Reputation: 1
I am converting .FFF file(attached with it's definition file too(.DEF)) to .HTML using this tool available in github text But when I use the package I face some errors to convert it into .HTML/.XML file. These two files are generated when I follow the procedure mentioned in the readme file. output folder
Within the log file the following error is shown:-
Exporting resources...
Exception in thread "main" Infobase CPACHB is present in set, but root record is missing from lucene index.
at folioxml.export.plugins.ResolveHyperlinks.loadAnalyzerFromLucene(
at folioxml.export.plugins.ResolveHyperlinks.loadAnalyzers(
at folioxml.export.plugins.ResolveHyperlinks.beginInfobaseSet(
at folioxml.export.InfobaseSetVisitor.complete(
at folioxml.export.ExportRunner.Export(
at folioxml.command.Main.main(
And within the highslide folder these files are generated as shown in below picture:- highslide folder
I have attached my config.yaml file
export_xml: true #Creates a single XML file with all the content (excluding the
stylesheet, images, and logs) (default=true)
skip_normal_records: false # affects xml only - only writes out hierarchy
affecting levels, in order to make a shorter file. (default=false)
nest_file_elements: true # affects XML only - Disables nested syntax for <file>
elements in xml, uses flat structure. Nesting uses same hierarchy as folio.
indent_xml: true #Indentation can introduce undesired visual
artificacts/spacing, and should only be used for human consumption.
export_inventory: true # Lowers performance - tracks unique elements in memory,
generates a textual report at the end. (default=true)
export_hidden_text: true # Halves performance. Writes out a log of text that
would be hidden by the generated CSS (either via display:none or zero-contrast
coloring). (default=true)
resolve_jump_links: false # Disable fixing up jump links (default=true)
resolve_query_links: false # Disable simulating queries and linking them to the
first result. If this and resolve_jump_links are false, no Lucene index is
required. (default=true)
export_html: true # Exports lots of browsable HTML files according to the
splitting and naming rules. (default=true)
use_highslide: true #affects both XML and HTML. Required for popups/notes to
keep working. (default=true)
add_nav_links: true #html only # Adds prev/next links at the beginning and end
of each HTML generated. (default=true)
faux_tabs: false # Enable faux tabs (default=false)
faux_tabs_window_min: 80 # We have to deal with centered and right-aligned
faux_tabs_window_max: 120 # These provide the default and maximum (character
count) bounds with which to simulate them.
# Here we can manually map broken URLs (and cross-infobase links) to new places
# link_mapper:
# urls:
# 'C:\Files\Data.pdf': "https://othersite/data"
# infobases:
# 'C:\Files\Other.NFO': "http://othersite/other"
# 'C:\Files\Other2.NFO': "http://othersite/other2"
#This is how we trash stuff we don't care about
# pull: # log_pulled_elements.txt and log_dropped_elements.txt are created
# program_links: true
# menu_links: true
# drop_notes: false # It can be cleaner to drop notes/popups than preserve
them with highslide & javascript. Dropped data is logged.
# drop_popups: false # When use_highslide is false, the popups would
otherwise be invalid HTML
# ole_objects: false
# metafile_objects: false
# links_to_infobases:
# - 'C:\Files\Obsolete.NFO'
# - 'C:\Files\Obsolete2.NFO'
#You must convert all your infobases that link to each other at once, otherwise
those links will not be preserved.
#In addition, unique IDs will overlap between infobases converted separately,
causing potential issues in your final data store.
- id: CPACHB
path: "files/CPACHB.FFF"
# aliases:
# - 'C:\files\CPACHB.NFO'
# - id: info_b
# path: "files/info_b.FFF"
# aliases:
# - 'C:\files\info_b.NFO'
#Structure affects how we split the infobase into parts and identify those
# We can specify a custom provider class
structure_class: "folioxml.export.structure.IdSlugProvider"
structure_class_params: ["null", "null", 0, 0, 1]
#structure_class_params: String levelRegex, String splitOnFieldName, Integer
idKind, Integer root_index, Integer start_index
# levelRegex lets us split based on predefined folio levels like "Heading
1|Heading 2"
# splitOnFieldName lets us split whenever a record contains the given field.
# idKind values
# 0 (heading-based slugs), 1 (integers), 2 (nested integers 2.3.1), 3 (guids),
or 4 (folio IDs). Schemes 5-9 use the contents of splitOnFieldName and fall
back to 0-4 if missing or non-unique.
# root_index and start_index are used for idKinds 2 and 3 (as well as 7 and 8,
of course).
asset_start_index: 1 #What index do we start with for asset IDs.
#Only set this to true if you also set export_locations: images: url to a
template that can respond based on numeric ID instead of filename. See
asset_use_index_in_url: false
path: "files/export/{id}-{stamp}/{input}" #Used for text, xml files, css, and
path: files/export/{input} #Adjust this to represent the absolute path where
the static images will be stored. Control {input} with asset_use_index_in_url
path: "files/indexes/myconfig/" #Just a temp directory.
path: "files/export/{id}-{stamp}/html/{input}.html" #Adjust this to represent
the final hosted location of your HTML pages, as an absolute path. Adjust
idKind to change {input}
Please help me to convert these files to XML/HTML Folio Flat File
I also tried running js file inside the highslide folder ie node highslide-with-html.js but faced with this error:- uaVersion: /Trident/4.0/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 8 : ^
ReferenceError: navigator is not defined
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Views: 55