Reputation: 1
I have a problem animating the interference of multiple waves.
my code receives from the user (by manual input) the number of waves, and for each wave the duration, amplitude, and angle (0 angle means the wave direction is from -x to + x, 180 means from -y to +y).
on the gif generated I'm plotting the particle paths and also the wave crest (eta). I'm generating 2 plots... one is the interference on plane XZ, and one on plane YZ.
and from some reason, the particles do not behave properly. the particles on z=0 do not match the wave crest.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from sympy import symbols, Eq, nsolve, tanh
import math
import pandas as pd
import time
# Constants
g = 9.81
water_depth = 20
frames_per_second = 10
# Function to get wave data from the user
def get_waves():
Prompt the user to input data for each wave.
Returns a list of tuples containing wave parameters.
global num_waves
num_waves = int(input("Enter the number of waves: "))
waves_data = []
for i in range(num_waves):
duration = float(input(f"Enter duration for wave {i+1}: "))
amplitude = float(input(f"Enter amplitude for wave {i+1}: "))
#phase = float(input(f"Enter start phase for wave {i+1}: "))
phase = 0
angle = float(input(f"Enter angle for wave {i+1} (0 for left to right, 180 for right to left): "))
waves_data.append((duration, amplitude, phase, angle))
return waves_data
# Function to calculate wavelength
def calculate_wavelength(duration, amplitude, angle):
Calculate wavelength based on wave parameters.
T = duration
wavelength = symbols('wavelength')
equation = Eq(g * T**2 * tanh(2 * np.pi * water_depth / wavelength) / (2 * np.pi) - wavelength, 0)
return float(nsolve(equation, wavelength, 1))
# Function to calculate wave parameters for all waves
def calculate_wave_parameters(waves_data):
Calculate wave parameters including wavelength, wavenumber, and Omega for all waves.
Returns a list of wave parameters and the maximum wavelength.
wave_parameters = []
class MaxVariables:
def __init__(self):
self.wavelength = 0
self.duration = 0
self.amplitude = 0
global Max
Max = MaxVariables()
for duration, amplitude, phase, angle in waves_data:
wavelength = calculate_wavelength(duration, amplitude, angle)
wavenumber = 2 * np.pi / wavelength
theta = np.radians(angle) #convert the wave angle to radigns and give the name theta
kx = wavenumber * np.cos(theta)
ky = wavenumber * np.sin(theta)
Omega = math.sqrt(g * wavenumber * math.tanh(wavenumber * water_depth))
wave_parameters.append((duration, amplitude, phase ,angle, wavelength, wavenumber, kx, ky, Omega))
if wavelength > Max.wavelength:
Max.wavelength = wavelength
if duration > Max.duration:
Max.duration = duration
if amplitude > Max.amplitude:
Max.amplitude = amplitude
return wave_parameters, Max
# Function to calculate an array of particle positions for each wave
def calculate_waves_particles(wave_parameters, Max, nh, nv, t_range, plane):
waves_particles = np.zeros((num_waves, len(t_range), nh, nv, 2))
#creation of a reference points array for all the waves.
