Reputation: 702
I am having a lot of difficulties converting a keypointrcnn_resnet50_fpn model from ONNX to TensorRT. I have done an extensive search on how to do so, and couldn't find anything that enables me to generate the engine.
Here's how I exported the ONNX model.
export_params = True,
do_constant_folding = False,
input_names = ['input'],
output_names = ['boxes', 'labels', 'scores', 'keypoints', 'keypoints_scores'],
dynamic_axes = {'input': {2 : 'height', 3 : 'width'}},
opset_version = 19
Here's how I prepared the ONNX model before conversion, and here's how I tried to convert.
# load the ONNX model
onnx_model = onnx.load(onnx_file_path)
# simplify the model
model_simp, check = simplify(onnx_model)
# export the simplified model
if check == True:, f"_simplified{onnx_file_name}")
print("ERROR: Failed to simplify and save model")
# re-export model suitable for TensorRT conversion
cmd = f"python3 -m onnxruntime.transformers.optimizer \
--input=_simplified{onnx_file_name} \
--output=_optimized{onnx_file_name} \
", shell = True)
cmd = f"python3 -m onnxruntime.quantization.preprocess \
--input=_optimized{onnx_file_name} \
--output=_q_preprocessed{onnx_file_name} \
", shell = True)
# re-export model with inferred shape
reloaded_model = onnx.load('_q_preprocessed_keypointrcnn_resnet50_fpn_o19.onnx')
inferred_model = onnx.shape_inference.infer_shapes(reloaded_model, check_type = True, strict_mode = True, data_prop = True), f"_shape_inferred{onnx_file_name}")
# ====
# check validity of model prior to conversion
cmd = f"polygraphy run _shape_inferred{onnx_file_name} --onnxrt", shell = True)
# ====
# generate TensorRT engine
cmd = f"~/.../TensorRT- \
--onnx=_shape_inferred{onnx_file_name} \
--minShapes=input:1x3x512x512 \
--optShapes=input:2x3x512x512 \
--maxShapes=input:5x3x512x512 \
--saveEngine=_final_keypointrcnn_resnet50_fpn.trt \
--useCudaGraph \
", shell = True)
At the last step of conversion to TensorRT engine, I get the following error.
[E] Error[4]: [shapeContext.cpp::operator()::3946] Error Code 4: Shape Error (reshape wildcard -1 has infinite number of solutions or no solution. Reshaping [0,8] to [0,-1,4].)
[E] [TRT] ModelImporter.cpp:826: While parsing node number 447 [Reshape -> "/roi_heads/Reshape_1_output_0"]:
[E] [TRT] ModelImporter.cpp:829: --- Begin node ---
input: "/roi_heads/Flatten_output_0"
input: "/roi_heads/Concat_2_output_0"
output: "/roi_heads/Reshape_1_output_0"
name: "/roi_heads/Reshape_1"
op_type: "Reshape"
attribute {
name: "allowzero"
i: 0
type: INT
Does anyone have suggestions on how to get past this problem? I used netron to look into the architecture, and see that the problem is in this region. I appreciate any suggestion in this topic. Thanks.
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Views: 104