Reputation: 77
Some typical lines of code are shown ('model.add' etc is for the solver input and can be ignored): #(-1) is not -1 it has meaning in the model solver of a reference to the previous period. #UKUS has meaning 'from to'. Just think of the first two characters as the VAR of interest. RUK is of interest as UK. #I am not asking how to rewrite the code, rather how to restructure it.
model.add('YDrUK = (YUK + RUK(-1)*BdUKUK(-1) + XRUS*RUS(-1)*BsUKUS(-1))*(1 - thetaUK) + d(XRUS)*BsUKUS(-1)')
model.add('YDhsUK = YDrUK + d(XRUS)*BsUKUS(-1)') # 12.2 : Haig-Simons disposable income in the UK
model.add('VUK - VUK(-1) = YDrUK - CONSUK') # 12.3 : Wealth accumulation in the UK
# 12.4 : Disposable income in the US
model.add('YDrUS = (YUS + RUS(-1)*BdUSUS(-1) + XRUK*RUK(-1)*BsUSUK(-1))*(1 - thetaUS) + d(XRUK)*BsUSUK(-1)')
model.add('YDhsUS = YDrUS + d(XRUK)*BsUSUK(-1)') # 12.5 : Haig-Simons disposable income in the US
model.add('VUS - VUS(-1) = YDrUS - CONSUS') # 12.6 : Wealth accumulation in the US
model.add('TUK = thetaUK*(YUK + RUK(-1)*BdUKUK(-1) + XRUS*RUS(-1)*BsUKUS(-1))') # 12.7 : Taxes in the UK
model.add('TUS = thetaUS*(YUS + RUS(-1)*BdUSUS(-1) + XRUK*RUK(-1)*BsUSUK(-1))') # 12.8 : Taxes in the US
model.add('FcbUK = RUK(-1)*BcbdUKUK(-1) + RUS(-1)*BcbsUKUS(-1)*XRUS') # 12.11 : UK central bank profits
model.add('FcbUS = RUS(-1)*BcbdUSUS(-1)') # 12.12 : US central bank profits
model.add('BsUK = BsUK(-1) + GUK + RUK(-1)*BsUK(-1) - TUK - FcbUK') # 12.13 : UK Govt budget constraint
model.add('BsUS = BsUS(-1) + GUS + RUS(-1)*BsUS(-1) - TUS - FcbUS') # 12.14 : US Govt budget constraint
I thought i might be able to associate an index in an array to each variable but i don't know how to do that. Alternatively, i thought that i could write one line to select a country name corresponding to an index for the purpose of charting and file output. That is show country name and its data on plots against say trade or GNP for each. What i am looking for is ease of maintenance to add countries and change parameters, and minimal LOC overall.
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Views: 30
Reputation: 10969
You can write it in the following way using f-strings (I used print
here instead of model.add
from itertools import product
countries = ['UK', 'US', 'DE']
# Example for equation with one country:
for c in countries:
print(f'V{c} - V{c}(-1) = YDr{c} - CONS{c}')
# Example for equation with two countries:
for c1, c2 in product(countries, repeat=2):
if c1 == c2:
print(f'YDhs{c1} = YDr{c1} + d(XR{c2})*Bs{c1}{c2}(-1)')
YDhsUK = YDrUK + d(XRUS)*BsUKUS(-1)
YDhsUK = YDrUK + d(XRDE)*BsUKDE(-1)
YDhsUS = YDrUS + d(XRUK)*BsUSUK(-1)
YDhsUS = YDrUS + d(XRDE)*BsUSDE(-1)
YDhsDE = YDrDE + d(XRUK)*BsDEUK(-1)
YDhsDE = YDrDE + d(XRUS)*BsDEUS(-1)
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