pos2d_init = np.zeros((nh, nv, 2))
for i in range(nh):
for j in range(nv):
pos2d_init[i, j, 0] = j * Max.wavelength * times / (nv - 1)
pos2d_init[i, j, 1] = -i * water_depth / (nh - 1)
#calculation of particle posotions for all waves in each wave's direction vector and in all time frames
for i, (duration, amplitude, phase, angle, wavelength, wavenumber, kx, ky, Omega) in enumerate(wave_parameters):
# Pre-calculate particle data for each wave,
particle_data = np.zeros((len(t_range),nh, nv, 2))
theta = angle * np.pi / 180
particle_data[:,:,:,0] = pos2d_init[:,:,0]
particle_data[:,:,:,1] = pos2d_init[:,:,1]
kn = kx #use default value for xz plane
if plane == 'yz': # if plane is yz, change default value of k to ky
kn = ky
for n in range(len(t_range)):
t = t_range[n]
#Eliptical motion:
for j in range(nh):
for k in range(nv): #"""the problem is here. something with the removal of the initial positions I think"""
e1 = pos2d_init[j, k, 0] #calculation of initial X/y position
z = pos2d_init[j, k, 1] #calculation of initial Z position
particle_data[n, j, k, 0] = -(g * amplitude * kn / Omega**2) * (math.cosh(kn * (water_depth + z)) / math.cosh(kn * water_depth)) * math.sin(kn*e1 - Omega * t)
particle_data[n, j, k, 1] = (g * amplitude * kn / Omega**2) * (math.sinh(kn * (water_depth + z)) / math.cosh(kn * water_depth)) * math.cos(kn*e1 - Omega * t)
# Update waves_particles with the calculated particle positions for the current wave
#But, it reduces the initial position so that each point stores onl its circular motion. this is important for summing purposes
waves_particles[i,n,:,:,:] = particle_data[n,:,:,:]
return waves_particles, pos2d_init
# Function to calculate surface elevation (eta) for all waves
def calculate_waves_eta(wave_parameters, t_range, Max, plane):
global eta_intervals
eta_intervals = 100 * times
#eta_waves = [] # List to store individual wave eta data
waves_eta = np.zeros((num_waves, len(t_range), eta_intervals)) # Initialize waves_eta with 100 points
#for duration, amplitude, angle, wavelength, wavenumber, Omega in wave_parameters:
for i, (duration, amplitude, phase, angle, wavelength, wavenumber, kx, ky, Omega) in enumerate(wave_parameters):
kn = kx #use default value for xz plane
if plane == 'yz': # if plane is yz, change default value of k to ky
kn = ky
theta = angle * np.pi / 180
global N
N = np.linspace(0, Max.wavelength * times, eta_intervals ) #create for each wave a linspace in its n direction with size equal to biggest wavelength
for n in range(len(t_range)):
for ni in range(eta_intervals):
t = t_range[n]
waves_eta[i, n, ni] = amplitude * np.cos(kn * N[ni] - Omega * t)
return waves_eta
def diffract(waves_particles_xz, waves_particles_yz, waves_eta_xz, waves_eta_yz, t_range, pos2d_init):
diff_particles_xz = np.zeros((len(t_range),nh, nv, 2))
diff_particles_yz = np.zeros_like(diff_particles_xz)
diff_particles_xz[:,:,:,:] += pos2d_init
diff_particles_yz[:,:,:,:] += pos2d_init
diff_eta_xz = np.zeros((len(t_range), eta_intervals))
diff_eta_yz = np.zeros((len(t_range), eta_intervals))
Z_yz_y0 = np.zeros((num_waves, len(t_range),nh, nv, 2))
Z_xz_x0 = np.zeros_like(Z_yz_y0)
# Loop over each wave
for i in range(num_waves):
# Loop over each point in the grid
for ti in range(len(t_range)):
diff_eta_xz[ti, :] += waves_eta_xz[i, ti, :]
diff_eta_yz[ti, :] += waves_eta_yz[i, ti, :]
for ni in range(nh):
for nj in range(nv):
Z_yz_y0[i, ti, ni, nj, 1] = waves_particles_yz[i, ti, ni, 0, 1]
Z_xz_x0[i, ti, ni, nj, 1] = waves_particles_xz[i, ti, ni, 0, 1]
diff_particles_xz[ti, :, :, 0] += waves_particles_xz[i, ti, :, :, 0]
diff_particles_xz[ti, :, :, 1] += waves_particles_xz[i, ti, :, :, 1] + Z_yz_y0[i, ti, :, :, 1]
diff_particles_yz[ti, :, :, 0] += waves_particles_yz[i, ti, :, :, 0]
diff_particles_yz[ti, :, :, 1] += waves_particles_yz[i, ti, :, :, 1] + Z_xz_x0[i, ti, :, :, 1]
