In my flutter app, while using checkout_screen_ui widget and I am getting $ in front of product prices but I want Indian rupees sign '₹'

I am working a flutter project that is an ecommerce app that sells sneakers. In my checkout page I have used the checkout_screen_ui widget version 1.0.1 which a prebuild widget by flutter. While using the widget I am getting '$' in front of product prices but I want Indian rupees sign '₹'. Checkout Page

I tried formatting the $ symbol by ₹ manually in the code but it still doesn't work.

class paymenTpage extends StatefulWidget {
  paymenTpage({super.key, required this.orderedShoes, required this.quant});

  List<Sneakers> orderedShoes;
  List<String> quant;

  State<paymenTpage> createState() => _paymenTpageState();

class _paymenTpageState extends State<paymenTpage> {
  final List<PriceItem> _priceItems = [];

  void setData() {
    int index = 0;
    for (var element in widget.orderedShoes) {
      double productPrice = double.parse(element.price);
      int totalPriceInCents =
          (productPrice * 100).round(); // Multiply by 100 to convert to cents
      int quantity = int.parse(widget.quant[index]);

      String formattedPrice =
          '\u{20B9}${productPrice.toStringAsFixed(2)}'; // Add rupee symbol and format
      print("Formatted Price: $formattedPrice");

          quantity: quantity,
          itemCostCents: totalPriceInCents,
          description: formattedPrice,
      print("Description of added PriceItem: ${_priceItems.last.description}");
    setState(() {});

  void Function(CheckOutResult)? onNativePay;

  void initState() {
    // implement initState

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        toolbarHeight: 0,
        elevation: 0,
        systemOverlayStyle: SystemUiOverlayStyle(
          systemNavigationBarColor: Colors.grey.shade100, // Navigation bar
          statusBarColor: Colors.grey.shade100, // Status bar
      body: CheckoutPage(
        data: CheckoutData(
          priceItems: _priceItems,
          payToName: 'Atharva Enterprises',
          onCardPay: (cardformresults, checkoutresult) =>
              print('Credit card : $CardFormResults, $CheckOutResult'),
          onNativePay: (checkoutresult) {
            int index = 0;
            // ignore: avoid_function_literals_in_foreach_calls
            widget.orderedShoes.forEach((element) async {
              await FirebaseFirestore.instance
                "gend": element.category,
                "paid": "true",
                "delivered": "pending",
                    "${(int.parse(element.price) * int.parse(widget.quant[index]))}",
              await FirebaseFirestore.instance
                  .update({"cart": "false", "quantity": "1"});
                MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => const successfull()));

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