Reputation: 3929
I have the following function
let update s =
for i=0 to ((Array.length s) - 2) do
for j=0 to (Array.length (s.(i))) - 2 do
(s.(i)).(j) <- (s.(i).(j)) + 1;
and it seems to increase the relevant coordinates of the 2D array s
by 2, for every one time that it is called.
Below is the full code in case it is helpful to see how I'm using these things.
type sim = int array array
let create m n = Array.make m (Array.make n 0)
let update s =
for i=0 to ((Array.length s) - 2) do
for j=0 to (Array.length (s.(i))) - 2 do
(s.(i)).(j) <- (s.(i).(j)) + 2;
let toString s =
let rows = Array.length s in
if rows = 0 then "--\n||\n--"
let cols = Array.length s.(0) in
let st = ref "--\n" in
for i=0 to rows-1 do
for j=0 to cols-1 do
st := !st ^ (string_of_int s.(i).(j)) ^ ","
st := !st ^ "\n"
open Test.Backend
let sim = create
(int_of_string Sys.argv.(1))
(int_of_string Sys.argv.(2))
while true do
print_endline (toString sim);
update sim;
Unix.sleepf 1.;
The print-out from running this with command-line arguments 3 and 10 looks like the following.
I cannot even guess at why it's doing this. I threw around a bunch of parentheses, tweaked a few numbers, just to see if it would change anything. I also don't understand why this ever updates the final row since I tried subtracting "too much". I'm guessing this is somehow related to the problem of adding too many times. But as I try to logically parse it out, I just cannot see how this is happening.
After tinkering, I threw in a print line in the update function and found that the update function is getting called twice for every one time that the while-loop executes. So now I don't understand why that is happening, but it's progress!
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Views: 62
Reputation: 36620
Your problem lies here:
let create m n = Array.make m (Array.make n 0)
You've made an array with m
references to the same array with n
zeroes, because Array.make n 0
is only called once.
# let m = Array.make 2 (Array.make 2 2);;
val m : int array array = [|[|2; 2|]; [|2; 2|]|]
# m.(0).(0) <- 8;;
- : unit = ()
# m;;
- : int array array = [|[|8; 2|]; [|8; 2|]|]
You likely want to use Array.make_matrix
# let m = Array.make_matrix 2 2 2;;
val m : int array array = [|[|2; 2|]; [|2; 2|]|]
# m.(0).(0) <- 8;;
- : unit = ()
# m;;
- : int array array = [|[|8; 2|]; [|2; 2|]|]
You could also use Array.init
to ensure you have an array of unique arrays.
# let m = Array.init 2 (fun _ -> Array.make 2 2);;
val m : int array array = [|[|2; 2|]; [|2; 2|]|]
# m.(0).(0) <- 8;;
- : unit = ()
# m;;
- : int array array = [|[|8; 2|]; [|2; 2|]|]
As an added suggestion, you may wish to use the Buffer
module when creating your string to output.
let toString s =
let rows = Array.length s in
if rows = 0 then "--\n||\n--"
let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
let cols = Array.length s.(0) in
Buffer.add_string buf "--\n";
for i=0 to rows-1 do
for j=0 to cols-1 do
Buffer.add_string buf @@ string_of_int s.(i).(j);
Buffer.add_string buf ","
Buffer.add_string buf "\n"
Buffer.contents buf
It wouldn't be a bad idea either to build a custom formatting function as shown below. This is much more flexible, but the logic follows what you've already created.
# let sim_pp fmt s =
let rows = Array.length s in
if rows = 0 then
Format.fprintf fmt "--\n||\n--"
else (
let cols = Array.length s.(0) in
Format.fprintf fmt "--\n";
for i = 0 to rows - 1 do
for j = 0 to cols - 1 do
Format.fprintf fmt "%d," s.(i).(j)
Format.fprintf fmt "\n"
val sim_pp : Format.formatter -> int array array -> unit = <fun>
# Format.printf "%a\n" sim_pp [|[|1; 2|]; [|3; 4|]|];;
- : unit = ()
# Format.asprintf "%a\n" sim_pp [|[|1; 2|]; [|3; 4|]|];;
- : string = "--\n1,2,\n3,4,\n\n"
# [|[|1; 2|]; [|3; 4|]|]
|> Format.asprintf "%a\n" sim_pp
|> print_string;;
- : unit = ()
A good review of the operator precedence rules will show that the following has far more parentheses than are necessary.
type sim = int array array let create m n = Array.make m (Array.make n 0) let update s = for i=0 to ((Array.length s) - 2) do for j=0 to (Array.length (s.(i))) - 2 do (s.(i)).(j) <- (s.(i).(j)) + 2; done; done let toString s = let rows = Array.length s in if rows = 0 then "--\n||\n--" else let cols = Array.length s.(0) in let st = ref "--\n" in for i=0 to rows-1 do for j=0 to cols-1 do st := !st ^ (string_of_int s.(i).(j)) ^ "," done; st := !st ^ "\n" done; !st
It can be reduced to:
type sim = int array array
let create m n =
Array.make m (Array.make n 0)
let update s =
for i=0 to Array.length s - 2 do
for j=0 to Array.length s.(i) - 2 do
s.(i).(j) <- s.(i).(j) + 2;
let toString s =
let rows = Array.length s in
if rows = 0 then "--\n||\n--"
let cols = Array.length s.(0) in
let st = ref "--\n" in
for i=0 to rows-1 do
for j=0 to cols-1 do
st := !st ^ string_of_int s.(i).(j) ^ ","
st := !st ^ "\n"
The above printing for an array of arrays might be written using the existing Format.pp_print_array
function, rather than reinventing the wheel.
# Format.(
let pp_print_comma fmt () = fprintf fmt "," in
printf "%a\n"
~pp_sep: pp_print_newline
(pp_print_array ~pp_sep: pp_print_comma pp_print_int))
[|[|2; 3|]; [|1; 4|]|]
- : unit = ()
Upvotes: 1