamic property">website_title": "<span class=sf-dump-str title="6 characters">Engage" +"<span class=sf-dump-public title="Runtime added dynamic property">logo": "<span class=sf-dump-str title="17 characters">658d537fdc976.png" +"<span class=sf-dump-public title="Runtime added dynamic property">timezone": "<span class=sf-dump-str title="12 characters">Africa/Lagos" +"<span class=sf-dump-public title="Runtime added dynamic property">preloader": "<span class=sf-dump-str title="17 characters">63cbb14274c51.gif" }

Upvotes: 0

Views: 92

Answers (1)

Lajos Arpad
Lajos Arpad

Reputation: 76717

getReferralLink did not exist because you are missing use Referrable in the customer model. Once you added it, you've got past this problem and stumbled into the next one, which complained of

Undefined variable $referralLink

This happened either because getReferralLink returned null for the customer, or you used $referralLink in a scenario where it was not initialized. You will need to debug this in order to find out what the exact case was.

Upvotes: 0

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