Reputation: 11
I am using the YouTube API to set a category of a livestream. This is what I have so far. When the code runs nothing seems to happen.
def Setcategory(id, title):
//Rest of the function
request = youtube.videos().update(
"id": id,
"snippet": {
"title": title,
"categoryId": "17"
response = request.execute()
return response
I have already made sure that the correct id is being passed. That did not seem to be the issue.
I would really appreciate some advice on this. Thank you.
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Views: 143
Reputation: 138
I figured it out. It turns out that you need to schedule your stream(s) first, then modify the category after. For example, using oAuth, I schedule two streams for my church's services, changing the second scheduled stream to a different stream key temporarily (I have another script to change it back after the first service ends):
from google.oauth2.credentials import Credentials
from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow
from google.auth.transport.requests import Request
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
import os
#authentication filepaths and files
ls_token = '/path/to/token.json'
ls_credentials = '/path/to/credentials.json'
#video ids filepaths and files
video_id_text = "/path/to/video_id.txt"
#AM service metadata
ls_title_AM = "Title"
ls_description_AM = "Description\nDescription on a new line."
ls_date_AM = "2024-04-11T10:30:00-03:00" #YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-TZ:00
ls_privacy_AM = "private"
thumbnail_AM = "/path/to/AMServiceThumbnail.png"
ls_category_AM = "29" # Category ID for Nonprofits & Activism
#PM service metadata
ls_title_PM = "Title"
ls_description_PM = "Description\nDescription on a new line."
ls_date_PM = "2024-04-11T14:00:00-03:00" #YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-TZ:00
ls_privacy_PM = "private"
thumbnail_PM = "/path/to/PMServiceThumbnail.png"
ls_category_PM = "29" # Category ID for Nonprofits & Activism
#temporary stream key to change the PM service to in order to not conflict with the AM service
desired_stream_key = "MY_STREAM_KEY"
# Function to authenticate and build the YouTube API client
def get_authenticated_service():
creds = None
if os.path.exists(ls_token):
creds = Credentials.from_authorized_user_file(ls_token)
if not creds or not creds.valid:
if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token:
flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(
ls_credentials, SCOPES)
creds = flow.run_local_server(port=0)
with open(ls_token, 'w') as token:
return build('youtube', 'v3', credentials=creds)
# Function to schedule a live video on YouTube
def schedule_live_video(youtube, title, description, start_time, privacy_status):
request_body = {
"snippet": {
"title": title,
"description": description,
"scheduledStartTime": start_time,
"status": {
"privacyStatus": privacy_status
"contentDetails": {
"enableAutoStart": True,
"enableAutoStop": True,
"enableLowLatency": True,
"enableDvr": True,
"madeForKids": "false",
"selfDeclaredMadeForKids": "false"
live_broadcast = youtube.liveBroadcasts().insert(
return live_broadcast['id']
from googleapiclient.http import MediaFileUpload
def upload_thumbnail(youtube, video_id, thumbnail_filename):
# Create a MediaFileUpload object for the thumbnail
media = MediaFileUpload(thumbnail_filename, chunksize=-1, resumable=True)
# Call the YouTube API to set the thumbnail for the video
request = youtube.thumbnails().set(
response = request.execute()
return response
def get_live_stream_id_by_key(youtube, stream_key):
request = youtube.liveStreams().list(
response = request.execute()
for item in response.get('items', []):
stream_id = item.get('id')
cdn_info = item.get('cdn', {})
ingestion_info = cdn_info.get('ingestionInfo', {})
if ingestion_info.get('streamName') == stream_key:
return stream_id
return None
# Function to modify the category of a live video
def modify_video_category(youtube, video_id, category_id):
video = youtube.videos().list(
snippet = video['items'][0]['snippet']
snippet['categoryId'] = category_id
request_body = {
"id": video_id,
"snippet": snippet
def main():
youtube = get_authenticated_service()
# Schedule the first live video
video_id1 = schedule_live_video(youtube, ls_title_AM, ls_description_AM,
ls_date_AM, ls_privacy_AM)
print("First live video scheduled with ID:", video_id1)
# Upload AMServiceThumbnail.png for the first live video
thumbnail_filename1 = thumbnail_AM
thumbnail_response1 = upload_thumbnail(youtube, video_id1, thumbnail_filename1)
thumbnail_url1 = thumbnail_response1["items"][0]["default"]["url"]
# Modify the category of the first live video
modify_video_category(youtube, video_id1, ls_category_AM)
print("Modified video category of AM service.")
# Retrieve the ID of the live stream associated with the desired stream key
desired_stream_id = get_live_stream_id_by_key(youtube, desired_stream_key)
if desired_stream_id:
print("Using temporary live stream key for PM service.")
print("Temporary live stream key not found.")
# Schedule the second live video and associate it with the existing live stream
video_id2 = schedule_live_video(youtube, ls_title_PM, ls_description_PM,
ls_date_PM, ls_privacy_PM)
print("Second live video scheduled with ID:", video_id2)
# Associate the second live video with the existing live stream
# Upload PMServiceThumbnail.png for the second live video
thumbnail_filename2 = thumbnail_PM
thumbnail_response2 = upload_thumbnail(youtube, video_id2, thumbnail_filename2)
thumbnail_url2 = thumbnail_response2["items"][0]["default"]["url"]
# Modify the category of the second live video
modify_video_category(youtube, video_id2, ls_category_PM)
print("Modified video category of PM service.")
# Write the video ids to a file to be used in script
with open(video_id_text, "w") as f:
f.write(f"video_id2 = {video_id2}\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Upvotes: 1