Júnio Farias
Júnio Farias

Reputation: 21

Jacoco doesn't work in a Android Library module, coverage.ec file is always empty

I'm trying to use jacoco in a multi module android project. The project is similar to NowInAndroid. The Jacoco.kt file is the same:

private val coverageExclusions = listOf(
    // Android

private fun String.capitalize() = replaceFirstChar {
    if (it.isLowerCase()) it.titlecase(Locale.getDefault()) else it.toString()

internal fun Project.configureJacoco(
    androidComponentsExtension: AndroidComponentsExtension<*, *, *>
) {

    configure<JacocoPluginExtension> {
        toolVersion = "0.8.7"

    androidComponentsExtension.onVariants { variant ->
        val myObjFactory = project.objects
        val buildDir = layout.buildDirectory.get().asFile
        val allJars: ListProperty<RegularFile> = myObjFactory.listProperty(RegularFile::class.java)
        val allDirectories: ListProperty<Directory> = myObjFactory.listProperty(Directory::class.java)
        val reportTask =
            tasks.register("create${variant.name.capitalize()}CombinedCoverageReport", JacocoReport::class) {
                    allDirectories.map { dirs ->
                        dirs.map { dir ->
                reports {

                // TODO: This is missing files in src/debug/, src/prod, src/demo, src/demoDebug...
                println("This is the projectDir -> ${projectDir}")

                        .matching { include("**/*.exec") },

                        .matching { include("**/*.ec") }

                { _ -> allJars },
                { _ -> allDirectories },

    tasks.withType<Test>().configureEach {
        configure<JacocoTaskExtension> {
            // Required for JaCoCo + Robolectric
            // https://github.com/robolectric/robolectric/issues/2230
            isIncludeNoLocationClasses = true

            // Required for JDK 11 with the above
            // https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/5184#issuecomment-391982009
            excludes = listOf("jdk.internal.*")


I've also created an AndroidApplicationJacocoConventionPlugin and an AndroidLibraryJacocoConventionPlugin. Just like NowInAndroid.

When I run the androidTest in the app module it works fine, the coverage.ec file is created, but when I try to run it in a library module it creates the coverage.ec but the file is empty, can someone help me with it?

I just don't understand why it works for the application module, but not for the other modules.

Upvotes: 0

Views: 196

Answers (1)

J&#250;nio Farias
J&#250;nio Farias

Reputation: 21

I found out that the problem was that the apk generated by the androidTest wasn't debuggable in my project. Adding:

(this as com.android.build.gradle.internal.dsl.BuildType).isDebuggable = true

For the library module solved the problem.

Upvotes: 0

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