Reputation: 11
i wanna run the following script as ps1, if i copy and paste it on powershell as admin, it works fine, but as ps1 it does not show any error but does not function either: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
# We will write events to the Windows Application log with source name of CheckUSB
If (-not [System.Diagnostics.Eventlog]::SourceExists('CheckHard')) {
# Event log source does not exist, so we create it
New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source 'CheckHard'
# Unregister this event only
Unregister-Event RemovableHardDetection -Force
# Define the WMI query
$query = 'SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 5 WHERE TargetInstance ISA ''Win32_DiskDrive'''
# Define the action to be performed when the event is triggered
$action = {
$strUSBSerialFilename = 'C:\usbcontrol\usb_serial.json'
$strClass = $eventArgs.NewEvent.__CLASS
$strPNPdeviceID = $eventArgs.NewEvent.TargetInstance.PNPDeviceID
$arraySplitPNPdeviceID = $strPNPdeviceID.split('\')
$strConnectedUSBSerial = $arraySplitPNPdeviceID[-1]
$strlogfile = 'C:\usbcontrol\usbcontrol.log'
$strdatetime = Get-Date
$strdatetime = $strdatetime.GetDateTimeFormats()[19]
function Read-approved-USB($strFileWithPath) {
if (Test-Path $strFileWithPath) {
$tempObj = $null
try {
$tempObj = Get-Content -Raw -Path $strFileWithPath | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Output $tempObj # Return PowerShell representation of JSON file back. Must have this line.
catch {
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
$strMessageToSend = " [$strdatetime] Error: $ErrorMessage for $FailedItem"
Write-Host " $strMessageToSend "
Write-Output " $strMessageToSend " | Out-File $strlogfile -Append
Write-Error $StrMessageToSend -ErrorAction Stop
function Check-for-approved-USB($strSerialFileName, $strConUSBSerial) {
$IntReturnValue = 0
$objSerials = Read-approved-USB $strSerialFileName
$objSerials.ValidSerialNumbers | foreach {
$ApprovedSN = $_
if ($ApprovedSN.USBSerial -eq $strConUSBSerial) {
# The USB serial is on the approved list, indicate that by setting IntReturnValue to 1
$IntReturnValue = 1
$strMessageToSend = "USB [$strdatetime] JSON value: " + $ApprovedSN.USBSerial + " Equals " + $USBSerialNumber
Write-Host "$strMessageToSend"
Write-Output "$strMessageToSend " | Out-File $strlogfile -Append
else {
$strMessageToSend = "USB [$strdatetime] JSON value: " + $ApprovedSN.USBSerial + " Not equals " + $USBSerialNumber
Write-Host " $strMessageToSend"
Write-Output "$strMessageToSend " | Out-File $strlogfile -Append
Write-Output $IntReturnValue
# Switch based on event class
switch ($strClass) {
__InstanceCreationEvent {
$intApprovedUSB = 0
Disable-PnpDevice -InstanceId $strPNPdeviceID -Confirm:$false
$intApprovedUSB = Check-for-approved-USB $strUSBSerialFilename $strConnectedUSBSerial
$strMessageToSend = "HARD DISK [$strdatetime] Insertion event for $strPNPdeviceID. Check if approved returned: $intApprovedUSB"
Write-Host $strMessageToSend
Write-Output " $strMessageToSend " | Out-File $strlogfile -Append
if ($intApprovedUSB -eq 1) {
$strMessageToSend = "USB [$strdatetime] Inserted, device id: $strPNPdeviceID with serial: $strConnectedUSBSerial on approved list."
Write-Host $strMessageToSend
Write-Output " $strMessageToSend " | Out-File $strlogfile -Append
Enable-PnpDevice -InstanceId $strPNPdeviceID -Confirm:$false
else {
$strMessageToSend = "HARD DISK [$strdatetime] Inserted, device id: $strPNPdeviceID with serial: $strConnectedUSBSerial not on approved list."
Write-Host $strMessageToSend
Write-Output "$strMessageToSend " | Out-File $strlogfile -Append
__InstanceDeletionEvent {
$strMessageToSend = "USB [$strdatetime] Removed, device id: $strPNPdeviceID with serial: $strConnectedUSBSerial"
Write-Host $strMessageToSend
Write-Output " $strMessageToSend " | Out-File $strlogfile -Append
__InstanceModificationEvent {
$intApprovedUSB = 0
Disable-PnpDevice -InstanceId $strPNPdeviceID -Confirm:$false
$intApprovedUSB = Check-for-approved-USB $strUSBSerialFilename $strConnectedUSBSerial
$strMessageToSend = "USB [$strdatetime] Modification event for $strPNPdeviceID. Check if approved returned: $intApprovedUSB"
Write-Host $strMessageToSend
Write-Output " $strMessageToSend " | Out-File $strlogfile -Append
if ($intApprovedUSB -eq 1) {
$strMessageToSend = "USB [$strdatetime] Inserted, device id: $strPNPdeviceID with serial: $strConnectedUSBSerial on approved list."
Write-Host $strMessageToSend
Write-Output " $strMessageToSend " | Out-File $strlogfile -Append
Enable-PnpDevice -InstanceId $strPNPdeviceID -Confirm:$false
else {
$strMessageToSend = "USB [$strdatetime] Inserted, device id: $strPNPdeviceID with serial: $strConnectedUSBSerial not on approved list."
Write-Host $strMessageToSend
Write-Output " $strMessageToSend " | Out-File $strlogfile -Append
# Register the WMI event
Register-WmiEvent -Query $query -SourceIdentifier RemovableHardDetection -Action $action -ComputerName $ENV:COMPUTERNAME
it is a code to detect Hard Disk insertion and after insertion it disables it if its id is not found from white-list, when i copy and paste it to powershell it works totally fine, but when i close the console, it stops working. I want it keep running untill poweroff, coz i am gonna execute it on every start-up with task-scheduler. Please help me with it, i have been trying for almost a week now
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