##### for debug
# Convert the array to a pa
# Convert the array to a pandas DataFrame
ixz = pd.DataFrame(diff_particles_xz[30,0])
iyz = pd.DataFrame(diff_particles_yz[30,0])
etaxz = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack((N,diff_eta_xz[30])))
etayz = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack((N,diff_eta_yz[30])))
ixz.to_excel('ixz.xlsx', index=False)
iyz.to_excel('iyz.xlsx', index=False)
etaxz.to_excel('etaxz.xlsx', index=False)
etayz.to_excel('etayz.xlsx', index=False)
return diff_particles_xz, diff_particles_yz, diff_eta_xz, diff_eta_yz
def animate1(diff_particles_xz, diff_eta_xz, diff_particles_yz, diff_eta_yz, Max):
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 6)) # Create a single subplot with two axes
def update1(frame):
ax1.cla() # Clear previous plots in the first axis
ax2.cla() # Clear previous plots in the second axis
# Define data structure to hold coordinates for both 'xz' and 'yz' planes
planes_data = [
(diff_particles_xz[:, :, :, 0], diff_particles_xz[:, :, :, 1], diff_eta_xz[frame, :], ax1),
(diff_particles_yz[:, :, :, 0], diff_particles_yz[:, :, :, 1], diff_eta_yz[frame, :], ax2)
# Plot eta and scatter plot for current positions for both planes
for n_coords, z_coords, eta, ax in planes_data:
ax.plot(np.linspace(0, Max.wavelength * times, eta_intervals), eta, c='b', label='Wave crest')
ax.scatter(n_coords[frame], z_coords[frame], s=10, alpha=0.8, label="Current positions")
# Plot eta, scatter plot for current positions, and particle paths for both planes
for n_coords, z_coords, eta, ax in planes_data:
# Plot lines between particles in the first row
for j in range(nv-1):
[n_coords[frame,0, j], n_coords[frame,0, j + 1]], # X coordinates of the line
[z_coords[frame,0, j], z_coords[frame,0, j + 1]], # Z coordinates of the line
color="red", # Example color
alpha=0.5, # Example alpha value
linewidth=2, # Example line width
# plots particle paths using all frames
for i in range(nh):
n_coords[:,i, j],
z_coords[:,i, j],
label="Particle {}".format(i * nv + j + 1),
ax1.set_title("Interference projection of water waves on XZ plane")
ax2.set_title("Interference projection of water waves on YZ plane")
ax1.set_xlim(-0.1 * Max.wavelength,times * Max.wavelength)
ax1.set_ylim(-1.1 * water_depth, 0.2 * water_depth)
ax2.set_xlim(-0.1 * Max.wavelength,times * Max.wavelength)
ax2.set_ylim(-1.1 * water_depth, 0.2 * water_depth)
x_range = times * Max.wavelength - (-0.1 * Max.wavelength)
y_range = 0.2 * water_depth - (-1.1 * water_depth)
aspect_ratio = x_range / y_range
# Set the aspect ratio manually
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update1, frames=len(t_range), interval=500 / frames_per_second)
# Generate unique run stamp
run_stamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
gif_filename = f'Interference_XZ_YZ_{run_stamp}.gif', writer='pillow', fps=frames_per_second)
# Main program
waves_data = get_waves()
global nh
global nv
global times
times = 2
nh = 15
nv = 15
wave_parameters, Max = calculate_wave_parameters(waves_data)
t_range = np.linspace(0, 2 * Max.duration, int(2 * Max.duration * frames_per_second)) # Create time range
waves_particles_xz, pos2d_init = calculate_waves_particles(wave_parameters, Max, nh, nv, t_range, 'xz')
waves_particles_yz, pos2d_init = calculate_waves_particles(wave_parameters, Max, nh, nv, t_range, 'yz')
waves_eta_xz = calculate_waves_eta(wave_parameters, t_range, Max, 'xz')
waves_eta_yz = calculate_waves_eta(wave_parameters, t_range, Max, 'yz')
diff_particles_xz, diff_particles_yz, diff_eta_xz, diff_eta_yz = diffract(waves_particles_xz, waves_particles_yz, waves_eta_xz, waves_eta_yz, t_range, pos2d_init)
animate1(diff_particles_xz, diff_eta_xz, diff_particles_yz, diff_eta_yz, Max)
I tried to plot a line between the upper most particles (z=0) (in red color) and see if it resembles the eta line (blue). It matches only in node points.
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